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学习啦在线学习网   我昨晚想你想得睡不着,便闭着眼睛数绵羊,一直数到你出生年月日相加的那个数,才幸福地睡去。

学习啦在线学习网   I think you want to sleep last night, then closed his eyes a few sheep, has been counted on the date of birth of the sum of the number of days before you go to sleep


  The most romantic story does not end, the most happy love no words, only the hearts of each other's fit!


  When you see this short message, Congratulations, you have come out of the competition, you win my love, to come out to celebrate it?


  I will remember that wonderful moment, in front of me on your face. In the sorrow of distress, my ears for a long time on your gentle voice


  I will treat you as a child, I love you, I know you are pure and beautiful, I know that is commendable!


  The most fortunate thing in life is to meet you, the most exciting thing is to fall in love with you, the most happy thing is to get together with you, the most sad thing is to separate from you

学习啦在线学习网   曾经有一份贼拉那哈的爱搁在俺眼前,俺没稀搭理,俺现在是贼拉地后悔呀!俺现在想大声的喊出:爱老虎油!

  Once there was a thief Ranaha love put in front of me, I did not dilute, I am now a thief to regret it!



  Touching song, pure love, is you dominate my mind, you let me go, I never dare to stop, you are my traffic lights, all actions to listen to your command


学习啦在线学习网   Although there is no romantic allure debauch nor confused, but we can exchange solemn vows and pledges, feel the kind of heart to each other together when I love you!


学习啦在线学习网   If I were the sun, I would bathe you forever; if I were God, I would send angels to protect you, but I am nothing, so I will only love you with my heart!

学习啦在线学习网   在裸婚时代下,亲爱的你希望得到的是钻石恒久远,一颗永流传的真心,相信我,一切皆有可能!我会给美满的幸福。

  In the era of naked marriage, darling, you want to get a diamond is forever, a forever sincere, believe me, everything is possible!


  The man likes obedient woman, but if the man starts to like a woman, can hear the woman's words unconsciously

学习啦在线学习网   情人节送吻,情人脸粉红,眼睛意很浓,心中爱升温,享受情人节,让真爱温暖到心里,拥抱情人节,让你我永远不分离。

学习啦在线学习网   Valentine's day to send a kiss, lover face pink, eyes are very strong, the hearts of love warming, enjoy Valentine's day, so that the warmth of love to the heart, embrace Valentine's day, so that you and I will never be separated


  Accustomed to the mobile phone to the vibration position, put in the pocket, from now on, whenever you call me, I will know for the first time, our hearts, beat together

学习啦在线学习网   烛光映透青春的悸动,玫瑰嗅出心灵的相通,我为你准备了浪漫的烛光晚餐,不知道有没有这个荣幸,接受我的邀请可以吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Candlelight reflects the youth of the throbbing, rose smell the heart of the same, I prepared a romantic candlelight dinner for you, do not know if there is no honor to accept my invitation?


学习啦在线学习网   I love you, so give you information, through mobile signal, I love; if you love me, then please give me information, follow my way, your sweet!


  I found in the circle, I in the world between the rebirth sigh, years of Guaqian, many expectations, miss has become a connection between you and me by heart knot line, never change.



学习啦在线学习网   Hot mouth, love you not regret; apple sweet, I love you forever; eggplant red purple, deep sea of love for you; love you, to love you faint; the sky is blue, it is difficult.


学习啦在线学习网   There is a wind called miss, easily blown into the heart! There is a rain called care, to nourish the heart! There is a message to say voice, to express my love for my darling, I love you!


  Love long, heart long, deep love when Hugh? When Hugh, when Hugh, head broken and bleeding not let go; the feeling in the heart, love in the mouth, silent heart. This life only for you to worry about.


学习啦在线学习网   I met you, not by chance, is doomed fate; I love you, is not a coincidence, is doomed to love. Never regret the groundless talk, tempestuous waves is not terrible, waiting for forever.


  I think of you in a hurry, in my heart, I have something to say to you. I think about you. I always mention you. I don't care about you. I don't mean to bother you. I really miss you so much!


  The ordinary life has you to accompany, the blank life has you to fill, regardless of is calm or is romantic, has your day I like! I will give you the good deed many, the good dream round!


  Think of you, the night is melancholy; think of you, loneliness is beautiful; think of you, the four seasons are quiet; miss you, miss you, my heart is sweet!

学习啦在线学习网   因为爱,所以爱,甜蜜言语永远不会苍白,幸福的生活永远充满期待,爱你的心灵永远不会变坏,把所有纷扰都摒弃在你我之外!

学习啦在线学习网   Because of love, so love, sweet words will never pale, happy life is always full of hope, love your heart will never go bad, all the troubles are abandoned in you and me!





