请阅读以下的短文,然后根据提供的任务说明和写作要求, 写一篇150字左右的英语短文。
学习啦在线学习网 1.概括短文的内容要点(该部分的字数大约60-80);
学习啦在线学习网 2.清楚地陈述你自己的看法;
学习啦在线学习网 3.提供具有一定说服力的论据或实例来支持你的观点,可以参照文中的内容,但不能抄袭文中的句子;
学习啦在线学习网 4.文章体裁不限,但必须结构合理,内容连贯,有条理性。
学习啦在线学习网 Almost everyone knows that water covers three-fourths of the earth's surface. Most of it, however, is in the oceans and is too salty to drink. Also, some of it is frozen and cannot be used. In fact, less than one percent is left for the use of people, animals and plant life. All through history men have tried to build their homes near the sources of fresh water. Now fresh water is becoming scarce, but more and more is needed because of the increasing number of people in the world. Some industries also use large amounts of fresh water in the production of things such as steel, petroleum, paper and rubber and so on. Scientists estimate that the need for fresh water will have doubled by the year 2003. If they are correct, we must find new ways of saving it or producing it. Some nations have worked on the problem and are already sharing their information with others. They are trying to keep their rivers from becoming polluted. Deep wells are also being dug, and rain water is being collected in huge artificial lakes. In one way or another, they hope to provide enough water to satisfy the needs of their people.
With the worldwide increase of population, more and more water is needed. Meanwhile,the water sources are getting polluted by human beings in one way or another. Some nations are taking measures to solve this problem. They even communicate with each other hoping to find better ways to save and produce water to meet the needs of their people.
学习啦在线学习网 On a personal level, to solve the problem with fresh water, both the government and individuals should make every effort. For example, for the government, it is urgent to make detailed laws that require businesses and individuals to stop polluting the environment and to save water while it is not necessarily used. Besides, education should be offered to all the citizens to raise their awareness of the importance of protecting environment and saving water. As individuals, we need to take action to play our own part in our everyday life.
学习啦在线学习网 请根据下面的任务和写作要求,写一篇150 词左右的英语短文,
学习啦在线学习网 1.概况短文内容要点,该部分的字数大约60-80:
学习啦在线学习网 2.就"是不是快乐没痛苦才是真正的幸福?"这个主题发表你的看法,至少包括以下内容要点,该部分的字数大约60-80:
学习啦在线学习网 1)以你自己为例,简述你对金钱、快乐的看法;
学习啦在线学习网 3)你的身边的同学如何对待快乐没痛苦才是真正的幸福的观点;
学习啦在线学习网 The way people hold the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free lifestyle equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever obtaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness,then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact,the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness contain some pain.
As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.They fear the pain inevitably (不可避免地) brought by such things as marriage,raising children,professional achievement, religious commitment, self-improvement.
学习啦在线学习网 Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest,he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment,for commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure and excitement.Marriage has such moments,but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples,with infant children, are lucky to get a whole night's sleep of a three-day vacation. We don't know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples that decide not to have children ever know the joys of watching a child grow up or playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can really increase our happiness. It liberates money:buying that new car or those fancy clothes to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy:we now understand that all those who always have so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
学习啦在线学习网 A fun-filled, pain-free lifestyle equaling happiness actually reduces their chances of ever obtaining real happiness. As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.And the real happiness always contains some pain .In the other hand, true happiness has nothing to do with fun. All those who always have so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
I have a bitter experience. When I was a child, I lived a poor life,and I had a happy and meaningful life in my childhood. And my parents were always respecting each other. And now we have some money,and our life has improved a lot. To tell the truth, it is a good thing. Unfortunately,My father always goes out and takes part in the gambling activities. And my mother sometimes quarrels with my father. I am extremely unhappy about it. I think money doesn't equal happiness. And pain-free lifestyle also doesn't equal happiness. The real happiness is that everyone loves each other, and does everything useful for our society. Most of my classmates support me. But some of them think money is everything. In my opinion,we can't do things without money. But money can't take the place of everything,such as your life,your time and your happiness.
学习啦在线学习网 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
学习啦在线学习网 2、发表你的看法,提出几条遏制电脑游戏的建议并解释理由。
学习啦在线学习网 1)通过教育手段让学生意识到电脑游戏的危害;
学习啦在线学习网 2)通过检查手段督促网吧经营商合法经营;
学习啦在线学习网 3)通过法律手段管制游戏开发商开发对青少年有危害的游戏。
According to a report from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the sale of video games in the United States has more than doubled in the past 10 years, from
学习啦在线学习网 请阅读以下的短文,然后根据提供的任务说明和写作要求, 写一篇150字左右的英语短文。
学习啦在线学习网 3.提供具有一定说服力的论据或实例来支持你的观点,可以参照文中的内容,但不能抄袭文中的句子;
Almost everyone knows that water covers three-fourths of the earth's surface. Most of it, however, is in the oceans and is too salty to drink. Also, some of it is frozen and cannot be used. In fact, less than one percent is left for the use of people, animals and plant life. All through history men have tried to build their homes near the sources of fresh water. Now fresh water is becoming scarce, but more and more is needed because of the increasing number of people in the world. Some industries also use large amounts of fresh water in the production of things such as steel, petroleum, paper and rubber and so on. Scientists estimate that the need for fresh water will have doubled by the year 2003. If they are correct, we must find new ways of saving it or producing it. Some nations have worked on the problem and are already sharing their information with others. They are trying to keep their rivers from becoming polluted. Deep wells are also being dug, and rain water is being collected in huge artificial lakes. In one way or another, they hope to provide enough water to satisfy the needs of their people.
学习啦在线学习网 With the worldwide increase of population, more and more water is needed. Meanwhile,the water sources are getting polluted by human beings in one way or another. Some nations are taking measures to solve this problem. They even communicate with each other hoping to find better ways to save and produce water to meet the needs of their people.
学习啦在线学习网 On a personal level, to solve the problem with fresh water, both the government and individuals should make every effort. For example, for the government, it is urgent to make detailed laws that require businesses and individuals to stop polluting the environment and to save water while it is not necessarily used. Besides, education should be offered to all the citizens to raise their awareness of the importance of protecting environment and saving water. As individuals, we need to take action to play our own part in our everyday life.
学习啦在线学习网 请根据下面的任务和写作要求,写一篇150 词左右的英语短文,
学习啦在线学习网 你要参加一场英语辩论赛,主题为"是不是快乐没痛苦才是真正的幸福?".在参赛之前,你查看相关的资料,并准备你的辩论发言。请认真阅读下面的短文,然后完成以下的任务。
学习啦在线学习网 2.就"是不是快乐没痛苦才是真正的幸福?"这个主题发表你的看法,至少包括以下内容要点,该部分的字数大约60-80:
学习啦在线学习网 2)你如何看待快乐没痛苦才是真正的幸福的观点;
学习啦在线学习网 4)你对身边的同学的观点持什么看法?为什么?
学习啦在线学习网 你可以使用实例和其他论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。
The way people hold the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free lifestyle equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever obtaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness,then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact,the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness contain some pain.
As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.They fear the pain inevitably (不可避免地) brought by such things as marriage,raising children,professional achievement, religious commitment, self-improvement.
学习啦在线学习网 Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest,he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment,for commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure and excitement.Marriage has such moments,but they are not its most distinguishing features.
学习啦在线学习网 Couples,with infant children, are lucky to get a whole night's sleep of a three-day vacation. We don't know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples that decide not to have children ever know the joys of watching a child grow up or playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can really increase our happiness. It liberates money:buying that new car or those fancy clothes to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy:we now understand that all those who always have so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
学习啦在线学习网 A fun-filled, pain-free lifestyle equaling happiness actually reduces their chances of ever obtaining real happiness. As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.And the real happiness always contains some pain .In the other hand, true happiness has nothing to do with fun. All those who always have so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
学习啦在线学习网 I have a bitter experience. When I was a child, I lived a poor life,and I had a happy and meaningful life in my childhood. And my parents were always respecting each other. And now we have some money,and our life has improved a lot. To tell the truth, it is a good thing. Unfortunately,My father always goes out and takes part in the gambling activities. And my mother sometimes quarrels with my father. I am extremely unhappy about it. I think money doesn't equal happiness. And pain-free lifestyle also doesn't equal happiness. The real happiness is that everyone loves each other, and does everything useful for our society. Most of my classmates support me. But some of them think money is everything. In my opinion,we can't do things without money. But money can't take the place of everything,such as your life,your time and your happiness.
学习啦在线学习网 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
学习啦在线学习网 1、以约30个词概括短文的要点;
学习啦在线学习网 2)通过检查手段督促网吧经营商合法经营;
According to a report from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the sale of video games in the United States has more than doubled in the past 10 years, from $2.6 billion in sales in 1996 to $7 billion in 2005. Analysts say that these numbers are very alarming, and many people are asking, "Can gaming become an addiction?" Elizabeth Woolley said, "Computer games, like any other activity, can be hard to stop once an addiction has been formed."
Many students are addicted to computer games and they even neglect eating and bathing. They don't go to school,playing games for hours or days. It is said that last year,seven people in South Korea died as a result of too much gaming. "
学习啦在线学习网 We have kids who don't know how to communicate with people face to face because they've spent three years playing games and talking to others through a computer," said a father.
It can be seen that some students are addicted to computer games, and the number of them is keeping rising. They always spare their learning time to play computer games,which leads them to ignoring their studies. They just surf the Internet and play computer games, so they even don't know how to communicate with others in reality. It is such a big pity that it is time to take some measures to limit computer games.
First, the teacher should be responsible for educating students to leave away from computer games. Teachers should try to make students realize the original dangers of computer games. Second,the government should check the Internet cafes at times in order to let the runners run their business legally. Third,it is necessary to make some laws to forbid the game developers to create some harmful games for students.
学习啦在线学习网 In a word,if the three ways above are put into practice effectively, it is certain that fewer and fewer students have interest in computer games.
学习啦在线学习网 James Bender, in his book How to Talk Well tells the story of a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he won a blue ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it.
学习啦在线学习网 The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors. "How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter asked. "Why," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen(花粉) from the ripening corn and carries it from field to field. If my neighbors grow bad corn, cross-pollination(异花受粉) will slowly reduce the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn."
He is very much aware of the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbors' corn also improves. The lesson for each of us is this: If we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors grow good corn.
学习啦在线学习网 To everyone's surprise, a farmer's corn always won a blue ribbon in the state fair every year. This remained a secret for a long time until a reporter learned the truth while he interviewed the farmer. He shared his seed corn with his neighbors, for he knew very well that if he wanted to grow good corn, he must help others grow good corn as well, or the quality of his corn would be affected.
学习啦在线学习网 So it is in our life. Those who choose to live well should help the poor to live well, for the value of a life is measured by what the life brings to others. In fact, we're all members of a big family. Obviously, no one can live normally by himself without keeping in touch with others. Therefore, we should help each other and improve our lives. Only in this way can we get our dreams realized.
I once met a middle-aged stranger who said his money had been stolen at the railway station,so he had no money to go home. He begged for help from passers-by,but they all pretended not to have heard what he was saying and went by quickly. Then he stopped me and wanted me to give him the help. At first I could not accept that because I didn't think he was telling the truth. But when I saw tears in his eyes,I began to believe that he might be in the real trouble,so,just immediately I gave him all the money I had. When he took the money, his face turned red. Before he left,he expressed his great thanks and also said he would give back my money when he reached home.
When I came back to school and told my classmates about my story,they held different opinions. Some of them thought that I did a good deed to have given a hand to the person in trouble,while others said that I was cheated.Some even laughed at me and called me a fool who could not judge things in the right way. Now,I am really confused!
学习啦在线学习网 2.然后用约120个词就"陌生人可不可信"的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:
学习啦在线学习网 (2)说明你的理由。
学习啦在线学习网 1.可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
学习啦在线学习网 Help or Not?
学习啦在线学习网 In this passage, the writer mainly tells us his experience of giving help to a stranger, which made him very confused because his classmates held different opinions about his deed.
学习啦在线学习网 One evening, Father was driving me home when a stranger stopped us and said he needed a ride badly. Father did as asked. I felt a little worried thinking of our safety. But seven days later, we were very surprised to receive a letter from him.
"Thank you so much for helping me so that I was able to get to my dying wife's bedside just before she passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others. Sincerely yours, Tom."
Nobody can tell when he is in trouble. If everybody just looks on,what will our world be? But it is not unusual that quite a few strangers cheat people out of their kindness. So, be careful when giving help!
.6 billion in sales in 1996 to billion in 2005. Analysts say that these numbers are very alarming, and many people are asking, "Can gaming become an addiction?" Elizabeth Woolley said, "Computer games, like any other activity, can be hard to stop once an addiction has been formed."Many students are addicted to computer games and they even neglect eating and bathing. They don't go to school,playing games for hours or days. It is said that last year,seven people in South Korea died as a result of too much gaming. "
学习啦在线学习网 We have kids who don't know how to communicate with people face to face because they've spent three years playing games and talking to others through a computer," said a father.
It can be seen that some students are addicted to computer games, and the number of them is keeping rising. They always spare their learning time to play computer games,which leads them to ignoring their studies. They just surf the Internet and play computer games, so they even don't know how to communicate with others in reality. It is such a big pity that it is time to take some measures to limit computer games.
学习啦在线学习网 First, the teacher should be responsible for educating students to leave away from computer games. Teachers should try to make students realize the original dangers of computer games. Second,the government should check the Internet cafes at times in order to let the runners run their business legally. Third,it is necessary to make some laws to forbid the game developers to create some harmful games for students.
In a word,if the three ways above are put into practice effectively, it is certain that fewer and fewer students have interest in computer games.
学习啦在线学习网 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
James Bender, in his book How to Talk Well tells the story of a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he won a blue ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it.
学习啦在线学习网 The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors. "How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter asked. "Why," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen(花粉) from the ripening corn and carries it from field to field. If my neighbors grow bad corn, cross-pollination(异花受粉) will slowly reduce the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn."
学习啦在线学习网 He is very much aware of the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbors' corn also improves. The lesson for each of us is this: If we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors grow good corn.
To everyone's surprise, a farmer's corn always won a blue ribbon in the state fair every year. This remained a secret for a long time until a reporter learned the truth while he interviewed the farmer. He shared his seed corn with his neighbors, for he knew very well that if he wanted to grow good corn, he must help others grow good corn as well, or the quality of his corn would be affected.
So it is in our life. Those who choose to live well should help the poor to live well, for the value of a life is measured by what the life brings to others. In fact, we're all members of a big family. Obviously, no one can live normally by himself without keeping in touch with others. Therefore, we should help each other and improve our lives. Only in this way can we get our dreams realized.
学习啦在线学习网 I once met a middle-aged stranger who said his money had been stolen at the railway station,so he had no money to go home. He begged for help from passers-by,but they all pretended not to have heard what he was saying and went by quickly. Then he stopped me and wanted me to give him the help. At first I could not accept that because I didn't think he was telling the truth. But when I saw tears in his eyes,I began to believe that he might be in the real trouble,so,just immediately I gave him all the money I had. When he took the money, his face turned red. Before he left,he expressed his great thanks and also said he would give back my money when he reached home.
学习啦在线学习网 When I came back to school and told my classmates about my story,they held different opinions. Some of them thought that I did a good deed to have given a hand to the person in trouble,while others said that I was cheated.Some even laughed at me and called me a fool who could not judge things in the right way. Now,I am really confused!
学习啦在线学习网 1.请用30个词概括短文的要点;
学习啦在线学习网 (2)说明你的理由。
学习啦在线学习网 1.可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
Help or Not?
学习啦在线学习网 In this passage, the writer mainly tells us his experience of giving help to a stranger, which made him very confused because his classmates held different opinions about his deed.
学习啦在线学习网 One evening, Father was driving me home when a stranger stopped us and said he needed a ride badly. Father did as asked. I felt a little worried thinking of our safety. But seven days later, we were very surprised to receive a letter from him.
学习啦在线学习网 "Thank you so much for helping me so that I was able to get to my dying wife's bedside just before she passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others. Sincerely yours, Tom."
学习啦在线学习网 Nobody can tell when he is in trouble. If everybody just looks on,what will our world be? But it is not unusual that quite a few strangers cheat people out of their kindness. So, be careful when giving help!
