学习啦在线学习网 If you could make one important change in aschool that you attended, what change wouldyou make? Use reasons and specificexamples tosupport your answer.
学习啦在线学习网 Model Essay(范文):
Most of the schools that I attended bad excellent programs and instructors. Unfortunately, atone school this was not the case. The foreign language program there needed both betterplanning and better instructors. If I could, I would make changes in three major areas.
The first step would be to offer third and fourth year language classes. This particular schoolhad no language programs above the second year level. Students who started language classesin the first year ran out of classes to talk by the time they were halfway through the school.This was frustrating for those of us who loved learning languages. It also had bad affects whenwe tried to resume language studies in college after a two-year break.Next, the foreignlanguage program should be staffed with well-trained instructors. The current teachers in theprogram don’t speak the languages well enough. In our classes teachers frequently made errorswhile the students repeated. If the teachers were well-trained, they would be good models forthe students.
学习啦在线学习网 Finally, the materials in the language courses should be updated. They need to use moderntechnology. Even though the school has a computer laboratory, our language class never usedit. We were limited to using the assigned textbook. If software was available, the studentscould search the Internet for current, real-life materials, such as newspapers from othercountries.
Understanding people from other countries depends on being able to communicate with them.Poor language instruction makes this impossible. Improving the foreign language programwould really make a difference to the students of the school.
学习啦在线学习网 Topic(题目):
学习啦在线学习网 What do you consider to be the most importantroom in a house? Why is this room moreimportant to you than any other room? Usespecific reasons and examples to support youropinion.
Model Essay(范文):
The kitchen is my favorite room in a house, because it is where families gather. To me, that isthe most important thing. So many of the memories people have of growing up revolve aroundthe kitchen. My childhood memories concern the kitchens in my grandparents ‘homes.
My mother’s family lived in a row house in the city. The rooms were all small, and that includedthe kitchen. In the summertime, when we’d visit, the back door of the house would be leftopen. People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen, talking and laughing, whilemy grandmother made dinner. There was no air-conditioning, but I don’t ever remember feelingtoo hot. There was always a breeze coming through, along with the sounds of traffic and kidsplaying ball in the street.
学习啦在线学习网 My father’s family liver on a farm in the country, and their house had a huge kitchen withwindows on three sides. It seems like the windows were always open and the curtains blowingwith the breeze. The main door to the house was almost never used. Everyone came in throughthe kitchen, and sat at the big table in the middle of the room. When dinner was beingprepared, all the women would bustle around, while the men sat at the table talking about farmprices. Sometimes my grandmother wouldn’t even sit down during dinner, but would be refillingbowls of food and people’s glasses. From outside ,we could hear the cows in the field near thehouse.
These two kitchens are the background for some of my happiest memories. From the beginningof time, human beings have gathered together near the fire where the food was being prepared.I hope that never changes.
学习啦在线学习网 Topic(题目):
Do you agree or disagree with followingstatement? It is better to be a member of agroup than to be the leader of a group.Usespecific reasons and examples to support youranswer.
Model Essay(范文):
学习啦在线学习网 According to my opinion, it’s always better to be a leader than a follower. True leader showinitiative. They take action and they assume responsibility. A leader makes a decision. Somefollowers may approve of the decision, others may complain about it. However, thesefollowers all chose to follow, not to lead. They chose not to make a decision. That’s how I’mdifferent. I’m not a follower. I want to make the decisions.
学习啦在线学习网 Good leader will not react to events, but will anticipate them .A leader will start a plan of actionand then will persuade others to follow. For example, a class president at a local college mayfeel that the relationship between the community and the campus is not a good one .Thecitizens may feel that the college kids make too much noise on the street, litter public areas,and shop in other communities. A good class president will recognize that the community andthe campus depend on one another. The president will ask the student body to keep noisedown, help clean up the neighborhoods, and work with businesses to attract students. A goodleader takes the initiative.
Good leaders must be action-oriented. Having taken the initiative, they must see the jobthough. They have to take charge and lead the followers. They have to motivate andencourage the followers. The followers (in this example, the student body) must understandwhy good relations with the community are necessary. The followers must be persuaded to dosomething about it.I enjoy taking the initiative, determining the direction, and beingresponsible for my actions. I don’t want to suffer through other people’s stupid decisions. Ifthere are going to be stupid ways to do something, let them be mine. Wouldn’t you agree?
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