学校名称: 日本德岛大学 徳島大学
学习啦在线学习网 创建时间:1874年
学历:本科 研究生
学习啦在线学习网 学校中文网址:riben.liuxue86.com/school/6384/
学习啦在线学习网 德岛大学是日本一所著名的高等学府。德岛大学针对留学生的奖学金由两类。一类是日本政府奖学金,可以由使馆或大学推荐申请;另一类是针对国际自费学生的奖学金(Scholarships For Self-Supported International Students)。这两类奖学金都怎么申请呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
学习啦在线学习网 Scholarship of the Japanese Ministry of Education
学习啦在线学习网 There are two different types of governmental scholarships provided by Mext. Please note that selection procedures and requirements are different.
学习啦在线学习网 日本教育部奖学金
Recommendation by a Japanese Embassy
Diplomatic and consular offices of the Japanese government in foreign countries select candidates for the scholarship by examining their papers and the results of a written test and an interview. Then they are recommended to Mext, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science and Technology. Finally Mext selects some candidates as recipients of the scholarship.
For more detail consult the Japanese diplomatic office abroad nearest to you.
Recommendation by the University
For New International Applicants to the University
学习啦在线学习网 Foreign graduate students with excellent records can be selected as candidates for the scholarship on the basis of exchange agreements made between foreign universities and Tokushima University.
After Tokushima University recommends candidates to Mext, Mext finally selects the recipients of the scholarship.
For Self-supported International Students Already Enrolled in the University
Self-supported students with excellent records who are enrolled in graduate courses or are in the last year of undergraduate courses in Japan are recommended to Mext after selection by their universities.
Recipients for the scholarship are finally selected by Mext.(This Program is currently suspended)
学习啦在线学习网 对于已经注册德岛大学的自费的国际学生
Scholarships For Self-Supported International Students
1. Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students
This is for students who are recognized as excellent students and require financial assistance while they are enrolled in universities.
(1) Undergraduate Level:48,000 Yen/month
(2) Graduate Level:48,000 Yen/month (regular students of master or doctoral courses, and research students).
学习啦在线学习网 针对国际自费学生的奖学金
学习啦在线学习网 该奖学金针对被认定为成绩优秀,并且在注册大学期间需要经济援助的学生。
学习啦在线学习网 (1)本科生水平:每月48,000日元
2. Scholarship Fund of Tokushima University
(1)"Tokushima University Fund for International Education and Research Exchanges" supports international students who require financial assistance. Eligibility: international students enrolled in university at their own expenses
学习啦在线学习网 Allowance: 30,000 Yen/month or 45,000 Yen/month
(2)"Fujii-Otsuka Fund for International Education and Research Exchanges" supports international students who require financial assistance. Eligibility: international students enrolled in university at their own expenses
Allowance: 30,000 Yen/month or 48,000 Yen/month
学习啦在线学习网 (3)"The Tokushima University School of Dentistry Scholarship Fund" supports international students enrolled in the School of Dentistry, who require financial assistance. Eligibility: international students enrolled in the School of Dentistry at their own expenses (excluding international students sent by foreign governments).
学习啦在线学习网 Allowance : up to30,000 Yen/month
(2)Fujii-Otsuka 国际教育和研究交换基金会支持有经济需求的国际学生。资格条件:注册德岛大学的自费国际学生
3. Scholarships by Private Scholarship Organizations
These scholarships are granted by private scholarship organizations to international students studying at their own expense.
Since there are different methods for granting scholarships, consult with the registration (student) office of your department for details after matriculation.
学习啦在线学习网 这类奖学金由私人奖学金机构提供,适用于自费的国际学生。
学习啦在线学习网 有不同的获得奖学金的方式,入学之后请咨询学院招生办公室了解详情。
4. Scholarships offered by Local Public Organizations.
学习啦在线学习网 These scholarships are granted by local public organizations to international students studying at their own expenses. Since there are differences in the ways to apply for scholarships, please consult with the registration (student) office of your department for details after matriculation.
Exemption of Tuition
International students in regular courses (except students sent by foreign governments, research students and auditors), who study at their own expense, can be exempted from the tuition (total or half) if they have financial difficulties and are recognized as excellent students. Details will be available from the registration (student) office of your department after matriculation.
学校名称: 日本三重大学 三重大学
学习啦在线学习网 学历:本科 研究生 网络课程
学习啦在线学习网 三重大学的奖学金分为四类:培训学生(trainng students )奖学金、日语学习学生(Japanese Studies students)奖学金、师范类学生(teacher trainng students )奖学金和统招生(regular stduents)奖学金。每类奖学金金额不同,申请办法也不同。下面出国留学网为大家介绍日语学习学生奖学金。一起来看看吧。
Japanese Studies students
This is a Japanese Study Course mainly for the Government-sponsored scholarship students. Students who enroll in the undergraduate program in the foreign universities and study in the fields of Japanese Language and Culture. The course is for one year and students will go back to their own university to continue their study after completing this one-year program.
学习啦在线学习网 In this program, we aim to strengthen the recognition on the individuality and universality of culture through comparing cultures of Japan and other countries while enhancing Japanese language ability.
学习啦在线学习网 For the first six months of the program, students are to take classes of Japanese language and cross-cultural understanding & adaptation. In the last six months, students are to continue these studies and receive advices from their advisors to expand their own research.
学习啦在线学习网 课程的前六个月,学生学习日语语言和跨文化理解与适应方面的课程。最后六个月,学生继续学习这些课程,并从指导老师那里得到关于扩展个人研究方面的建议。
学习啦在线学习网 Required Documents for Submission-
University recommendation
Application Method
To apply, please submit the following three documents to the Student Affairs Department, Student Affairs Office, International Student Office.
学习啦在线学习网 为了申请,必须将以下三个文件提交到学生事务处、学生事务办公室或国际学生办公室。
学习啦在线学习网 1. Documents to be completed by the prospective scholarship student *Please submit by e-mail as well.
Application Form for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (Research Students) (double-sided printing)
Japanese Government Scholarship Recommended by the Mie University
学习啦在线学习网 Field of Study and Study Program (double-sided printing)
Reporting for Research Achievement
学习啦在线学习网 2.Documents to be prepared by the prospective scholarship student in his or her home country
Certificate of graduation (or scheduled graduation) or diploma from most recently attended university (undergraduate program or graduate school)
学习啦在线学习网 Academic transcripts from most recently attended university (undergraduate program or graduate school) - issued by the university
Document certifying the applicant's academic excellence at most recently attended university (i.e., an indicator clearly showing the applicant's academic performance at the most recently attended university, such as GPA, class placement (ABC), or specific ranking (e.g., ranking Xth out of a total of Y students).
学习啦在线学习网 Document certifying applicant's nationality and identity(e.g.,a copy of Passport, Family register or Citizenship Certificate)
Letter of recommendation from the dean of the graduate school or other university official of equivalent or higher rank (addressed to the President of Mie University)
Two Photos(Digital images are acceptable. If using paper photos, submit two photos: 4.5×3.5 cm, front-facing, head-and-shoulders, hatless and taken within the last six months. The applicant must write his or her nationality and full name on the back and paste the photo onto the designated space on the application form.)
学习啦在线学习网 Documents listing research achievements (abstracts of articles, etc., including graduation thesis)
学习啦在线学习网 Document confirming language proficiency and specialized knowledge (e.g., score report from TOEFL, TOEIC, Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (Japanese Language Section), Japanese Language Proficiency Test, or other such test)
Copy of Certificate of Health (within the last six months)
学习啦在线学习网 毕业证或最近就读的大学(本科课程或研究生院)颁发的文凭;
学习啦在线学习网 表明申请人在最近就读的大学学术优秀的证明,比如GPA,班级名次(ABC)或特别排名;
两张照片。接受数字图像。如果使用纸质照片。提交两张。大小4.5×3.5 cm, 正面照,照到头部个肩膀,免冠,过去六个月之内拍摄。照片背面写明申请人国家和申请人全名。照片必须粘贴在申请表的指定位置;
学习啦在线学习网 语言能力和专业知识证书(托福成绩、托业成绩、日本大学国际学生入学考试成绩、日语语言能力考试证书等);
3.Documents to be completed by the prospective academic supervisor *Please submit by e-mail as well.
Academic Performance Evaluation Sheet
学习啦在线学习网 Report of Exchange Achievements
Letter of Recommendation
学习啦在线学习网 Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Report
* Documents in any language other than Japanese or English must be accompanied by a Japanese or English translation.
学习啦在线学习网 3.由未来学术指导老师完成的文件(请同时通过邮件提交):
学习啦在线学习网 综合表现评估报告。
* 文件语言不少日语和英语的,需要翻译成日语或英语。
Embassy Recommendation
学习啦在线学习网 Application Method
In FY2006, the procedures for the acceptance of Embassy-recommended Japanese Government Scholarship Students were partially revised. The annual schedule for recruitment and screening can be found in Attachment 1. As noted in this attachment, candidates who have passed the primary screening must then contact their preferred host university directly before the end of August and make every effort to obtain either (1) a letter of admission as a graduate student or research student, or (2) a letter of provisional acceptance as a research student. In the case of candidates who are unable to finalize a host university by the end of August, MEXT will decide on a host university on their behalf. Item (1) of Attachment 1 states that "candidates shall seek from the outset to obtain a letter of admission as a regularly enrolled student or a research student," but since there are almost no cases of this occurring at Mie University, the standard practice is to issue a letter of provisional acceptance as a research student .
学习啦在线学习网 2016年,日本政府奖学金学生的使馆推荐申请流程做了部分修改。每年的招生和筛选日程可以在附件一中查看。如附件一所示,候选人在通过初步筛选之后,必须于八月结束之前立即联系先前就读的大学,尽一切可能获得研究生或研究型学生入学通知书,或者获得研究型学生临时录取通知书。对于未能在八月结束之前联系先前就读大学的候选人,文部科学省将代表大学做决定。附件一说“候选人应该从一开始就寻求统招生或研究型学生录取通知书”,不过由于在三重大学几乎没有出现过这种案例,同一给研究型学生签发的是临时录取通知书。
学习啦在线学习网 As noted in Attachment 3, there are two possible ways in which a candidate can contact a host university. In most cases, candidates elect to contact their preferred academic supervisor directly (Option 1).
学习啦在线学习网 1. Contact the candidate's preferred academic supervisor directly
2. Contact an academic supervisor indirectly by way of the university (i.e., the International Student Office)
学习啦在线学习网 1.候选人直接联系看重的学术指导老师;
学习啦在线学习网 If a candidate chooses Option 1, the academic supervisor will screen the application documents submitted by the candidate and make a decision on his or her acceptance. If an academic supervisor deems that the candidate is suitable for acceptance, he or she will then complete the letter authorizing provisional acceptance and obtain the approval of his or her dean or director. After this, he or she will forward the letter to the candidate. If an academic supervisor deems that the candidate is not suitable for acceptance, he or she will notify the candidate by e-mail or other means.
学习啦在线学习网 如果候选人选择选项1,学术指导老师将对候选人提交的文件进行筛选,并决定是否录取候选人。如果学术指导老师觉得候选人适合被录取,指导老师将写信,给予临时录取,并获得院长或主管的同意。在这之后,指导老师将把信给候选人。如果学术指导老师认为候选人不适合被录取,指导老师将通过邮件或其他途径通知候选人。
If a candidate chooses Option 2, the director of the Center for Student Support will ask the head of the department in the candidate's preferred research field to nominate an academic supervisor for the candidate. The nominated academic supervisor will then screen the application documents submitted by the candidate and decide on his or her suitability for acceptance. If an academic supervisor deems that acceptance is possible, he or she will complete the letter authorizing provisional acceptance and obtain the approval of his or her dean or director. After this, he or she will then forward the letter to the candidate. If an academic supervisor deems that the candidate is not suitable for acceptance, he or she will notify his or her dean or director who will, in turn, notify the Center for Student Support. After this, the Center for Student Support will notify the candidate that his or her request for admission has been denied.
Mie University international scholarship for students from the universities with exchange agreement to study at Mie University.
The details are as follows.
学习啦在线学习网 1. Eligible universities: The universities which concluded student exchange agreements with Mie University. (Both university-level agreements and those between faculties are eligible.)
2. Eligible students: International students who study at Mie University for around six months or more under the exchange student program.
3. The amount of a scholarship: 20,000 yen per month which will be provided for a maximum period of one year.
4. The number of scholarship students: Maximum 20 persons per academic year.
5. Application procedure: Submit “Mie University Scholarship Application Form ” in addition to the Application Form for Special Auditing Students or Special Research Students to the International Student Office.
*Only one person from each university can apply for this scholarship. Please talk with the person in charge of exchange program in your university if you wish to apply.
6. Notification of selection results: For applicants of Spring Semester, the results of selection are usually notified to the students in May. And for applicants of Fall Semester, the results of selection are usually notified to the students in November.
学习啦在线学习网 (1)有资格的大学:与三重大学有学生交换协议的大学。(大学阶段协议和学院阶段协议均可。)
(3)奖学金数额:每月20,000 日元,提供期限不超过一年。
学习啦在线学习网 (4)奖学金名额:每个学年不超过20人。
学习啦在线学习网 (6)公布筛选结果:对于春季学期申请,筛选结果一般在5月通知学生;对于秋季学期申请,申请结果一般在11月通知学生。
日本名古屋工业大学奖学金申请流程学校名称: 日本名古屋工业大学 名古屋工業大学
学习啦在线学习网 学校设置类型:综合性大学
学历:本科 研究生
学习啦在线学习网 院校地址:〒466-8555 名古屋市昭和区御器所町 電話:052-735-5000(代表)
学习啦在线学习网 学校中文网址:riben.liuxue86.com/school/6408/
学习啦在线学习网 名古屋工业大学是日本一所著名的大学。去名古屋工业大学留学,有两类奖学金可以申请:日本政府奖学金和日本学生服务机构荣誉奖学金(Japan Student Services Organization Honors Scholarships )。目前,名古屋工业大学的基金会奖学金还在筹备中。那么对于前两种奖学金,具体都如何申请呢?先和出国留学网来看看吧。
1) Japanese Government Scholarship Students (selection before arrival to Japan)
学习啦在线学习网 a) Embassy recommendation:
MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) requests Japanese embassies to recommend MEXT Scholarship students.
MEXT requests diplomatic missions overseas to recommend students for scholarships. Because recruitment periods differ according to each country, please check with the diplomatic missions in your own country. The scheduled period of arrival in Japan for undergraduate students is April, and April or October for Graduate-level Research Students. In order to be assured of admission to NITech, Research Students must obtain a Letter of Acceptance from a faculty member at our Institute. Please make preliminary contact with a faculty member at our Institute to receive the Letter of Acceptance.
学习啦在线学习网 文部科学省要求海外使馆推荐奖学金学生。每个国家的推荐时间不尽相同,请核实好所在国家的日本使馆。本科生预计达到日本的时间是四月,研究生水平的研究型学生预计到达日本得到时间是四月或十月。为了确保入学名古屋工业大学,研究型学生必须获得学校一名员工的接受信。为了拿到接受信,请提前联系好学校的员工。
Candidates are recruited by diplomatic missions overseas and recommended to MEXT, which makes a selection through a selection committee, and then submits requests to each of the universities to accept admission of the selected recipients. In principle, International Research Students are required to attend a preparatory education course for six months after arrival prior to enrollment.
Undergraduate Students are required to take a preparatory education class at a Japanese language or other preparatory education institute for one year after arrival prior to enrollment, and may enroll in April of the following year.
Process for Recruiting and Selecting Government-funded International Students through Embassy Recommendation
学习啦在线学习网 本科生在达到之后需要在日语学校或另一所预备教育机构学习一年的预备教育课程,才能注册。才能在次年的四月注册。
* This schedule depends on the Embassy or Consular Office.
学习啦在线学习网 国际学生的招聘和筛选流程(通过使馆推荐)
* 日程取决于使馆或领事馆办公室。
b) University Recommendation
International students coming to study in Japan from institutions that have concluded an International Academic Exchange Agreement with the NITech are recommended by our Institute to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, which selects the recipients after conducting a selection process. Arrival in Japan is in October.
Process for Recruiting and Selecting Government-funded International Students through University Recommendation
b) 大学推荐
学习啦在线学习网 有意在日本学习且所在大学与名古屋工业大学有国际学术交流协议的国际学生,由名古屋工业大学推荐给文部科学省。文部科学省在实施筛选流程之后,选出奖学金获得者。达到日本的时间是十月。
学习啦在线学习网 * The date of deadline may be changed.
Note: An applicant cannot apply for both the (a) Embassy Recommendation and the (b) University Recommendation at the same time.
学习啦在线学习网 国际学生的招聘和筛选流程(通过大学推荐)
学习啦在线学习网 * 截止日期可以有变。
2) Japanese Government Scholarship Students (selection after arrival to Japan)
Privately financed students enrolled in, or planning to enroll in, graduate degree programs are eligible to apply for a limited number of Japanese government scholarships each April.
Every September, university presidents and faculty deans are notified with regard to candidates. Scholarship recipients receive both a monthly stipend and travel expenses for returning home.
学习啦在线学习网 已经注册或计划注册研究生学位课程的私费学生,有资格申请有名额限制的日本政府奖学金。申请时间为每年四月。
学习啦在线学习网 Attention
International students with a Japanese government scholarship receive a monthly stipend. It is important that you open a Japan Post Bank account at the post office as soon as you arrive in Japan. Opening an account at the Nagoya University Hospital Post Office takes little time, so please do so as soon as possible.
学习啦在线学习网 享受日本政府奖学金的国际学生每月收到奖学金。达到日本之后,需要尽快办理日本邮政银行卡。在邮政办理。在名古屋大学医院邮政开户不花时间,因此请尽快办理。
In order to receive your scholarship funds, there is paperwork at the International Student Affairs Office that you must sign on the first of every month (or the second or third if the first falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday). Please do not forget to do this every month.
If you temporarily leave Japan and are away for the entire month, you will be unable to receive your scholarship money for that month.
3) JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) Honors Scholarships for Privately Financed International Students (Gakushu Shoreihi)
Intended for: Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students as well as expected newcomers and research students.
4) NITech (Nagoya Institute of Technology) Foundation (Kikin)
Under construction
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