学习啦在线学习网 English Personal Statement
学习啦在线学习网 I have a few strong passions in life; Indie music, Chelsea FC and literature. Since there are no university courses for the former two my decision concerning what to study at university is a simple one. ' The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones mad to live' was once said by Jack Kerouac in his work On The Road; the opportunity to experience living while studying amongst some of the finest literary minds in the country is overwhelmingly exciting for me. Ifeel that for too long I have been confined to my suburban prison where my talent for English Literature is being wasted amongst the desolate, uninspiring confines of Mid Bedfordshire. Moreover, sidestepping the risk of sounding arrogant, I have been told I possess a flair for the subject and my grades would certainly suggest so.
学习啦在线学习网 The subjects I took for my AS levels were English Literature, History, Government and Politics and Communication Studies. For my A levels I decided to stop taking Communication Studies as I deemed it was best to focus on three subjects. Nevertheless, I believe that all three of these subjects have contributed more understanding to my knowledge of English Literature. History,for example, has aided my ability to pick out key points within text and also contextualise any written work I may be asked to study. Government and Politics has taught me many political philosophies that are evident in literary works, for example in Year 12 we studied the play Translations which is littered with Nationalist and Imperialist viewpoints. Communications Studies revealed to me a whole new dictionary of ideologies I wasn't previously aware of. Another benefit of taking these subjects is that they are all examined by both coursework and timed exams. This means that through hours of practice and familiarisation I have refined my exam techniques.
学习啦在线学习网 Last year I was also fortunate enough to be selected to participate in a scheme organized by my school and the University of Bedford. It gave us the opportunity to get a glimpse of university life as I attended a number of lectures and achieved 15 points towards a potential degree through coursework I took part in. This was certainly an enlightening experience that will undoubtedly stand me in very good stead for the initial adjustment period that accompanies the beginning of university life. This year I have been selected to take part in the Advance Extension Award. Not only is this a fantastic boost to my student repertoire but also the course itself should further aid my ability to realize my full potential in the subject.
When I achieve the required potential and finish my degree I have ambitions to utilise my skills as writer of some kind, preferably an author or a poet. My literary heroes are Thomas Hardy, John Keats, The Smiths lyricist Morrissey and my personal favourite Oscar Wilde. It is my dream to one day have my name illuminated in history as a writer who has inspired people in the same way these and other writers have inspired me.
Lastly, to quote Wilde; 'consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative'. As a student I am anything but consistent when it comes to the studying of literature. Of course by this I don't mean I can be as equally brilliant as awful, the Dorian Gray within me will tell you I am never awful, what I am articulating is that I bring my own ideas to the subject and do not simply regurgitate answers that are well documented already. That is not to say that I do not thoroughly research and acknowledge the criticism of the works I study but in my opinion English Literature is an innovative subject where interpretation and creativity should dominate. Studying English Literature at university offers me a chance to showcase my love for literature and flourish. The Smiths had a hit song once called Ask and the chorus goes 'ask me, ask me, ask me.' Please do.
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学习啦在线学习网 最大的区别是,英国的登机牌上没有标注登机口,登机口是起飞前半小时随机显示的。
当你到达机场之后需要做的事情肯定是先去办理Check in,在英国办理Check in不是任何时候都可以办理的,到达机场之后首先要看机场大厅里的指示牌Information platform,在这个信息指示牌上会有各个航班可以Check in的时间,一般都是在起飞之前一个半小时才能显示Check in的柜台信息,如果到达机场太早的话只能耐心等待了。在Check in 之后会拿到Boarding Card,一般我会习惯性的看看登机口在哪里,可是Boarding Card不像我们国内会标注具体的登机口,boarding card上只有登机的时间。
