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学习啦在线学习网   学习英语的时候,我们还不知道要写作文,虽然我们是从小学写到初中的,之后也会一直继续的。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的初中英语范文,供大家参阅!


学习啦在线学习网   A Healthy Man

  When people see the disabled man, they will feel pity and treat them as the incapable person. It is often believed that a healthy man is physically healthy, but the fact is not true. I have read many stories about the disabled, though they look a little different in the crowd, they have strong will and everything is the same in their world. While for some ordinary people, they always complain that life is not fair and they can do nothing. Some even distort their minds and commit crimes. It is clear that mentally health is more important than physically health. We should not judge a person from his appearance.



学习啦在线学习网   My Favorite Band

  One day, when I was watching TV, I heard the song Yellow. The rhythm was so beautiful and I listened to the song with all my heart. I searched the information and I knew a band called Coldplay. The band is from England and they sing rock music mainly. I listened to all their songs. Though so many years have passed, I am still following them. I am a big fan. The band writes songs with meaningful words, which makes songs favored by people all around the world. What’s more, the band is very kind to help poor people as they donate a lot of money for them every year.

学习啦在线学习网   一天,当我正在看电视的时候,我听到一首叫《黄色》的歌。它的节奏很动听,之后我全神贯注去听这首歌。后面我搜索了信息,知道了一个叫Coldplay的乐队。乐队来自英格兰,主要唱摇滚音乐。我听了他们所有的歌曲。虽然这么多年过去了,我还是粉着他们,我就是一个大粉丝。乐队写的歌中,歌词也很有意义,这也是世界各地的人们都喜爱他们歌曲的原因。而且,这个乐队也很善良,他们每年都捐很多钱去帮助穷人。


  Don’t Want to Grow Up

  I always want to grow up soon, so that I can leave my parents and to be free all the time. But last night, I saw a movie about a child who got the magic and then he became an adult. At first, he was very happy to had the right to do so many things. But later he found that everything was so complicated and he had to take responsibility. The boy realized that growing up was not that as perfect as he though. The older he got, the more things he had to worry about. Being a child was much simple, we only care about if we are happy or not. So I don’t want to grow up.

学习啦在线学习网   我总是想着快点长大,这样我就可以离开我的父母,获得自由。但是昨天晚上,我看到一部电影,是关于一个小孩得到魔法成为了一个成年人。起初,他很高兴有权利做很多事情。但是,后来他发现所有的一切都是那么的复杂,他必须承担相应的责任。男孩意识到,成长并不像他想象中的那样完美,越是年长,担心的事情就越多。但是,作为一个孩子就可以很简单,只用关心快不快乐。我现在不想长大了。


学习啦在线学习网   The Reform of Textbook

  Some classic articles in the textbook will be kicked out and the new articles will be brought in. When people heard the news, they felt pity about it, because the articles from Lu Xun were so humorous and profound. Lu Xun’s articles were learned by many generations and when people talk about it, they have the common topic. Now it seems that the reform will bring the isolation between the elder generation and the new generation. People are afraid of losing the common topic with their children. But there is no need to worry. The reform of textbook is necessary to keep pace with the time. But the essence that for students to learn will not decrease.

学习啦在线学习网   教材中一些经典文章将被踢除,将引进新的文章。当人们听到这个消息,他们都觉得很可惜,因为鲁迅的文章都是既幽默而又意义深刻。很多代人都学过鲁迅的文章,所以,当大家谈论到鲁迅的文章时,他们都有共同的话题。现在看来,改革将使年长一代和新一代产生隔阂。人们害怕失去与孩子共同的话题。不过不用担心,虽然教科书的改革是与时俱进的必然,但学生要学习的精华不会被减少的。


学习啦在线学习网   My Decision

学习啦在线学习网   When I finished my study from primary school, I had to face the hard choices. One was to stay at my hometown and went to the nearest middle school, the other was to move to the city with my parents. I chose the former one, because I did not want to go to a strange city and then stayed away from my friends. They were very important for my life, because we played together and companied each other for a long time. My parents understood me and they respected my decision. No matter which school I chose, I would study hard and never give up. I could take care of myself.



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