学习啦在线学习网 以风景秀丽著称的阳朔县,位于广西壮族自治区东北部,桂林市区南面,属桂林市管辖。建县始于隋开皇十年(公元590年),距今已1400余年。全县总面积1428平方公里,有耕地2万公顷,全县总人口30万人,辖6镇3乡,有汉、壮、瑶、回等11个民族。
学习啦在线学习网 阳朔美景无处不在,许多初到此地的人都说仿佛人置画中:在县城景区,除了为您提供良好的衣食住行的同时,有西郎山、山水园、碧莲峰等美景,还有老外老愿呆在这里的“洋人街”——西街,您可以泡吧、到攀岩馆攀岩;可乘船游览漓江上的九马画山、下龙胜景、浪石风光、黄布倒影、兴坪佳境(二十元人民币的背面图取景处)等漓江著名景点,登岸拜访克林顿访问过的渔村,探被誉为“岩溶奇观”的莲花岩;在月亮山景区,有十里画廊、穿岩古榕、月亮山、聚龙潭、天然的岩洞——菩萨岩(可洗泥浴,有益皮肤)、蝴蝶泉、众多的攀岩胜地等;骑自行车游览遇龙河景区:有遇龙桥、富里桥、仙桂古桥三座500年历史以上的古石桥,以及随处可见的田园美景,因其之美,被游客们称为“小漓江”,可游泳、漂流、钓鱼、野营等;在漓江下游景区,游书童山、东郎山、中国画扇之乡——福利镇......阳朔就是一座大公园!
学习啦在线学习网 其实,老外比大多数国人更先了解阳朔,一本Lonely Planet把他们从地球的另一面带到了阳朔,到阳朔的外国游客都是人手一本,他们只把桂林作为一个交通的中转站,下飞机了,下火车了,直接从桂林赶到阳朔,一刻也不停留。知道为什么吗?我只知道一点,老外大多数很有主见!随着国内生活水平的提高,旅游成了一个大多数人重要的议程,加上国家政策的调整,五一、十一黄金周的执行,每到节假日风景区人满为患!据阳朔旅游部门统计,从2000年至今,阳朔的宾馆床位翻了一番!今年的五一依然无法安排完所有的客人,不少人只能去搭帐篷。阳朔沸腾了!阳朔爆发了!
学习啦在线学习网 阳朔在外国游客纷纷到来的时候,才慢慢地新建或用旧房改装了几十家各具特色的涉外宾馆、酒店,可以说阳朔的旅游是被推着走的!现在,西街上的四十多家各色酒吧,可让您品尝到世界各地的饮食风味,即使再小的一家小旅馆,服务员都能用流利的外语为外国游客服务,比起有些地方的三星级酒店来,还略胜一筹。阳朔当地的风味除了米粉外,主要有漓江啤酒鱼、各色酿菜、清水漓江鱼等,尤其是啤酒鱼,让人回味无穷。
学习啦在线学习网 接下来该报一下家门了,省略若干。村里有个姑娘叫小芳,一双美丽的大眼睛。偶有双美丽的小眼睛,未来保护它偶装了两扇窗户。
学习啦在线学习网 我们汽车的明显标志有,所以大家中途下车去嘘嘘的时候记得还是要回到自家车上来,可以让别车上的美女帅哥把心勾走,人呢还是留在咱车上比较稳妥。
第一、 人生就象一场旅行,我们在意得不仅是目的地,还有沿途的风景和看风景得心情。利群,让心灵去旅行!
第二、 时间就像一湾流水,不经意间的流走不变的生活,重复的轨迹,一天24小时,你有多少时间留给自己;停下来,享受美丽 美即面膜
学习啦在线学习网 备注:此广告为黄金时段播出,
学习啦在线学习网 我们此行是旅行,所以给大家讲讲旅行三境界:
看山是山 看水是水 看山不是山 看水不是水 看山还是山 看水还是水
学习啦在线学习网 人生三境界:王国维
学习啦在线学习网 古今之成大事业、大学问者,必经过三种之境界:"昨夜西风凋碧树。独上高楼,望尽天涯路。"此第一境也。"衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。"此第二境也。"众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。"此第三境也。此等语皆非大词人不能道。然遽以此意解释诸词,恐为晏欧诸公所不许也。"
学习啦在线学习网 槛菊愁烟兰泣露,罗幕轻寒,燕子双飞去。明月不谙离恨苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。
学习啦在线学习网 昨夜西凤凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路。欲寄彩笼兼尺素,山长水阔知何处!
学习啦在线学习网 第二境界:柳永《蝶恋花》
学习啦在线学习网 伫倚危楼风细细,望极春愁,黯黯生天际。草色烟光残照里,无言谁会凭阑意。
学习啦在线学习网 峨儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。
学习啦在线学习网 阳朔是怎样一个地方呢?
学习啦在线学习网 一、阳朔是一座美丽的山水之城,是深圳和广州的后花园。
阳朔位于广西东北部,隶属广西桂林市,建县始于隋开皇十年(公元590年),距今已1400余年。全县总面积1428平方公里,人口30万。县治辖6镇3乡,县城距桂林市区仅65公里,有二级水泥公路(属321国道线)相连,交通依托桂林与国内外 大中城市相通。
阳朔境内,岩溶地貌景观秀丽奇特,开成了山秀,水媚,峰巧,洞奇的碧莲玉笋世界。阳朔群山环抱,峰峦耸立,像是一朵盛开的碧莲花,县城位于碧莲峰之心,真是碧莲峰里住人家。 这里的遇龙河近三年来才有游人光顾,还保有毫无污染的清澈河水,可徒步、骑自行车、乘坐竹筏漂流,享受无限的逍遥。
学习啦在线学习网 阳朔百里山川,处处奇山秀水,自然景观与人文景观交相辉映,被誉为“天上人间旅游乡”。20世纪80年代,西方一本被背包旅行者奉为“圣经”的《Lonely Planet》里面介绍了阳朔西街独特的风情。渐渐地,这里便成了国外背包旅行者的聚集地。
学习啦在线学习网 二、阳朔是艳遇高发地带。必须郑重声明一下,所谓的艳遇的含义是
学习啦在线学习网 在新华字典里是:与一切美好事物的不期而遇
学习啦在线学习网 在牛津字典里是:与一切beautiful事物的不期而遇
学习啦在线学习网 提到艳遇就必须提西街了,它的意义相当于北京的王府井,上海的南京路,广州的北京路,深圳的华强北。西街又叫洋人街,位于县城中心, 全长1180米,宽8米的街道。西街的房屋古朴典雅,桂北明清时期风格,小青瓦、坡屋面、白粉墙,吊阳台。街中有众多的工艺品店、书画店、旅馆、咖啡厅、酒巴、中国功夫馆,这里也是洋人聚集最多的地方,其中外国人在此开店就有20多家。由于西街男女老少都能说外语,故又把西街喻为“地球村”。
(Yangshuo, Guangxi English guides words)
To the beautiful scenery known Yangshuo County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northeast, the southern city of Guilin, is the jurisdiction of Guilin.County building began Duokaihuang decade (Year 1590), it has been more than 1,400 years. County area of 1428 square kilometers, 20,000 hectares of arable land, the county’s total population of 300,000 people, exempted six three rural towns, a Han, Zhuang, Yao, to 11 different nationalities.
学习啦在线学习网 Yangshuo is subtropical monsoon climate, abundant energy, abundant sunshine, abundant rainfall.The average annual temperature is 19 degrees Celsius, 1465 hours of sunshine, an average rainfall 1640 mm, 302 days of frost-free period.
Yangshuo county is rich in resources, mainly grain rice, the annual output of 13 million tons. Pomelo, navel orange, persimmon, chestnut of Yangshuo, four specialty fruit, pomelo fruit with large color delicious sweet famous at home and abroad, 1997 production reached 16,000 tons, 1995 agricultural exposition in China won the highest awards of similar products jujube Silver; 1998 appraisals of the National Pomelo "Jinbei Award" in 1996 by the Ministry of Agriculture as "China SHATINYU village." County rich in mineral resources, lead, zinc, barite, marble, limestone and other major minerals. Yangshuo people directory, in recent years, produced a lot of development of tourism souvenirs, such as painting, drawing fans, marble, Talc souvenirs, there are landscape plant, culture shirt, Zhang Shi, wood carvings, clothing Antique, Antique pottery, handicraft and other ball, best-selling domestic and international tourism market.
Yangshuo is the first of the "state-level scenic tourist spots," one of the landscape Than Guilin. Lijiang’s "Golden Waterway" (Sing to Guilin), which is located in the territory of Yangshuo, there are still stay upright exterior of the summit more than 20,000 blocks, the wind in the mountains, finishing off 17 rivers, Xu Xiake’s been dubbed the "Gish Jen Yusun world." In addition, King is everywhere natural scenery, ancient emphasizing pastoral landscape, shocking the world must Karst wonders, Playing on the "Xiangrenjie" -- to Yangshuo West Street ...!You will be well spent!
Yangshuo beauty everywhere, many beginning here say the people who seem to own paintings : the town area, In addition to providing you with good shelter at the same time, Lang Mountain West, landscapes Park, Bilianfeng such displays, There is willing to stay in the old foreigner here, "Yang Renjie" -- West Street, you can Paoba, rock climbing rock climbing Museum; can cruise on the Lijiang River nine paintings Ma Shan, Ha Long scenery, waves rock scenery, Mirror yellow cloth, Mineral nirvana (20 yuan on the back of the map viewfinder), and other famous scenic spots in Lijiang, Clinton called on the landing visited the fishing village, explore known as "karst wonders" in the shower rock; In Moon Mountain area, a Geology, wearing Rock Hotel, Moon Mountain, polyethylene Longtan, the natural caves -- Buddha rocks (which can wash mud bath. useful skin), Hudiequan, a large rock climbing spots; Bicyclist Yulong scenic tour : Oulongqiao, fulvic Bridge Sin GUI three bridges over 500 years of history of ancient stone bridge, and you can see the pastoral beauty because beauty Tourists have called "high-water", swimming, rafting, fishing, camping; Lijiang River in the downstream area, a travel helpers Hill, Lang East Hill, a rural painting fans -- welfare ...... Yangshuo town is a large park!
Yangshuo nature to the beautiful scenery and attract global tourists who love nature of the eyes, From the 1980s to a small number of foreigners, and now the annual receipts among the 300 million or more,Yangshuo her unique charm attracts the Xanadu dream chaser.With the extensive application of information developed, Formerly known Guilin, Yangshuo, but do not know that people really find the most representative of the karst "Karst Park."
Lonely PlanetIn fact, the generals more than most people understand Yangshuo. a Lonely Planet them from the other side of the world to the Yangshuo. Yangshuo of foreign tourists are a manpower, only Guilin as a transit point for traffic, the plane, where the train. arrived directly from Yangshuo of Guilin and never stop.
学习啦在线学习网 Know why? I only know that the great majority of his own generals! With the domestic standard of living improves, tourism has become one of the most important agenda of the state policy, May 1, 11 Golden Week implementation, each of the scenic overcrowding holidays! According to the Yangshuo tourism sector statistics, from 2000, Yangshuo hotel beds doubled! This year’s May 1 will be unable to complete all the arrangements for the guests, a lot of people can only take tents.Yangshuo boiling! Yangshuo outbreak!
Yangshuo foreign tourists have come, only slowly with new or old houses to renovate dozens of special foreign guest houses, hotels, It can be said that the tourism Yangshuo is Tuizhaozou! Now, the West more than 40 bars of different colors, allowing you to enjoy the rest of the world food flavor, Even if a small one small hotel, the attendant can fluent in a foreign language to foreign tourists, Compared to some parts of the three-star hotel, also fares slightly.Yangshuo local flavor in addition to rice, the main cruise Pijiuyu all colors and stuffed vegetables, fresh water fish, such as Lijiang, in particular Pijiuyu. titled people.
学习啦在线学习网 Since ancient times, and celebrities who have Jimmy King constant source : Sun Yatsen, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and other state leaders have come to, Nixon, Carter, George Bush, President of the United States Bill Clinton four, Former United Nations Secretary-General de Cuellar and other disputes to be seen and, in 1996, Li brought his wife to visit Yangshuo, and the inscriptions : "Yangshuo -- China’s tourism county."