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学习啦在线学习网   尊敬的各位领导,各位老师:


学习啦在线学习网   今天站在这里,首先要感谢学校领导给了我这次与大家学习交流的机会。作为一名年轻的科任教师,在学校构建的“三全德育体系”进程中,我逐渐认识到,科任教师在德育工作中,虽曰配角,实则也是主角。不仅要做好教学工作,更要以良好的社会形象诠释师德。一年来,我在工作中寻找到了快乐,寻找到了职业的幸福感。今天,我就向大家汇报一下我在师德和如何做好课任教师方面的点滴收获与感悟,希望大家批评指正。


学习啦在线学习网   在多年的英语教学实践中,我发现即使我激情洋溢、想尽办法调动积极性也还是有个别学生或软硬不吃不遵守纪律,或麻木呆滞不进入状态。这成了我提高教学质量的瓶颈。但一次意外的收获使我豁然开朗。五年十班有个智障的孩子,平时上课经常自己在后面唱歌或走动,根本不听老师的话。一次中午放学后我发现他一个人站在路边发呆,就走过去问他是不是家长没来接。他望着我说想过马路。可等我带他过了马路,他还不肯走。联系到班主任后,班主任告诉我他家就在学校附近,平时也没人接送。就这样我一直陪了他大半个中午,直到他回家。从那天开始,上英语课时他再也不唱歌了,偶尔想站起来,看到我在看他就马上坐下,像知道自己犯错似的偷偷看我。下课他还主动和我说话唱歌给我听。当我看到他那张痴痴的小脸上洋溢的满是欣喜与自信时,我忽然明白了一个道理:即使是智障的孩子也会感受到老师对他的关爱,也会懂得用心去珍惜这份爱,从而认真的做好自己,那么正常的孩子就更容易被感化和激励了。于是我利用每周每班三节英语课,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围,教学方法常换常新,适时使用激励性语言,使很多孩子走出不爱学习英语的怪圈。同时用心捕捉每个孩子身上的闪光点,充分的关爱、尊重、赏识与激励,同时将我校”打造和谐团队”的理念引入课堂。既已小组为单位分为A,B,C,D四个团队,以比赛的形式将四组同学纪律、品质、学习效率与积极性等多方面的竞争贯穿于始终,并让课代表做好记录。同时我承诺下学期开学按等次进行奖励。从此以后英语课不用我扯着嗓子组织纪律,只要我把A,B,C,D往黑板上一写,孩子们立刻小手背后,打起精神头,有一个人不守纪律好几个人监督他;有一个人说不上好几个人教他说;有一个人不爱学好几个人课下做他的工作。五年十班的许翰林因为怕影响小组成绩由最开始的上课不守纪律、不完成作业、不在乎老师,到现在的大声朗读,作业工整,动作快、静、齐。那么最难管理的学生进步了小组就优秀了,小组优秀了全班的学习氛围就浓了。前两天我对孩子们兑现了我的承诺,当孩子拿着奖状激情而谈获奖感言时,我觉得我是最幸福的人,因为我收获了孩子们学习英语的信心与兴趣,也收获了孩子们对我一个科任老师浓浓的爱。只要我们对学生是认真的,是负责任的,能以自己渊博的知识,灵活的教法和高尚的情操给我们的学生最多的收获,那我们就同样能收获高效、灵动的生命课堂。

学习啦在线学习网   二、育德无言,炼造鲜活魅力副班主任形象

学习啦在线学习网   记得学校领导说过:“作为科任教师如果你赢得了班主任的支持与理解那你就成功了一大半”。这句话确实是真理。作为一名科任教师,只要站在副班主任的立场上,以一名班主任教师的情怀,懂得如何去支持与理解班主任的工作,学会换位思考,学会自己去处理调皮的学生和突发情况,少给班主任添麻烦,上课不迟到不早退,在班主任需要帮助时主动伸出援助之手等等,你就会赢得班主任的认可。然而还有更重要的一点是:你要和她们一样爱着她的学生。


学习啦在线学习网   三、教学相长,修筑自身专业发展之路

  教师是个幸福的职业”,因为我们每天都在被孩子们的爱包围着,每天都在爱与被爱中感动着。这样的爱使得我们不好意思无知下去,松懈下去。因此,在学校提倡的“五个一”校本培训中,在实践中,不断学习和提高,努力提升自己的专业素质。在过去一年中我研读了从刘丽校长那里借来的《苏霍姆林斯基给教师的 100条建议》和《教师职业道德规范》两本书,精心把心得上传到我的个人博客里。并通过对上学期的多次业务讲座和科任教师教学大奖赛后的两节示范课学习,使我通过对比找出了自身的瑕疵与差距。我还和本组同事认真学习了课件制作并浏览了很多网络里的优秀课例,从中吸取精华并运用到课堂教学中。从而提高了自身教育教学水平,促进了个人专业化成长。



学习啦在线学习网   Since I first steeped on my platform, I have decided to be a good and successful English teacher.

  However, in my class, when I gave lessons to my students, filled with enthusiasm and passion, some of the students always looked so tired and sleepy.

学习啦在线学习网   When I spent much of my time preparing for my lessons, trying my best to make my lessons vivid and interesting, the teaching effect and feedback was not that I had expected.

学习啦在线学习网   Moreover, when I was willing and eager to teach them all that I’ve learned, their abilities of English were still mediocre.

学习啦在线学习网   I was looking for the reasons.

学习啦在线学习网   And I was always asking myself: Am I good and successful? How can I be good and successful?

学习啦在线学习网   There were of course many complicated reasons and factors.

  And in my opinion, whether I am good or not, includes many factors such as my knowledge, my personality, my quality, my methods, teaching art and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   Absolutely, to be a good and successful English teacher is not an easy job.

  I need to have an excellent command of English myself to make my students appreciate me and enjoy my class.

  I need to have the abilities to provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere and environment for the students’ study.

  I have to adopt efficient and various teaching methods to my students’ level.

  I need to develop my teaching art and skills.

学习啦在线学习网   I should make full of each student’s ability and always encourage them to give them confidence.

  Therefore, “Live and learn” and “never too old to learn” have been the mottos I’ve adopted.

  I must improve my own abilities and skills of teaching, to keep up with the rapid development of our information age and society.

  Is that enough for me to be good and successful now? No, that’s far from enough.

  In spite of all the above aspects of good teaching is the primary and the most important requirement: love teaching and love my students.

  I’ve learned to be the students’ teacher, their elder sister, their friend, their mother and so on.

  I show my care and love for them.

学习啦在线学习网   Whenever they are in trouble, being sick, feeling blue or in a bad mood, I am the person that will try to take care of them, talk with them or try to help them balance themselves in good condition.

  I respect and trust them.

  When they fall in love with sb.

  , quarrel with friends, cannot get along well with parents, etc.

  I’ll analyze the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages, and give them some opinions or suggestions.

学习啦在线学习网   I sympathize with and understand them.

学习啦在线学习网   When they break the rules or do something wrong carelessly, I will help them out of trouble instead of scolding them.

学习啦在线学习网   I am always strict with them and also place high and enthusiastic hopes on them to make them be strict with themselves and be confident of themselves.

  Everyone needs love.

学习啦在线学习网   Love is one of the most magical and wonderful feelings in the world.

学习啦在线学习网   Teachers’ love for their students can make the impossible become possible.

  The love can change the disvalued into valued.

  The love can win the students’ love and respect in return.

  The love can motive the students to work hard.

学习啦在线学习网   The love can promote the students to better and better in many ways.

  The love can make the students open their heart to let us know what they are doing, what they are thinking about and how they are feeling.


  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great honor to speak here: I am an English teacher.

  People often say: Teacher is the engineer of human spirit.

  Last September, I became a teacher.

  How to become a real teacher? This is the first difficulty that I come across in my career.

  At first, I felt so good and fun to stay with so many lovely students, then I integrated with them, and soon, the problem came out.

  If a teacher can’t set up her dignity in front of the students, it will make the class teaching more difficult.

  In my lessons, the students often kept on talking, acting, and asking questions.

  What should I do? I can’t get along with them like this any more.

学习啦在线学习网   I must be strict with them.

学习啦在线学习网   Pay more attention to what should be praised, what should be criticized.

学习啦在线学习网   Any carelessness is not permitted.

  At last, the class discipline became better.

  Nowadays, the importance of learning English is obvious.

  The world becomes globalization and unify.

  The association of each country is closer and closer.

学习啦在线学习网   People call the earth as a global village.

学习啦在线学习网   English is the first current language in the international world.

  The communication of politics, economy and culture is upon English.

  As we know, we will take a beating if we lay behind.

  How to catch up with the world? That is, study English well to gain the first hand data.

  The entrance of WTO, the Olympic Games which will be held in 2008, shows that we must learn English well as quickly as possible.

  Forcing study won’t stay in the heart, feeding knowledge into the brain won’t get a good result, and high mark isn’t our teaching goal.

  To get a satisfied effect, we should make the students learn on their own initiative.

  How to make them feel interested in studying English? I think the key point is the teaching design.

  It must be vivid and vigorous.

学习啦在线学习网   We can change our study contents into games, performances, competitions and so on.

  Let them believe English is easy and funny.

学习啦在线学习网   As the step of history is advancing, the demand of English teaching is changeable.

学习啦在线学习网   The junior students are not what we know as before.

  They have a lot of knowledge, and are good at combining English with other subjects, such as history, geography, physics, chemistry and so on.

  Their English level is higher than what we thought.

学习啦在线学习网   Many of them started learning English in their primary school.

  So English teacher should pursue advanced studies constantly, and master the latest teaching materials and methods to meet today’s demands.

  I feel very happy to be an English teacher.

  I will do my best to teach English well with my knowledge, my patience and my enthusiasm.

  Make Chinese speak English better, and show their ability and talent in the world stage.

学习啦在线学习网   I am proud to tell you: I am an English teacher.