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  扩大社交圈的方法:Connect With Connectors


  A great way to expand your social circle is to connect to someone through whom you'll meet many other people. Those "connectors" are the types of people who keep friends on Facebook by the thousands, host parties whenever they can, and always seem to be with a large group of people.

学习啦在线学习网   有一个拓展社交圈的好办法,那就是与活跃于社交圈的人来往。那些“社交达人们”正是在脸书上有着成千上万粉丝的人群,他们会随心所欲地举办派对,在别人眼中他们也总是成群结队。

  Oftentimes, these are very open people and are easier to connect with than you think. They might not have the time to invest in a deep friendship with you, but they love to get to know more interesting people to add to their circle.


  扩大社交圈的方法:Meet New People Constantly

学习啦在线学习网   不断认识不同的人

学习啦在线学习网   A great habit to have is to always be meeting people that you can add to your circles. In reality, not all the people you meet will become your friends and not all your current friends will be around forever. This is why I always say that if you're not making new friends, you're actually making fewer.


  I recommend that you go to places where it's easy and appropriate to walk up to anyone and introduce yourself. Ideally, you need to go to places where others are open to meeting new people as well. Examples might be trade shows, opening nights, galas, cultural or charitable events, seminars, and talks.


  扩大社交圈的方法:Establish Yourself As a Giver of Value


  When meeting lots of people, you have to "hook". Nothing hooks better than having a giver attitude. First, listen really to what they say and imagine if you were them; see the world through their eyes. Second, be willing to share stories, contacts, or quick advice on what people are talking about.


学习啦在线学习网   When you meet new people, there are some psychological principles that determine whether or not they'll want to meet you again. This works on an unconscious level. One of the most important principles is the giver/takerattitude. If they sense that you only care about yourself, connection isn't going to happen.

学习啦在线学习网   与人初见面,依据的是那套心理学原理,那会直接决定对方是否愿意再见你。这是在潜意识里产生的作用。其中最重要的一条原理就是给予或索取态度。若对方感到你只在乎自己,那么你们不会有下文。

  You can portray a giver attitude in two ways. The first is about really listening to what they say, imagining the world through their eyes, and giving them your opinion on their stories and situations. The second way is to prove that you're ready to share similar stories about what they're talking about, or introduce them to someone who could help them.

学习啦在线学习网   展现给予态度有两种方式。第一种是认真倾听对方,看对方所看的世界,基于对方的故事和情况来给出你的观点。第二种是证明你愿意与之分享类似的故事,或者介绍别人伸出援手。

  扩大社交圈的方法:Commit to a Local Community

学习啦在线学习网   致力于当地社区活动

  One of the fastest ways to boost your social life is to get involved in a community that has the type of people that you want as friends. This community should be in your local area and should hold social get-togethers once a month, or more.


学习啦在线学习网   What you do is find one that you like, maybe on meetup.com, and offer your help to the people who run it. They'll most likely accept, even if they don't need that much help; they'll just be glad you're interested. This works great because it makes you meet everyone, and because it establishes you as a giver of value.

学习啦在线学习网   而你需要做的就是找一家你中意的社团,这可以在meetup.com网站上找,然后向团里的人提供帮助。即便他们并不怎么需要那份帮助,但绝大多数都会接受;重点是他们乐意看到你心怀兴趣。这招很有用,因为它能让你遇见不同的人,并能树立你作为给予者的价值观。

  扩大社交圈的方法:Reach Out to People On a Regular Basis


  Staying in touch is vital if you want to keep your social circles alive. You need to follow up with the people you just met, and catch up with existing friends. The challenge here is that we tend to get distracted and forget about it, and regret later on.


  To solve this problem, you can create a weekly ritual, where you spend only one hour calling, texting, and messaging people. Just mark on your calendar a specific day and time, and do it every week. A great time to do it is Tuesday or Wednesday, as it gives you the opportunity to make plans with people for the weekend.


  扩大社交圈的方法:Know the Kind of Friends You Want in Advance


学习啦在线学习网   Before you start investing more time on making friends, do a little planning. Try to figure out what kind of people you want to hang out with. List out a few qualities, character traits, or interests that you like, and don't hesitate to be a little more ambitious than usual. This is important because it allows your mind to quickly tell if a person you meet could be a great fit for you.









