学习啦 > 演讲与口才 > 谈判技巧 > 商务谈判内容的对话


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学习啦在线学习网   通过商务谈判内容的对话会让自己的英语水平取得了一些新的感知。下面学习啦小编整理了商务谈判内容的对话,供你阅读参考。


学习啦在线学习网   Peter:I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.


  Smith:Shoot. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.


  Peter:Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking.


  Smith:You think we will be asking for more?

学习啦在线学习网   你认为我们会要更多吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Peter:That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.

学习啦在线学习网   那并不是我想的.我知道你们的研究成本是很高,但我希望能得到七五折.

  Smith:That seems to be a little high. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers.


  Peter:We said we want 10000pcs over a three-month period. What if we plan orders for a year, with a guarantee?


  Smith:If you can guarantee that on paper,I think we can discuss this further.



  1.I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.

  "get the ball rolling"就是"开始做某事"的意思,"to make something start happening".也可以说是"set/start the ball rolling",意思不变.

学习啦在线学习网   I'll start the ball rolling by introducing the first speaker. 我来介绍一下第一位讲演者作为开始.

  I'd like to get/start the ball rolling by doing sth是一句谈话,谈判时很好的开场白.


学习啦在线学习网   You want to tell me something? OK, shoot! 你有话要告诉我?那好,说吧!

学习啦在线学习网   3.That's not exactly what I had in mind.

学习啦在线学习网   Have(got) sth in mind:打算做某事,有心做某事

学习啦在线学习网   What do you have in mind for dinner tonight? 你晚上想吃什么?

学习啦在线学习网   How long have you had this in mind? 你想这件事多久了?

  大家要注意了,have sth in mind单纯地指想或者计划某事,不带感情色彩,而 have sth on sb's mind意思就大不一样了.

  Don't bother your father tonight─he's got a lot on his mind. 今晚就别打扰你父亲了--他的烦心事儿已经够多了.

学习啦在线学习网   4.What if we plan orders for a year, with a guarantee?

学习啦在线学习网   Order: 订货;订购;订单


  Place an order for sth:订购某物

  I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book. 这本书我想订购十册.

学习啦在线学习网   Can be made to order:可以定做

  These items can be made to order(= produced especially for a particular customer) 这几项可以订做.

  5.If you can guarantee that on paper,I think we can discuss this further.

学习啦在线学习网   On paper: when you put something on paper, you write it down 写下来;笔录

  On paper还有一个意思,就是"仅照字面看;理论上", judged from written information only, but not proved in practice.

学习啦在线学习网   例如,The idea looks good on paper. 仅就字面看,这个主意不错.


  A: The seller Miss Lin representing Huaxin Trading Co.,Ltd.

  B: The buyer Mr. Cai representing James Brown&Sons Co.,Ltd.

  A: Good morning, Mr. Cai. Glad to meet you.

  B: Good morning, Miss Lin. It’s very nice to see you in person.

  Let me introduce my colleagues to you. This is my manager, Mr. Jia.

  A: How do you do? Mr.Jia.

  B: How do you do? Miss Lin. Nice to meet you.

学习啦在线学习网   B: ....And this is Mr. Wang. He is in charge of sales department. This is Miss Huang. She is in charge of business with clents.

  A: Nice to meet you, Miss Huang, Mr. Wang.

学习啦在线学习网   B: Nice to meet you, Miss Lin.

  A: How are things going?

  B: Everything is nice.

  A: I hope through your visit we can settle the price for our Chinaware, and conclude the business before long.

学习啦在线学习网   B: I think so, Miss Lin. We came here to talk to you about our requirements of HX Series Chinaware. Can you show us your price-list and catalogues?

  A: We’ve specially made out a price-list which cover those items most popular on your market. Here you are.

学习啦在线学习网   B: Oh, it’s very considerate of you. If you’ll excuse me, I ’ll go over your price-list right now.

学习啦在线学习网   A: Take your time, Mr. Cai.

  B: Oh, Mr, Wang. After going over your price-list and catalogues, we are interested in Art No. HX1115 and HX 1128, but we found that your price are too high      than those offered by other suppliers. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such high prices.

  A: I’m sorry to hear that. You must know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years while our prices of Chinaware basically remain unchanged. To be frank, our commodities have always come up to our export standard and the packages are excellent designed and printed. So our products are moderately priced.

  B: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you in this respect. I know that your products are attractive in design, but I wish to point out that your offers are higher than         some of the quotations. I’ve received from your competitors in other countries. So, your price is not competitive in this market.

  A: Mr. Cai. As you may know, our roducts which is of high quality have found a good market in many countries. So you must take quality into consideration, too.

学习啦在线学习网   B: I agree with what you say, but the price difference should not be so big. If you want to get the order, you’ll have to lower the price. That’s reasonable, isn’t it?

学习啦在线学习网   A: Well, in order to help you develop business in this line, we may consider making some concessions in your price, but never to that extent.

  B: If you are prepared to cut down your price by 8%, we might come to terms.

  A: 8%? I’m afraid you are asking too much. Actually, we have never gave such lower price. For friendship’s sake, we may exceptionally consider reducing the price by 5%. This is the highest reduction we can afford.

  B: You certainly have a way of talking me into it. But I wonder if when we place a larger order, you’ll farther reduce your prices. I want to order one container of HX1115 and 438 sets of HX1128.

  A: Mr. Cai, I can assure you that our price is most favourable. We are sorry to say that we can bring our price down a still lower level.

  B: Ok, I accept. Now let’s talk about the terms of payment. Would you accept D/P? I hope it will be acceptable to you.

  A: The terms of payment we usually adopt are sight L/C.

  B: But I think it would be beneficial to both of us to adopt more flexible payment terms such as D/P term.

  A: Payment by L/C is our usual practice of doing business with all customers for such commodities. I’m sorry we can’t accept D/P terms.

学习啦在线学习网   B: As for regular orders in future, couldn’t you agree to D/P?

  A: Sure. After several smooth transactions, we can try D/P terms.

学习啦在线学习网   B: Well, as for shiopment, the soon the better.

  A: Yes, shipment is to be made in April, not allowing partial shipment.

学习啦在线学习网   B: Ok, I see. How about packing the goods?

  A: We’ll pack HX115 in carton of one set each, HX1128 in cases of one set each, two cases to a carton.

学习啦在线学习网   B: I suggest the goods packed in cardboard boxes, it’s more attractive than cartons. Do you think so?

  A: Well, I hope the packing will be attractive,too.

  B: For transaction concluded on CIF basis, insurance is to be covered by the sellers for 110% of invoice value against WPA. Clash&Breakage and War Risk.

  A: This term less these goods should damage in transit. I agree with it.

  B: I’m gald we have brought this transaction to a successful conclusion and hope this will be the beginning of other business in the future. Let’s confirm these items we concluded at the moment.

  A: Yes, we concluded as follows: 532 sets of HX1115 at the price of USD 23.50 per set to be packed in cardboard boxes of one set each and to be shipped CIF5 Toronto; 438 sets of HX1128 at the price of USD 14.50 per set to be packed in case of one set each, two cases to a cardboard box and to be shipped CIF5 Toronto.

  B: All right. By the way, when can I expect to sign the S/C?

学习啦在线学习网   A: Mr. Cai, would it be convenient for you to come again tomorrow morning. I’ll get the S/C ready tomorrow for your signature.

  B: That’s fine. See you tomorrow. Goodbye. Miss Lin.

学习啦在线学习网   A: See you and thanks for coming, Mr. Cai.

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