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学习啦在线学习网   Respected leaders, teachers, dear classmates:

  Everybody is good, the title of my speech today is "the firm belief, beyond the self".

学习啦在线学习网   Helen Keller is such a very image and vivid words: "when a person feel goofy impulse, he will no longer content to climb on the ground." It is a lofty ideal, it is a kind of belief, she accepted the challenge of life, created the miracle of life.

  Her, blind deaf-mute set in one of a weak woman who graduated from Harvard University, and to run the full force of the coming life, set up Taiwan's charity, for the disabled to benefit, was voted 20 th-century American ten big hero. Ideal and faith like the burning fire to get her out of the darkness, out of the dead, ideal and faith as the huge wings, help her to fly in the sky.

  In a sense, people is not living in a material world, but to live in the spirit world, live in the ideal and faith. For human life, to live, and as long as a bowl of rice, a glass of water is ok; But if you want to live a wonderful, there must be spirit, will have lofty ideal and firm belief.

学习啦在线学习网   Ideal faith make poor people become rich, make people see the light in the darkness, make people see hope in despair, make dreams become a reality.

  Let me tell you a story: the vast desert, an expedition in the hard journey. Scorching sun overhead, baking too thirsty, the explorers sweat profusely. Worst of all, they have no water. Water is to the survival of their faith, faith burst the bubble, like a flat plane, lost the soul, to look at to captain. How can it do? Captain from the waist a kettle, hands up, waved the hard, pleasantly surprised to shouted: "oh, I here there is a pot of water. But before crossing the desert, who also could not drink." Heavy water from the hands of the players is passed, the original is on the face of despair and show strong look, must be out of the desert faith support they sloshed, step by step to move forward. Watched the kettle, they sip sip chapped lips, suddenly added strength. Finally, they survived, out of the vast expanse of desert, everyone to tears of joy, for a long time gazing at that gave them the belief to support the kettle. Captain carefully tweaked boiling water pot lid, slowly out of the sand is curling up. He said sincerely: "as long as have a firm belief in the heart, dry sand can sometimes become a clear spring water."

学习啦在线学习网   Black leader Martin Luther King has a famous saying: "in this world, no one can make you fall. If you own faith still stand." Yes, even in the most difficult time, also do not put out faith in heart torches.

  The achievement of the students, no matter you now how, no matter you are the basis of how, as long as the firm belief, beyond the self, you will have the direction of the efforts, you have a goal, you have the power of life, you have hope of success!




学习啦在线学习网   她,盲聋哑集于一身的弱女子竟然毕业于哈佛大学,并用生命的全部力量奔走呼告,建起了一家家慈善机构,为残疾人造福,被评选为20世纪美国十大英雄偶像。理想和信念像熊熊燃烧的烈火使她才走出黑暗,走出死寂,理想和信念像巨大的羽翼,帮助她飞上云天。


学习啦在线学习网   理想信念使贫困的人变成富翁,使黑暗中的人看见光明,使绝境中的人看到希望,使梦想变成现实。

学习啦在线学习网   下面我给大家讲一个故事:浩瀚的沙漠中,一支探险队在艰难地跋涉。头顶骄阳似火,烤得探险队员们口干舌燥,挥汗如雨。最糟糕的是,他们没有水了。水就是他们赖以生存的信念,信念破灭了,一个个像塌了架,丢了魂,不约而同地将目光投向队长。这可怎么办?队长从腰间取出一个水壶,两手举起来,用力晃了晃,惊喜地喊道:“哦,我这里还有一壶水!但穿越沙漠前,谁也不能喝。”沉甸甸的水壶从队员们的手中依次传递,原来那种濒临绝望的脸上又显露出坚定的神色,一定要走出沙漠的信念支撑他们踉跄着,一步一步地向前挪动。看着那水壶,他们抿抿干裂的嘴唇,陡然增添了力量。终于,他们死里逃生,走出茫茫无垠的沙漠,大家喜极而泣之时,久久凝视着那个给了他们信念支撑的水壶。队长小心翼翼地拧开水壶盖,缓缓流出的却是一缕缕沙子。他诚挚地说:“只要心里有坚定的信念,干枯的沙子有时也可以变成清冽的泉水。”




  Motivational speech: a new hope

学习啦在线学习网   Dear friends:

  Today I want to tell a true story, the protagonist of the story is me, a troubled, but always refused to bow to fate, confident girl in the fight against god.

学习啦在线学习网   Fourteen years ago, the season of the grass sprout out of the earth, god will mercilessly disease to me: my right leg had osteomyelitis. But fate and a ruthless joke on me -- - a doctor wrong to me first diagnosis of bone cancers, cancers of the later when blood cancer treatment. My right leg made five consecutive major surgery, small leg has shaved twice, and take out after more than 40 pieces of broken bone, in order to "can never stand up" "will be in a wheelchair for life" and other terrible conclusion, that I will be permanently disabled. Alive and kicking me paralyzed, fate how unfair to me! Want to know, when I was only eight years old.

  Can't remember how many days, the parents work, sister go to school, only I a person lonely space crawling around on wooden bed, windowsill putting the food, the pan under the bed... Only by the evening, family members are back home, I can only be "active" held him to a wheelchair. One day, I happened to find that, like a puppet, depends on people dominate life - is so small, deeply hurt my self-esteem. No! I can't let my legs become a decoration, I want to stand up from the wheelchair, from the wheelchair to go!

学习啦在线学习网   So, I almost forgot what is a walk, and began to practice walking like a child. But, I lose consciousness of his left leg had no support body, hands left the support material, the body is out of balance, also immediately fell down. A large living, fell on the concrete, and fall over and over again, to say don't hurt her, or I am not afraid of pain, that is reluctant to broken head, arms fall off the fractured bone, right leg has healed blade broke away... But in order to walk again, I bite a tooth silently endure...

  After nearly two years of hard training, a miracle has finally emerged: I stood up from the wheelchair, and do not need any support to move slowly. This is my life

  For the first time through their own efforts for harvest, my mood is how excited, how happy!

  However, when I dragged the cannot bend the straight leg, limped out of the house, which was a neighbor's children laugh at... At night, people have to sleep, my heart always can't calm, think about the injustice of fate, wronged tears streamed could bear it... Disabled people are people too, especially I was a child. I want to fight! I want to correct the distorted image in people's heart for the disabled.

学习啦在线学习网   I know that if you want to change others opinion of himself, will have the knowledge, have the level and ability, it needs to study hard, enterprising, improve themselves, growth ability. "Pearl mussel disease" said is condensed into pearl oyster pain. I don't entertain wild hope one day I can become a "pearl", but I hope to live meaningful. So, I put all the energy used in the study. You know, learning is like a stream, a pole slacken, retreat. In order to adhere to the heart that no hangover lifestyle, playing, watch TV, use my contemporaries park reading study, and the rest time. "Bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from Fairbanks to", I am filled with high aspirations, finally entered the glory of life for the disabled, I jump two level in elementary school, high school, I'm still leading the way. Again, because my composition about hundred articles published on newspapers and magazines, and repeatedly won the prize, so is known as the "campus little writer". Liaoning TV, liaoning daily, women's magazine, and other news media reports to my project. I didn't meet your, but tirelessly, with more pay, sprint to the higher level goal!

  As I fully into the middle rising exam preparation, spread a piece of news I can not accept: some of the key school doesn't allow me to enter oneself for an examination in the city. The reason is very simple, I have a disability.

  I can't believe, but also have to face the reality. Remember the famous gymnast Li Dashuang said such a words: "the life of the road has twists and turns, each winding is a failure. If the fear of failure, collapse, will never get out of the twists and turns, to win. I think a person should first learn to defeat, to learn to win. Bold people regard failure as the ladder of success; negative pessimistic people are often depressed, then failure is his tomb." Yes, no one is loser forever, as long as you don't look down on yourself, as long as you don't become my heart prison, after all hope into despair, all despair still can cicada into new hope!


学习啦在线学习网   今日我要讲一个真实的故事,故事的主人公就是我——一个多灾多难,但始终不肯向命运低头,满怀信心与老天抗争的女孩。





学习啦在线学习网   第一次通过自己的努力换取的收获,我的心情是何等的激动、何等的舒畅啊!


学习啦在线学习网   我知道要想让他人改变对自己的看法,就要有知识、有水平、有能力,那就需要努力学习,不断进取,完善自我,增长才干。“蚌病成珠”说的是牡蛎的痛苦凝成了珍珠。我不奢望自己有一天能成为“珍珠”,但我企望生活得有意义。因此,我把所有的精力都用在了学习上。各位知道,学习好比逆水行舟,一篙松劲,退之千里。为了坚持心中那毫无怨悔的生活方式,我利用同龄人玩耍嬉戏、看电视、逛公园以及休息时间看书学习。“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,我怀着满腔的壮志豪情,终于走进了残疾人生命的辉煌:在小学我连跳两级,上中学后,我仍旧名列前茅。又因为我作文成绩突出,在报刊上发表过百余篇文章,并多次获奖,所以被誉为“校园小作家”。辽宁电视台、《辽宁日报》、《妇女》杂志等多家新闻单位对我都进行了专题报导。我没有满足自己,而是孜孜不倦,以更大的付出,向更高层次的目标冲刺!


学习啦在线学习网   我不敢相信,可又不得不去面对现实。记得著名体操运动员李大双说过这样一段话:“人生的道路是曲折的,每一道曲折就是一次失败。如果害怕失败,一蹶不振,就永远不能走出曲折,到达胜利。我觉得一个人应该先学会败,再学会胜。勇于进取的人把失败看作是成功的阶梯;消极悲观的人往往一蹶不振,那么失败就是他的坟墓。”是的,没有人是永远的失败者,只要不瞧不起自己,只要不成为自己的心囚,在所有希望成为绝望之后,所有的绝望仍旧能够蝉化为新的希望!


  I have a question for you. ‘Do you know how to breathe?’ Okay, I know what you are thinking now, “Girl, are you kidding me? Everybody knows how to breathe.” Actually, if I were you sitting down in there one year ago, I would think, “How did she make it to the final?”

  Alright, seriously speaking, what I am talking about is “the art of breathing”, and it’s about breathing in a Yoga way: peacefully and always under control. What it reveals is the real essence of perseverance, “In order to achieve, sometimes, you need to wait.” And when it comes to things you really want in life, it is as hard as it could possibly be.

学习啦在线学习网   For me, singing is a life thing. When I am singing on the stage, I feel whole-heartedly involved, and the self-fulfillment it renders is inexplicably thrilling. But with all the realistic problems I need to face in life, all those I want seem too far to be true– so far that I am terrified that I will never ever be able to get there and that gradually I will be carried away by the currents and torrents of life. I’ve been drowned into this ambivalence for so long. Now, with a refined perspective towards self-realization, I am waiting, in a graceful posture, and knowing that I am going to get there. And on this, I should say, I owe Yoga a thank-you.

  I still remember, about one year ago, I attended a Yoga course for the very first time. And to tell you the truth, I went there for a nice figure. However, after practicing for some time, I discovered that there was an ineffable inner-strength burgeoning sneakily in me while I totally focused. In order not to let go this significant power, I started to picture all I wanted in my mind while I was fully concentrating, for I believe the wings of imagination could make things possible. I learned to breathe with my dreams, shaping the eagerness into this elegant gesture of persisting.

  And now, if you ask me what exactly is “the art of breathing”, I would say it is indeed “the art of living”. It combines the search of balance, the grace of patience, and the awareness of appreciation.

学习啦在线学习网   So even though feelings are tied up with life routines, I could still hold onto that free EGO which I have always adored: the girl who is singing under the spotlight, with all her heart and soul; the girl who is persevering with all she believes in and always feels grateful for what has been bestowed on her.

学习啦在线学习网   That girl is now standing right here in front of you, hoping that you are all as lucky as she is, living with dreams and love. No matter how tough things get, I tell myself, I tell myself that, every single thing I am doing now is every step closer to that very moment of my trajectory, just like every Yoga breath to every blossom moment of my life.





