欧美歌手Daniel Powter资料简介
丹尼尔·理查德·波特(Daniel Richard Powter),亦作丹尼尔·帕德,1971年2月25日,出生于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省弗农市的欧垦娜根山谷地区,加拿大唱作音乐人。下面是小编为大家整理的欧美歌手Daniel Powter资料简介,希望大家喜欢!
Daniel Powter资料简介
姓 名:Daniel Richard Powter丹尼尔•理查德•波特
学习啦在线学习网 别 名:DP,D.Powter
国 籍:加拿大
星 座:双鱼座
出 生 地:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省弗农市
学习啦在线学习网 出生日期:1971-02-25
职 业:音乐家
Daniel Powter艺人简介
学习啦在线学习网 加拿大吟唱诗人Daniel Powter,这位集所有特殊风格、才华、以及天真和嘲讽于一身的北国年轻人,首支单曲 "bad day" 如旋风般地在法国电台创下点播的奇迹,将近二个月蝉连榜首,更在法国当地造成一股dp(Daniel Powter)热潮。
“与众不同”是每个听过Daniel Powter首张同名专辑的人会有的第一个反应。“与众不同”并非意味者奇怪、诡异、古怪,而比较像是巧妙琢磨、前卫的流行乐,歌曲很吸引人,节奏具感染力、坚不可摧的和弦像钩子般钩入你的脑子里并且不放手。整张专辑的音乐是轻快活泼的,但Daniel Powter也特意展现力道优异的音乐技巧和古灵精怪的坦率。首张同名大碟将让你全面体验这位,你不能不认识的音乐诗人。
歌手Daniel Powter——2005年MTV欧洲音乐奖提名最佳新人,连续2年福特汽车百万广告曲演唱人,2008金曲奖唯一重金邀请的西洋嘉宾,创下2006年台湾西洋男艺人专辑最高销售纪录
专辑《Daniel Powter》——2005年荣登英国金榜第5名,一张为郁闷的现代人重新找回生活激情的流行音乐大碟
专辑《Under the Radar》——2008年发行睽违3年最触动人心的全新创作专辑,曲风不失首张专辑的丹式独特假音诠释,另外再注入吉他学习啦在线学习网、管絃乐等新元素,使得整张专辑更丰富耐 听,不但有招牌式的丹尼尔、还有新鲜感的丹尼尔
歌曲Bad day—2004年可口可乐公司为期两周的广告活动宣传曲;2005年英国金榜亚军单曲、连续十周占据瑞士单曲榜冠军、如旋风般地在法国电台创下点播奇迹并将近两个月蝉联榜首……
2008夏”福特New Mondeo”广告曲 Whole World Around,掀起台湾消费市场极高询问度
学习啦在线学习网 即将流行全球的西洋国歌 Best of Me
学习啦在线学习网 曲风流畅更胜陶喆的心碎情歌 Don’t Give Up On Me
学习啦在线学习网 全球票选第一主打单曲 Next Plane Home
在Daniel Powter的创作空间里,歌词、旋律与嗓音有着一种奇特的呼应与对比。他笔下的歌词大都以日常生活中的所见所闻为主,反映的是现代都市生活的疲惫、忙碌与无奈;而歌曲的旋律却在忧郁与无奈之间,迸发着充满爆发力的激昂与热情;作为一名歌手,Daniel Powter能在真假音切换中运用自如,使每首歌曲跌宕起伏、错落有致,而且,诗人的特性更让其假音流露着对现代都市的无尽嘲讽,尤其在歌曲Lie to me和Hollywood中,这种嘲弄和讽刺被挥洒的淋漓尽致。
2009年末,由于在公告牌单曲排行榜仅有《Bad Day》一首上榜歌曲,丹尼尔被美国公告牌杂志评为10年来“最昙花一现”的歌手。
学习啦在线学习网 2010年12月,丹尼尔在英国和日本限量发行了新歌加精选专辑《Best of Me》。其中,宣传单曲《Lose to Win》取得了日本单曲榜第54名的成绩。
2012年,丹尼尔完成了自己的第三张录音室专辑《Turn On The Lights》。2012年4月,首支宣传单曲《Cupid》发行,取得了日本单曲榜1第2名、美国公告牌成人流行单曲榜第36名的成绩。专辑《Turn On The Lights》于2012年7月13日iTunesStore发行,7月16日在英国发行,8月14日正式在北美地区发行。2013年,第二支宣传单曲《Crazy All My Life》发行,取得了俄罗斯单曲榜第12名、加拿大单曲榜第23名的成绩。同年11月,波特来中国举办个人巡回演唱会。
Daniel Powter英语介绍
学习啦在线学习网 Early life
Powter grew up in Vernon, in the Okanagan-Shuswap region of British Columbia. As a child, Powter played the violin at the age of 4. He changed to piano at 10 years old after a group of children bullied him and destroyed his violin. Suffering from dyslexia, Powter had trouble in university studying music, and later dropped out in order to pursue his own musical career, learning all songs by ear and recording new melodies that he created. He started writing songs when he was 13 years old.
Later career
In March 2008, a song by Japanese singer Haru featuring Powter, "Find My Way", was released. In September, Powter released his third album, Under the Radar. This was the same year in which he embarked on the Wolfbaggin' Tour, joining the likes of Alphabeat and Lil Chris.
In December 2009, Powter was named as the decade's top One-Hit Wonder by Billboard. The magazine describes one-hit wonders as acts whose second hit did not reach the top 25; they only included acts from 2000 to 2007.Powter's notoriety is unmistakable, since "Bad Day" is his only Hot 100 hit.
On January 1, 2010, he performed O Canada at the NHL Winter Classic. In that same year, he released his greatest hits album, Best of Me, and with it, recorded three new songs and a new version of the title track to go along with 'Bad Day', 'Jimmy Gets High', 'Next Plane Home' and his other singles. Only one was released as a single: 'Lose To Win'; Powter again failed to re-capture the success of "Bad Day". Sometime after, he took a hiatus.
On April 10, 2012, Powter's new single "Cupid" was released to US and Canadian iTunes stores. Powter's latest album, Turn on the Lights, was released in July .On June 13,, Powter also made a tribute to L'Arc-en-Ciel with his variation of the song "Stay Away."On December 5, Powter was featured in a song with Japanese singer May J. titled "Back To Your Heart". On the 18 he released the single "Christmas Cupid", which is a Christmas version of his song "Cupid".
On April 10, 2013, he released "Crazy All My Life". On June 5, Powter announced on Twitter that he was working on a new album with Jeff Dawson, who co-produced most of his songs in the past, and John Fields, who produced "Crazy All My Life". Powter added that like with I'm Your Betty he would not be focusing on making singles or else he would create 'garbage'.On July 17, Powter performed at the NADCP 19th Annual Drug Court Training Conference Closing Ceremony performing "Bad Day" and "Whole World Around".On November,Powter went on tour in China.
欧美歌手Daniel Powter资料简介
