Ke$ha(原名:Kesha Rose Sebert),1987年3月1日出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,美国流行女歌手、词曲创作者。下面是小编为大家整理的欧美歌手Ke$ha的资料简介,希望大家喜欢!
中 文 名:凯莎
外 文 名:Ke$ha
别 名:钱婆、钱妞
国 籍:美国
星 座:双鱼座
学习啦在线学习网 身 高:178cm
学习啦在线学习网 出 生 地:美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市
学习啦在线学习网 出生日期:1987年3月1日
职 业:歌手、词曲创作者
1987年3月1日,Ke$ha在洛杉矶的圣费尔南多谷出生。Ke$ha的爸爸在她出生前就跑了,她一直不知道爸爸是谁。她妈妈Pebe Sebert,也是一位创作歌手。身为单亲妈妈的Pebe Sebert在舞台与家庭间奔波,辛苦的将Ke$ha和她哥哥Lagan带大。母女三人生活在经济方面有不少困难,是领着救济金与补助才得以维生的。1991年,她们搬到了田纳西州,并定居在此。母亲常常将Ke$ha和Lagan带到录音室,并鼓励Ke$ha唱歌。她们家曾在2005年电视系列剧拜金女新体验(英语:The Simple Life)中出现过。
Ke$ha这时已开始进行音乐工作,并唱了一些demo。母亲教Ke$ha音乐知识,母女也常在她放学回家后一起写歌。她在提到自己中学时非常认真,并在SAT考了将近满分的优异分数。17岁时,音乐制作人Dr. Luke和Max Martin强力说服她回到洛杉矶并投入音乐事业。她听从建议而辍学,后来才回来拿高中毕业学习啦在线学习网证书。两人之前看过了Ke$ha的作品而大为称赞,并将她签入Dr. Luke的唱片公司。
17岁来到洛杉矶后,她参与Paris Hilton单曲Nothing in This World的背景合唱。Dr. Luke和Ke$ha之后慢慢疏远,她跳槽到David Sonenberg的公司DAS。她开始与一些顶级作曲者合作,并快速成长,例如她将自己节奏导向的音乐风格归功于当时与Greg Wells的合作.她也参与了The Veronicas单曲This Love制作,与Toby Gad合作.这时,她想请名歌手Prince帮她制作音乐,结果自己闯入了他比佛利山庄的家去找他。被抓包后她被丢了出去,但有得及把自己的作品交到Prince手上,虽然后来Prince也没联络她就是了.她回忆“我当时觉得没怎样,但现在想起来我根本是神经学习啦在线学习网病一个。”
学习啦在线学习网 Ke$ha这时仍是默默无名,只好一边当服务生和电话推销员维持生活.她后来又离开了DAS ,回去Dr.Luke的公司.她之后在Britney Spears作品"Lace and Leather"中唱和声并在Katy Perry单曲I Kissed a Girl的MV出演。她和Perry两人是多年的好友,过去都还不红时在一起在洛杉矶努力了很久。
2009年初,Ke$ha在Flo Rida大热冠军单曲"Right Round."中合唱,开始受到广泛注意.她形容这次合作是"意外",她只是路过刚好碰到正在制作这首歌的Flo Rida和Dr. Luke.Flo Rida这时需要一个女声,Dr. Luke就推荐旁边的Ke$ha。成品出来后,Flo Rida非常满意,两人又合作了两首歌.然而,Ke$ha没有在"Right Round"的美国版本上被列入制作名单,也没有收到一块钱版税.她也拒绝在MV中出演,虽然这明明是很好的露脸机会。她后来在访问中解释这些反常情况的原因:“如果想当个光明正大的艺人,很重要的是什么时候说"不"。我知道他们要我演荡妇之类的角色,但那不符我形象。所以啰。”本曲之后取得巨大成功,但Ke$ha还是穷得要命。这件事就是她给自己取了“Ke$ha”这艺名的原因。她回忆“那首歌后来红到爆,我不管走到哪都听到那首歌。当我在超市里连颗马铃薯都没钱买时,却还是听到自己的声音在旁边放著...我就想讽刺一下,讽刺整个关于钱的事。我这人事实上不很看重钱,就在名字上相反过来强调钱。
学习啦在线学习网 之后,Ke$ha被多家公司看中,最后选择签入RCA Records,并开始制作自己的出道专辑.她的出道单曲"Tik Tok",8月上旬在美国发行,在10月派台播放.之后她进行了一些活动,包括共写了Miley Cyrus专辑'The Time of Our Lives的标题曲,在Pitbull的专辑出现,并在Women's Wear Daily杂志封面出现.她也参与Calvin Harris的英国巡演,和Mickey Avalon的美国巡演. 她也在麦迪逊花园广场参加Z100举办的活动演出。
"Tik Tok"在新西兰单曲榜夺冠,成为她生涯首支冠军,之后势不可档,陆续在十个国家夺冠,并在其他几国进前五名.本曲在美国本土的成功更是巨大,打破了女歌手单曲单周下载史上最高纪录,周销达61万次,在总排名则是第二(第一就是"Right Round"),也打破了Top 40 Mainstream airplay单周记录,且据美国单曲榜冠军共九周,是1977年Debby Boone的"You Light Up My Life"后据冠军最长之女歌手出道单曲.2010年1月5日,Ke$ha'的出道专辑Animal在美国发行,评价非常两极化。“滚石杂志”评价 “讨人厌,让人反感,但旋律好记得可怕。”本作首周销量152,000,登上冠军.她为本专辑共制作了200首曲子,前后历时七年,最后选出14首收入专辑。她和歌手Justin Bieber在第52届格莱美奖一起出席。
Ke$ha于2010年4月17日在Saturday Night Live首次登场.她在2010年除个人活动外,与其他歌手的合作活动也很多。包括共作Miranda Cosgrove的出道专辑,并在Taio Cruz的单曲"Dirty Picture",Travie McCoy的单曲"Want U Bad"合作.她也参与3OH!3和Mickey Avalon的作品.她也是Rihanna的Last Girl on Earth巡演北美部分的开场歌手,并会参加音乐节的Lilith Fair复活场。
2012年9月发行单曲《Die Young》,在公告牌百强单曲榜获得第2名;同年12月4日,发行专辑《Warrior》。
学习啦在线学习网 2014年10月,Ke$ha参加在中国上海举办的风暴音乐节。
Ke$ha在2015年的国际作曲比赛“International Songwriting Competition(ISC)“中担任评审团成员之一。
学习啦在线学习网 2016年,开启“Mad Decent Block Party”巡演。同年,现身2016 Coachella音乐节,演绎“True Colors”。
In 2005, at 18, Kesha was signed to Dr. Luke's label, Kemosabe Entertainment, and his music publishing company, Prescription Songs.
Kesha appeared in the video for her friend Katy Perry's single "I Kissed a Girl", and sang background vocals for the Dr. Luke-produced song, "Lace and Leather" by Britney Spears in 2008.
Kesha gained exposure in the mainstream media in early 2009 after appearing on rapper Flo Rida's number one single, "Right Round".
Animal debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 when it was released in January 2010.The lead single of the album, "Tik Tok", broke the record in the United States for the highest single week sales, selling 610,000 digital downloads, the highest ever by a female artist since tracking began in 2003.
Kesha held a benefit concert on June 16, 2010 where all proceeds went to aid victims of the May 2010 Tennessee floods from her hometown Nashville.She raised close to ,000 from the event.
In November 2010, Animal was re-released with a companion extended play, Cannibal. The lead single taken from Cannibal, "We R Who We R" debuted at the top of the Billboard Hot 100.
In February 2011, Kesha embarked on her first headlining world tour, Get Sleazy. The tour was expanded with a summer leg due to the first leg selling out and spanned three continents.
学习啦在线学习网 Kesha received the Wyler Award presented by The Humane Society as a celebrity or public figure who increases awareness of animal issues via the media. She received the award March 23, 2013 at The 2013 Genesis Awards Benefit Gala.
Kesha's second studio album, Warrior was released on November 30, 2012. She began writing for the album while on her own headlining tour in 2011.
Kesha released an illustrated autobiography, My Crazy Beautiful Life through Touchstone Books in November 2012.
学习啦在线学习网 "Crazy Kids", was released in April 2013 and also under-performed, peaking at number 40 on the Hot 100, number 19 on Mainstream Top 40, yet did achieve massive success in South Korea and Belgium peaking at numbers 2, and 5 in those countries respectively. A TV series documentary, Kesha: My Crazy Beautiful Life began airing on MTV in April 2013.
In January 2014, Kesha checked into rehab, following this she chose to use her birth name in favor of her previous moniker, using a normal "s" instead of the symbol "$".In June 2014, Kesha claimed a seat as an Expert in ABC's Rising Star alongside Brad Paisley and Ludacris.
学习啦在线学习网 In October 2014, Kesha sued producer Dr. Luke for alleged sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence, emotional abuse, and violation of California business practices which had occurred over 10 years working together. The lawsuit went on for about a year before Kesha sought a preliminary injunction to release her from Kemosabe Records.
On June 10, 2015, Kesha posted a photo to Instagram that supposedly teased the title of her upcoming single "Child of the Moon", but the photo has since been removed.
In December 2015, Kesha revealed that she had formed a country music and classic rock-influenced band called Yeast Infection and performed a live show with the band in Nashville on December 23.
学习啦在线学习网 A studio version of the collaboration was released as a single on April 29, 2016. Kesha covered Bob Dylan's song "It Ain't Me Babe" at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards.
