美国歌手Britney Spears资料简介
布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears),1981年12月2日出生于美国路易斯安那州,美国女歌手、演员。下面是小编为大家整理的美国歌手Britney Spears资料简介,希望大家喜欢!
Britney Spears资料简介
中 文 名:布兰妮•斯皮尔斯
外 文 名:Britney Jean Spears
别 名:小甜甜
国 籍:美国
民 族:美利坚民族
星 座:射手座
血 型:A型
身 高:163cm
体 重:55kg
出 生 地:美国路易斯安那州
学习啦在线学习网 职 业:歌手、演员、模特
Britney Spears演艺经历
1989年,布兰妮在母亲的陪伴下来到了亚特兰大,参加迪斯尼公司下属的“米奇老鼠俱乐部”(Mickey Mouse Club)的选秀。仅有8岁的她虽未入选,但她出色的演唱天分却被制作人慧眼相中,开始对她进行了为期三年的专门培训。这三年里,Britney在纽约的非百老汇舞蹈中心和职业表演艺术学校接受了严格而又专业的艺术培训,这为她以后的演艺事业打下了坚实基础。
1991年,她还在非百老汇(Off Broadway)的舞台剧《冷酷无情》中扮演一个渴望成为明星的少女角色。
学习啦在线学习网 1993年,MMC被解散,布兰妮回到了家乡,进入一所普通中学读书,但她如同其他MMC的成员一样,很快就耐不住平静的学习环境,她忘不了歌舞激昂的感觉。15岁那年,她又重返纽约,参加了一个女子演唱组。不久后,Jive唱片公司的一名制作人听了布兰妮录制的音带后,随即与她签约。
学习啦在线学习网 1996年,15岁的布兰妮签约Jive唱片公司成为旗下艺人。
1999年,她发行了第一张唱片《爱的初告白》(...Baby One More Time),日销售量超过3000张。
学习啦在线学习网 2000年,布兰妮发行第二张专辑《Oops!I Did It Again》,首周销量达131万9千张,并获得滚石杂志四颗星赞誉与格莱美提名。
在2001年11月推出第三张专辑《Britney》,她自己尝试参与了创作,她曾经在第二张专辑中,写了一首告白式的情歌《Dear Diary》。《I'm a Slave 4 U》由Chad Hugo及Pharrell Williams共同制作,在这支音乐录像带中,布兰妮与舞者们在香汗淋漓中不停起舞。同年,布兰妮首度在MTV音乐录像带颁奖典礼上表演这首歌曲。而《I Love Rock 'n' Roll》这首单则是翻唱Joan Jett在1982年发行的单曲。第五支单曲《Boys》则配合电影《王牌大贱谍3》推出混音版发行,与Pharrell Williams合作。同年,布兰妮开始尝试跨入电影行业,主演了一部结合自己实际人生经验学习啦在线学习网的电影《穿越乡间路》。
2003年,布兰妮再度回到录音室,录制了第4张专辑《In The Zone》,参与的制作人包括了Moby、Guy Sigsworth、RedZone及The Matrix等重量级制作人。这个强势的制作组合,为布兰妮打造了《Toxic》、《Me Against the Music》及《Outrageous》等单曲。这张专辑充满了舞曲曲风、嘻哈风味、以及未来感。在《Toxic》中,布兰妮的造型就像是007电影的庞德女郎一样,更多加了日本风味。而 《Everytime》和R. Kelly为布兰妮打造的单曲《Outrageous》则展现了不同的音乐风情。同年11月17日,布兰妮登上好莱坞星光大道,成为该大道上第2242颗“星”。
2004年,布兰妮发行了个人首张精选辑《Greatest Hits:My Prerogative》,夺下台湾年度西洋艺人总销售的冠军,精选收录了两首新曲分别是翻唱自1998年黑人歌手Bobby Brown的代表作《My Prerogative》,以及《Do Somethin'》。
2005年,布兰妮宣布举办黑玛瑙巡回演唱会。但她在6月拍摄单曲《Outrageous》的MV时因跳舞不慎弄伤膝盖,令其后的巡演场次被迫取消,原定101场的巡演只完成了54场。 同年发行第一张混音专辑《B In The Mix:The Remixes》。
2007年,布兰妮发行第五张专辑《晕炫风暴》(Blackout),在这张专辑中布兰妮首次担任专辑的执行制作人。首发单曲《Gimme More》,赢得《Blender》杂志四星高评,并夺下欧美及大洋洲国家的iTunes单曲榜冠军,公告牌百强单曲榜从63名跃升Top 3,成为继《爱的初告白》之后,布兰妮在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第二高的热门单曲。
2008年9月,布兰妮录制完成第六张专辑,主打曲《爱情玩咖》(Womanizer)于9月26日在纽约首播。在2008年MTV音乐录影带大奖中,布兰妮凭借歌曲《Piece of Me》而获得“最佳女歌手音乐录像带”、“最佳流行音乐录像带”和“年度最佳音乐录像带”三项大奖。
2009年9月29日,单曲《3》在全球进行首播。11月24日,布兰妮发行了自己出道十年的精选集《The Singles Collection》。
2011年3月25日,布兰妮发行了第七张专辑《Femme Fatale》,并在首周凭借27.6万张的销量,而在该周的美国公告牌二百强专辑榜中获得冠军。5月,2011年度公告牌音乐大奖正式颁发,布兰妮登台亮相,与蕾哈娜在舞台上联手演唱了单曲《S&M》。6月16日,布兰妮举办蛇蝎美人巡回演唱会并在首站Sacramento展开。8月28日, 第28届MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼在洛杉矶诺基亚剧院举行,布兰妮获MTV音乐录影带的MV终生成就先锋奖。9月,布兰妮获得MTV欧洲音乐大奖最佳流行乐歌手的提名。10月11日,布兰妮推出她的第二张个人混音唱片《B In The Mix:The Remixes Vol. 2》。11月,布兰妮凭借《Femme Fatale》获得第38届人民选择奖年度最佳专辑的提名。12月,美国滚石杂志公布了2011年度年度最佳专辑与最佳单曲的名单,布兰妮的《Till The World Ends》名列年度最佳单曲排行第三位。
布兰妮赌场驻唱表演 2012年2月8日,MTV国际学习啦在线学习网揭晓了2011MTV音乐录影带最佳播出奖获奖名单,布兰妮获得白金奖。5月,布兰妮正式加盟美版《X音素》评委席。截至到同年11月,专辑《Baby One More Time》在美国销量达1千万张。12月,布兰妮以5800万美元年收入获得《福布斯》“2012年音乐界最赚钱女歌手”排行榜冠军。
2013年4月17日,布兰妮录制了《Ooh La La》一曲作为电影《蓝精灵2》的主题曲。这首名为《Ooh La La》的歌曲不仅将收录进电影原声大碟,同时还将出现在影片结束字幕滚动的时候。 7月29日,布兰妮出席《蓝精灵2》在洛杉矶举行的首映礼。12月3日,布兰妮的第八张录音室唱片《Britney Jean》在北美正式发行,并在该周达到十万七千张的销量,获得公告牌二百强专辑榜第四名。12月27日,布兰妮在拉斯维加斯好莱坞星球度假酒店为期两年的驻唱演出正式拉开序幕。
学习啦在线学习网 2015年5月4日,布兰妮联手说唱女歌手Iggy Azalea新单曲《Pretty Girls》发行。
Britney Spears英语介绍
Britney Jean Spears (born December 2, 1981) is an American singer, dancer and actress. Born in McComb, Mississippi, and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana, she performed acting roles in stage productions and television shows as a child before signing with Jive Records in 1997. Spears's first and second studio albums, ...Baby One More Time (1999) and Oops!... I Did It Again (2000), became international successes, with the former becoming the best-selling album by a teenage solo artist.Title tracks "...Baby One More Time" and "Oops!... I Did It Again" broke international sales records. In 2001, Spears released her self-titled third studio album, Britney, and played the starring role in the film Crossroads (2002). She assumed creative control of her fourth studio album, In the Zone (2003), which yielded the worldwide success of the "Toxic" single.
In 2007, Spears's much-publicized personal issues sent her career into hiatus. Her fifth studio album, Blackout, was released later that year, and spawned hits such as "Gimme More" and "Piece of Me". Her erratic behavior and hospitalizations continued through the following year, at which point she was placed under a still ongoing conservatorship. Spears's sixth studio album, Circus (2008), included global chart-topping lead single "Womanizer". Her seventh studio album, Femme Fatale (2011), became her first to yield three top-ten singles in the United States. She released her eighth studio album Britney Jean in 2013. Later that year, Spears began the four-year residency show, Britney: Piece of Me, at The AXIS at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.
Spears is regarded as a pop icon and credited with influencing the revival of teen pop during the late 1990s. She became the 'best-selling teenage artist of all time and garnered honorific titles including the "Princess of Pop".Her work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including a Grammy Award, six MTV Video Music Awards including the Lifetime Achievement Award, ten Billboard Music Awards including the Billboard Millennium Award and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 2009, Billboard ranked her as the 8th overall Artist of the Decade,and also recognized her as the best-selling female artist of the 2000s, as well as the fifth overall.The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) lists Spears as the eighth top-selling female artist in the United States, with 34 million certified albums.She has sold 100 million albums worldwide and over 100 million singles.making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. According to Billboard Spears has sold about 22.38 million singles in digital downloads in US and is the fourth best-selling female artist since Nielsen SoundScan began.
学习啦在线学习网 Rolling Stone recognized her instant success as one of the Top 25 Teen Idol Breakout Moments of all time,while VH1 ranked her eleventh on their "100 Greatest Women in Music" list in 2012,and Billboard named her the sexiest woman in music.Forbes reported that Spears was the highest paid female musician of 2012, with earnings of million, having last topped the list in 2002.
Spears's range of commercial deals and products also includes beauty care products and perfumes. She released her first fragrance with Elizabeth Arden, Curious in 2004, which broke the company's first-week gross for a perfume. By 2009, she had released seven more fragrances including the popular perfume Fantasy, which earned her the recognition of the best-selling celebrity fragrance line on the market. The singer's Elizabeth Arden scents make up 34% of celebrity fragrance sales. In 2010, Spears released her eighth fragrance, Radiance. In March 2011, company Brand Sense filed a lawsuit against Spears and Elizabeth Arden seeking million in damages, claiming that the singer and her father, Jamie, stopped paying their thirty-five percent commission that was agreed as part of the contract terms.In July 2011, a Los Angeles judge denied the request by the company lawyers, claiming the fact that Spears is still under conservatorship.Brand Sense, however, stated that they would appeal the decision.In 2011, Radiance was re-issued in a new fragrance titled Cosmic Radiance. Worldwide, Spears sold over one million bottles in the first five years, with gross receipts of class="main">
美国歌手Britney Spears资料简介
美国歌手Britney Spears资料简介

霍尊,1990年9月18日出生于上海,中国流行男歌手,毕业于上海大学悉尼工商学院。下面是小编为大家整理的内地歌手霍尊的资料简介,希望大家喜欢! 霍尊