学习啦 > 生活课堂 > 礼仪知识 > 职场礼仪 > 职场办公室会议礼仪(2)


时间: 雪锦826 分享


  Make sure, when you are on the conference call that you are in a very quiet room, away from any disturbances. This will make sure that you hear everything that is going on and keep themisunderstandings to a minimum. It is impossible to keep the misunderstandings at bay if you have a dog barking, machines running, or people talking in the background.


  2.The Telephone Equipment


  Make sure that you are using a phone that will minimize the noise in the background. Some telephone and most all cell phones will pick up even the slightest noise or interference, which will not only cause troubles for you hearing the speakers, but others as well.

学习啦在线学习网   确保你使用的电话可以将周围噪音干扰降到最小。一些电话机和大部分手机会把非常微弱的噪音干扰都收录进去,这不仅会影响到你自己收听发言人的声音,也会对别人造成麻烦。

  3.Using Telephone Technology


学习啦在线学习网   The mute button does wonders, but make sure you know how to use it. The mute button should be used if there is a lot of background noise that you simply cannot control or if someone is particularlytalkative. Of course, make sure you know how to un-mute for when it is your turn to speak or answer a question.




学习啦在线学习网   Make sure you set the conference call up in advance and let everyone know all information such as pass code or phone number. It is also necessary that you take time zones in to consideration if you have people across several time zones to include on the conference call.

学习啦在线学习网   尽量做到提前为会议做好准备,让每一个参与会议的人知道诸如密码或电话号码等所有信息。如果会议参与人员在好几个不同时区里,你同样有必要考虑好电话会议的进行时间。

  5.Being on Time


学习啦在线学习网   If you are the conference call leader, you want to start right on time. Do not wait for others if they are late. People on the call want to start right away, because there may be other business they need to attend to. If you are simply in the call, be on time, you do not want to miss anything that might be important.

学习啦在线学习网   如果你是电话会议的负责人,你会希望会议按时开始。如果有人迟到了,不要等他们到了之后再开始。与会人员想要立即开始会议,因为他们在此之后也许还需要参与其他的事物中。如果你是普通的会议人员,要做到准时,你不会想要错过任何可能重要的信息。

学习啦在线学习网   6.Introductions


  Make sure that every person on the call introduces himself or herself. This will allow for building relationships and getting people to open up and feel comfortable.

学习啦在线学习网   让每一个与会人员介绍他们自己。这将有利于大家构建人际关系,还可以让大家更放得开,感觉比较自然。

学习啦在线学习网   7.Clarification


  Not everyone will be able to tell who is who by the voice. Make sure before anyone speaks that his or her name is said first. For example, "this is Bob, could you repeat that company name again".

学习啦在线学习网   不是每个人都能通过声音分辨出谁是谁。所有人尽量在说话前首先把自己的名字报出来。例如,“我是Bob,能请您再重复一次那家公司的名字吗?”



  Never eat while you are on a conference call, who wants to hear chewing in their ear? If you must get a drink of water, put the call on mute so no one will have to hear the emitted sounds. This includes chewing gum.


  9.Keep on Topic


  Do not fill the call with unnecessary talk. Keep to the point, because remember there may be several people on the call that have other pressing things to do.






