学习啦在线学习网 生命应该像条河,对待生活的态度有时是涓涓细流,有时是奔腾咆哮。
Don’t allow your troubles to get the best of you. Instead, allow those troubles to make the best of you.
学习啦在线学习网 不要被烦恼击败,相反,要让这些烦恼磨练出更优秀的你
学习啦在线学习网 Don’t tire yourself out fighting against the challenges. Instead, find new energy by embracing1 those challenges and working through them to create real value.
学习啦在线学习网 不要因与挑战作斗争而身心疲惫,相反,要在接受挑战、战胜挑战的过程中找到活力去创造真正的价值。 Always remind yourself that discour-agement is nothing more than a response you’ve chosen. When you find that you’ve chosen to let it be, you can just as surely choose to let it go.
时常提醒自己,气馁只不过是你自己的选择。当你发现是你选择了气馁,你当然也可以选择不这样。 Replace discouragement with determin-ation. It is your life’s energy, and you can point it in whatever direction you choose. Your most powerful response is not based only on what has already happened. Your most powerful response also takes into account what you wish to make happen next.
Look forward, and envision in great etail the future you desire. Then gather all your energy, and step forward to make it be. 向前看,详尽地展望你所期盼的未来。然后集中你所有的精力,努力前进,让梦想成真
学习啦在线学习网 Whether sixty or sixteen, there is the desire of wonders, the endless pure desire of what’s next and the joy of the game of living in every human being’s heart.
In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: it receives messages of beauty, hope, pleasure, courage and power from men, and all these things keep you young.
学习啦在线学习网 在你我的心中有一座无线电台:它能接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量,而所有这些会让你青春焕发。
An individual human life should be like a river —small at first, narrowly contained within its banks and rushing passionately duanwenw.com past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually, the river grows wider and the banks fall back, the water flows more quietly. In the end, without any visible break, they come together in the sea and painlessly lose their individual being. 生命应当像条河,开始是涓涓细流,受两岸的限制而变得狭窄,而后奔腾咆哮,翻过危岩,飞越瀑布;渐渐地河面变得开阔,河岸也随之向两边隐去,最后水流平缓,汇入大海之中,个人就这样毫无痛苦地消失了。
Youth means courage over shyness and the adventurous spirit of deserting the love of ease. duanwenw.com This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up passion wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear and self-distrust bow the heart and turn the spirit back into dust.
学习啦在线学习网 青春意味着战胜懦弱胆小的勇气和摒弃安逸的冒险精神。往往一个60岁的老者比一个20岁的青年更多一点这种劲头。人老不仅仅是岁月流逝所致,更主要的是不思进取的结果。光阴可以在肌肤上留下印记,而热情之火的熄灭则在心灵上刻下皱纹。烦恼、恐惧、缺乏自信会扭曲人的灵魂,并将青春化为灰烬!