After graduating from college,Tony decided to start his own business.At the beginning,many a bank turned down his request for a loan.But he was not a bit discouraged,and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism,one banker finally agreed to loan him the money. Now he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievement,Tony puts great emphasis on the importance of creating rather than waiting for opportunities.
学习啦在线学习网 Not rich himself,Uncle Li never hesitates to help others when they are in need. Previous to his retirement,through Project Hope he addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to college,and even got a chance to study overseas. They often thought of Uncle Li and keep corresponding with him. Whenever he reread their letters,The face of Uncle Li would broaden into a smile. He felt this to be the most sensible investment in his life.
学习啦在线学习网 我小时候对动物产生了浓厚的兴趣,所以常去家乡的动物园参观。那里最吸引我的是一对老虎,特别是那只雌虎。它们起初被关在一只大的铁笼子里,后来放了出来,被安置在一个叫虎山的地方。山下有一道又阔又深的沟将这山与参观者隔开,而且沿着沟还有一道高高的铁篱笆围着。
学习啦在线学习网 When I was young I developed a interest in animals. So I often visited the zoo in my home town. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers,especially the male. They were kept in a huge iron cage at first,but later were released from it,and put in a place called Tiger Hill. The hill was separated from the visitors by a very wide and deep ditch. What is more,it was also surrounded by a high iron fence along the dicth. Twenty years later,I revisited the zoo,and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there,but greatly expanded. Moving around now were six tigers,old and young,instead of two!
学习啦在线学习网 第三,学会掌握中译英的语句流畅度,注意逻辑结构。
学习啦在线学习网 要想在翻译题型中取得高分,首先要了解翻译题型的评分标准:原文理解正确,汉语表达准确通顺。翻译题一题2分,一般不超过4个踩分点,每个踩分点算0.5分,踩分点主要设置在有难度的单词、句子结构和句意的理解上。