学习啦在线学习网 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
学习啦在线学习网 The worst way to miss someone is to be is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
学习啦在线学习网 Love a person is difficult, give up his beloved people more difficult.
学习啦在线学习网 失恋失去的只是爱的对象,而不是爱情本身。
Lost that love is the object of love, not love itself.
学习啦在线学习网 你若流泪,湿的总是我的脸,你若悲伤,哭的总是我的心。
学习啦在线学习网 If you shed tears, wet always my face, if you are sad, always cry my heart.
学习啦在线学习网 爱使我们有了距离,距离使我们爱得永久。
学习啦在线学习网 Love makes we have distance, distance makes our love forever.
学习啦在线学习网 In life, there is a person can go to miss, is the fate; There is a person can miss, is happiness.
学习啦在线学习网 牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。
Holding your hand, no matter where, I feel like running toward heaven.
学习啦在线学习网 男人的谎言可以骗女人一夜,而女人的谎言则可以骗男人一生。
The man's lies can cheat a woman one night, while the woman lies can cheat a man life.
学习啦在线学习网 真正的爱情不仅要求相爱,而且要求相互洞察对方的内心世界。
True love requires not only love each other, and it requires insight into each other's inner world.
学习啦在线学习网 开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。
学习啦在线学习网 Beginning, we know, there will always be an end.
学习啦在线学习网 Love the original like leaves, green in the neglected, revealing bud in patience.
学习啦在线学习网 一只眼睛里闪烁着爱的光芒,而另一只眼睛却燃烧着自私的欲火。
学习啦在线学习网 A eyes flashing the light of love, and the other eye is selfish desire fire burning.
学习啦在线学习网 At the start of the love, men like to play the role of savior; At the end of love, women like to play the role of the victim.
学习啦在线学习网 看着这个刚刚还在自己怀中的爱人!突然觉得那么陌生!
Look at this just is in the arms of his lover. Suddenly feel so strange!
学习啦在线学习网 Are some people, people love to marry and have children, and others.
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
学习啦在线学习网 Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person's that moment start.
学习啦在线学习网 我已经给了你足够的时间从我的身边逃走现在,时间到。
I already gave you enough time to ran away from my side now, time is up.
学习啦在线学习网 Dark night gave me black eyes, but it let me fall in love with the night to my pain.
Give yourself the very courage but not as good as the last sentence no identity no qualification no reason.
学习啦在线学习网 不是每一次闹分手后,都能再换他转身一个温暖的拥抱。
Not every time after break up, can change again he turned a warm hug.
学习啦在线学习网 I try to find hope, fear of luck on your side, is my careless to miss.
学习啦在线学习网 如果对方要走,一定要不挽留,该走的人你是留不住了。
If you want to go, must want to retain the walk of person are you do not leave.
You want to enjoy happiness, will also have the courage to bear the sadness behind.
学习啦在线学习网 世间最美好的感受,就是发现自己的心在笑。
In the world the most beautiful and good feeling, it is found that his heart was laughing.
Love a veteran, usually will not easily fall in love to talk about the results!
Powdery bottom to conceal skin flaws, smile to cover up the wounds of the heart.
Love is buried deep in the heart, not live in between lips.
学习啦在线学习网 选择你所喜欢的,爱你所选择的。
Choose what you like and love what you choose.
学习啦在线学习网 爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。
Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him. Afraid to lose him.
学习啦在线学习网 Judging if a person surface effect, rather than like a friendship like love hatred.
Love is like a bus, you wait for the train never apart, you vary but always barrage.
Love gave everything, but still rich.
People don't because of beautiful and lovely, but because the lovely is beautiful.
学习啦在线学习网 Man's love if you don't fully, that he will feel happy with any woman.
学习啦在线学习网 爱,原来是没有名字的,在相遇之前等待的,就是它的名字。
Love, originally is no name, waiting before meeting, that's the name of it.
学习啦在线学习网 要善待爱情,因为它不会一辈子跟着你!
Should treat love, because it is not a lifetime with you!
Love is like clothes, although many, but for only one.
Love, like murder, always exposed.
学习啦在线学习网 世界上没有不会做家事的男人,只有不愿做家事的丈夫!
No won't do housework man in this world, only don't want to do the housework husband!
学习啦在线学习网 爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。
Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love.
学习啦在线学习网 毫无经验的初恋是迷人的,但经得起考验的爱情是无价的。
学习啦在线学习网 No experience of first love is charming, but stand the test of love is priceless.
Love, is own complete, I no longer lack some what.