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学习啦在线学习网   英国教育质量世界一流水平,拥有数一数二的世界名校,去英国读高中留学已经很常见。在申请之前需要个人自述信,怎么写呢?下面就是学习啦小编给大家整理的英国高中留学自述信要点,希望对你有用!


学习啦在线学习网   总体来说,英语文字应该流畅通顺,语言内容应该明快有力。


学习啦在线学习网   申请者应该对自己被拒签的理由有一个明确的认识,这也是写作自述信的前提。




学习啦在线学习网   只要签证自述信能够在补充材料弥补上次签证的问题、或是在逻辑上证明签证官的拒签理由,就会使签证官不得不改变先前的拒签决定,当然这也需要我们做很大文章。






学习啦在线学习网   4.在上学期间我从事了哪些助教、助研、社会实践、暑期工作?通过这些活动在什么方面得到了提高(比如科研能力、组织能力和领导能力等)?在步入社会后的工作中完成过什么项目,取得了哪些成就,表现出何等才干?

学习啦在线学习网   5.我的最终的事业目标是什么?


学习啦在线学习网   7.在自我奋斗的过程中是否需要克服超常的困难,如家庭生活贫困、身体残疾等等?


学习啦在线学习网   9.我具备什么样的特殊才能,如分析能力、领导才能和交流才能?我为什么比别的申请者更具有在事业上成功的把握?


学习啦在线学习网   1.关掉数字计数器写稿

学习啦在线学习网   当写论文的时候,你觉得最好是要边写边计数,因为论文要求是4,000字,所以觉得写到3,900就差不多了。但是在写到3,500后,你发现我的故事仅仅写了一半。关掉了计数器,最后写完故事发现一共是7,000字。所以就开始整理和压缩,但是这也要比字数不够加一些想法进去要简单,最终的PS字数是3,999。


学习啦在线学习网   慢慢来,有点耐心。一篇好的个人陈述也不可能在几个小时内就写好。写PS花了一个月的时间才完成了最终版本,所以,去花一段时间还是很值得的。




学习啦在线学习网   在文章中,你是要努力将自己推进一所大学,一个好的销售方案全部都是关于产品有多棒,个人陈述也应该是这样。



学习啦在线学习网   以一些有趣的,好玩的,特别的或者惊喜的事情开头总可以给你留下一个好的印象。但是也不要想着从你的脑袋里面挤出一下好玩的事,这样也是没用的。或许你会在写PS的某个瞬间突然想起一句最合适的开头,所以也不要过度想这个问题了。

学习啦在线学习网   6.你自己的声音和想法

学习啦在线学习网   你写第一稿之前不要去读别人写的PS,这会给你一个误导。你是一个独特的个体,去根据别人的想法和别人的模式写文章是毫无意义的。毕竟,这是一篇关于你自己的文章,而不是别人。












  A top student of international finance at the Beijing University, probably China‘s best institution of higher learning, I would like to scale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in your Master’s program. Such studies will help me fulfill a dream that I have inherited from my parents: the eradication of poverty in China.

  Although I grew up almost a pampered kid, I have learned of the scourge of poverty from my parents by listening to their stories about their childhood. My father, now a well-known professor of chemistry at the Sichuan University, was almost starved to death in the 1960s when his home village was mired in famine like many other parts of China. My mother, a manager of personnel with a major Chinese corporation, saw her youthful years slipping away in the chaotic “cultural revolution” period. Braving their trial and tribulation, they have always worked hard and are now well-established in their own careers. But they want more than a good life for themselves. They want to help make sure that no one in China will have to suffer in the future the way they did in the 1960s.

  Prodded by my parents‘ high expectations, I have studied diligently over the years, drawing constant inspiration from the learning spirit prevalent on the campus of the Sichuan University, where my family had our home. While in primary and high school, I was always recognized as the best student, for which I was sent to numerous national and provincial contests and earned many awards. These include a First Prize in the National Physics Contest of High School Students and a Second Prize of the Sichuan Mathematics Contest of High School Students.

  The hard work paid off in my impressive performance in the 1995 National University Entrance Examinations, with which I won acceptance into the School of Economics at the Beijing University, described as the Harvard of China by President Bill Clinton on his recent trip to China.At the Beijing University, I have been exposed systematically to concepts and theories of international finance and economics. At the time I entered into the university, I did not know much about economics. My parents, in their zeal to make me an economist, had chosen the major for me. I am now so glad that they did so. The clear logic and advanced mathematics inherent in the economic analyses and hypotheses have particularly fascinated me. From Adam smith’s Wealth of the Nation to the Game Theory by Nash to J. M. Keyes to Samuelson, I have been inculcated in virtually all the great works of economics.

  One of the good things about Beijing University is that it teaches the students not only knowledge but also how they can do research themselves. I have thus been trained in a variety of research methodologies. I now understand how great economists grasp the economic reality and appreciate their readiness to ask questions on things that other people may take for granted. I recognize there are no perfect answer to some of the questions in economics, such as “how to deal with the ethical components in economy?” Basking in the academic freedom that Beijing University cultivates, I have devoted more of my time to doing research myself than doing the assignments.

  Although an economics major, I have learned most of the courses in the mathematics department. In my economics studies, I feel that mathematics is critically important in modern economics, as some modern theories of economics are demonstrated by pure mathematical induction. Seeing that mathematics courses in my department were too easy for me and too simple for more abstruse economics, I got the textbooks for the math majors and taught myself what they were learning, auditing in some of the classes of the Department of Mathematics.

  Never content with just performing well in my exams, I have been keen in obtaining hands-on experience. To understand the real problems in real life and thus put what I have learned from books into practice, I joined an investigation group organized by the University to investigate some big state-owned enterprises in Shanxi Province in the summer of 1997. We found, much to our horror, that many of the enterprises were plagued by chaotic management, big losses and a lot of redundant workers. On the basis of careful research, I now think that a way to save them is to institute a shareholding system for the enterprises so that the management can be held accountable to the investors.

学习啦在线学习网   From September to November in 1997, I got a good chance to help sort out documentary materials for the central government‘s Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation at its Department of American & Oceanian Affairs. On that job, I learned a lot about international trade. In the summer of 1998, I worked for the Special Appliances for Labor Protection Company in my hometown Chengdu, advising the manager on how to improve the company’s managing and marketing system. Some of my advice was readily accepted. To have a taste of the stock market in China, I invested 2, 000 RMB in the stock market in January 1996. From May to November in 1996, the prices of stocks soared, and as a result, I earned over 900 RMB, which I promptly donated to a charity project for the education of poor children in the rural areas.

  But hard times hit me in December 1996, when the government threw cold water on the excessive speculation by vowing not to prop up the stock market in any circumstances. The prices of stocks plummeted immediately, and I lost about 300 RMB. From the sudden fluctuations, I learned that the Chinese were still inexperienced investors and that the regulatory regime over the stock exchanges needed a lot of improvements. I have also acted as a private tutor for a 15-year-old boy for a year. I taught him mathematics and English and improved his grades in the two subjects from C to B. This way, I not only earned some money but also get some experience of teaching.

  Through the above and other activities, I have enriched my experiences gained a profound understanding of my motherland and its urgent need for quality economists. I have made up my mind to devote my life to the research and teaching of Economics. To achieve this career, I must pursue more advanced studies. I have already learned economics in probably the best economics program in China. To meet higher intellectual challenges, I think it is best that I do graduate studies in a Western university. With the knowledge I have learned at Beijing University and the practical experiences I have gained in recent years, I am confident that I can meet the requirements for acceptance. My goal is to become a professor teaching economics in a Chinese university after I complete my graduate studies

  To pursue studies abroad, I have achieved an excellent command of English. I have read many economics essays written in English and helped translate English essays for professor Hu, my teacher, when she is too busy. To improve my oral English, I have frequented the English Corner on the Beijing University campus, where students often gather to conduct conversations in English. I have also watched many American movies in English. Now, I can talk with the foreign students in my department fluently. I do believe that I will have no trouble studying in English in America.

学习啦在线学习网   With anticipation and excitement, I am now applying for acceptance into your graduate program in economics. As a student, I have achieved excellence in China, and I should achieve no less in the US. The combination of my quality education in both China and the US should send me soaring into an enlightened intellectual realm, from which I shall finally see the light at the end of the tunnel for China‘s problem of poverty. I can, and I should, help realize my parents’ dream.So I sincerely ask you to consider my application favorably.





