On a sunny day, down by the river, a fishermen -who does not know how to swim- is in a world of his own, waiting for the fish to surrender and be the man's catch of the day, but in a slight error, the man slipped and fell into the river, all was seen by a young man who just happened to pass by, saw the whole scenario and saved the fishermen, the fishermen was quite ashame of himself for he a fishermen who can not swim, after the accident, the fishermen gave enough thought into wanting to learn to swim and thus beginning lessons for amatures whom do not know how to swim.
Swimming and other water sports are a great way to beat the heat. Read this article to find out how you can stay safe at the pool, beach, lake - and even the water park.
学习啦在线学习网 Kids need constant supervision around water - whether the water is in a bathtub, pool, the sea, or a water park. Pools, lakes, ponds, and beaches mean summer fun and cool relief from hot weather. But water also can be dangerous for kids if you don't take the proper precautions. Nearly 1,000 kids die each year by drowning. And most drownings occur in home swimming pools.
The good news is there are many ways to keep your kids safe in the water and make sure that they take the right precautions when they're on their own.
学习啦在线学习网 Last week, my father took me to the swimming pool, he told me that I should learn to swimming, so that I could protect myself when I meet the emergent situation. I was so afraid of the water at the beginning, my father asked to be brave, I tried to go into the water many times, finally I made it. It is a good try for me, I believe I can swim soon.
学习啦在线学习网 上周,我的爸爸带我到游泳池,他告诉我应该要学会游泳,这样在遇到紧急情况时我能够保护自己。刚开始,我很害怕水,爸爸叫我要勇敢,我尝试着多次下水,最后我终于成功了。这对于我来说是很好的尝试,我相信我很快就会游泳了。
As the summer vacation comes, I decide to learn swimming, because the weather is so hot, I can make myself cool, what’s more, I want to master another skill and protect myself. Many people lose their lives when they meet the accident in the water, so it is important to learn swimming. I have made up my mind and must finish this task.