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学习啦在线学习网   201X年X月X日 晴天

学习啦在线学习网   When May comes, it means the golden week is coming. People will have a public holiday for three days’ off. Since the vacation of golden week has cut to three days, it still can’t stop people’s enthusiasm to travel. As China has the largest population and with the development of life level, a lot of people will choose to take a visit of the famous tourist sites. Thus the problem comes, as people flock in the tourist sites, the appreciation of the beautiful scenery is no longer the visitors’ first concern, they need to consider their safety in the first place. Some people will be robbed by the thieves, and some will easily have argument with others, for the more people, the more conflicts. People travel to ease their mood and release their pressure. But the fact is that they will be annoyed. So the best way is to avoid the hot tourist sites.

  当五月到来的时候,意味着黄金周即将来临。人们将会有三天的公共假期。自从黄金周的假期缩短为三天,仍然不能阻止人们旅行的热情。中国有着最大的人口,随着人们生活水平的提高, 很多人会选择去参观着名的旅游景点。因此,问题就来了,人们涌进旅游景点,欣赏美丽的风景不再是游客首要考虑的问题,他们需要考虑安全放在第一位。有些人会被小偷抢劫,有些人很容易与他人发生争辩,因为人越多,冲突就越多。人们通过旅游来缓解他们的心情和释放他们的压力。但事实是,他们会感到烦恼。所以最好的方法是避免热门的旅游景点。


  201X年X月X日 晴天

  The American TV series Game of Thrones is the hottest one around the world. In its last season, the director left the fans a great riddle, which catches the audience’s attention all the time. The most welcomed character Jon Snow seemed to be dead in the last season, the fans were so upset that this charater would not come back again. What’s more, the director and the producers told the fans that Jon Snow was dead without question. But the fans still kept the hope that their beloved character would come back, for he was so important in the story. As the new season has come back recently, the answer of Jon Snow’s fate has been exposed, he was coming back by the magic. The fans were so happy about it and the director and actors felt sorry to keep it as a secret, for they wanted the fans to keep their eyes on it.

  美国电视剧《权力的游戏》是全世界最热门剧集。在上季中,导演给粉丝留下了一个很大的谜,吸引观众着的注意力。最受欢迎的人物琼恩雪诺似乎在上季中死掉,粉丝们感到非常沮丧,担心这个人物不会再回来。更重要的是,导演和制片人告诉粉丝们,琼恩雪诺毫无疑问是死了。但粉丝们仍然抱着他们心爱的角色会回来的希望,因为他对于这个故事来说是如此的重要。随着新季最近回归,琼恩雪诺命运的答案已经揭晓,他被魔术救回来了。粉丝们非常开心,导演和演员为隐瞒这个事实而感到抱歉 ,因为他们想让粉丝们保持关注度。


  201X年X月X日 晴天

学习啦在线学习网   Census is very important for every country, it can tell the changes of the population and help the government to carry out some policies. In America, the government counts the population every ten years and the latest census was in 2010. The results of the census show some changes in this country. First, the growth of the population is very slow. It is obvious that the more rich, the less children people want to have, because they want to focus their energy on the career and when they have time, they would rather enjoy the personal hour. Second, the number of immigrants is increasing, which will become the majority of American population. What’s more, the immigrants give birth to children more than the local people do, so it has been predicted that in the future, the gene of blond hair and blue eyes will disappear.

学习啦在线学习网   人口普查对每个国家都非常重要,它可以显示人口的变化,帮助政府实施一些政策。在美国,政府每十年就统计人口,最新的人口普查是在2010年。人口普查的结果显示在这个国家的一些变化。首先,人口的增长速度非常慢。很明显,越有钱的人,想要孩子的越少,因为他们想要把精力放在事业上,当他们有时间了,他们宁愿享受个人时间。第二,移民的数量越来越多,这将成为美国人口的大多数。更重要的是,移民生的孩子比当地人更多,所以根据预言,在未来,金发和蓝眼睛的基因将会消失。