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时间: 晓君876 分享


  用英语写日记时与用中文写作文一样,要注意用贴切的词来表达自己的意思,那么学生在阅读时就会留意文中的用词;学生在写日记时要注意句式的变化,那么他们在阅读时就会注意文章中的句子是怎样进行句式变化和引人入胜的。 下面学习啦小编为你带来英语日记50字小学生内容,希望能对大家有所帮助。


学习啦在线学习网   今天爸爸妈妈带我去盐城少年宫参加盐城地区绘画比赛.我们很早就来到了考场,考场门还没开,我们在外面等啊等啊,等了很久,我很着急.我问妈妈比赛怎么还不开始啊,妈妈说:"你看,吴老师来了."吴老师走到我身边,对我说:"不要紧张,发挥平时的水平就可以了."妈妈也对我说:"不要紧张,发挥自已的想象力,仔细一点,认真一点就OK啦."

  Today, mom and dad took me to the children's palace to yancheng yancheng area drawing contest. We came to the examination room, early in the examination room door can not open, we waited and waited outside, such as for a long time, I am very worried. I asked my mother how game has not started, the mother said: "you see, Mr Wu." miss wu came to my side, said to me: "don't be nervous, it is OK to play the usual level." mother said to me: "don't be nervous, give play to their own imagination, careful, serious point will be OK."



  Mother before going to work in the morning call me a good draw at home, I can ask a mother finished watching TV, my mother said good, I was so happy! I hurriedly say: "long live long live mother! Mother!" I'm very attentively when I get drawing, painting, painting painting, painting the along while finally finished.


  I turn on the television and was astonished and said to himself: the original is the tale of magic bean I like to watch. The story is about good and bad. I see the eyes didn't bat an eyelid, Lord crewe too hateful, lala and pipi to save Lord crewe, still ask him back to the original appearance! Lala is used to determine the Lord crewe crewe. Lala asked him, he would not turn back, he is too cruel, really hate, so hate! The beans and finally a good moving, light beat desire love beans beans, Lord crewe finally changed crewe.

学习啦在线学习网   这个故事告诉我们要学习坚持不放弃的这种精神,最后一定会成功.

  This story tells us to study insist not to give up this spirit, is sure to succeed at last.


学习啦在线学习网   今天我在家做语文作业,突然来了一个电话,我以为是谁呢,原来是妈妈,妈妈说我在盐城参加绘画选拔大赛得了二等奖.我好高兴,好兴奋,我拿着话筒手舞中蹈的对妈妈唱道:"啦!啦!啦!......我得了二等奖,我得了二等奖,啦!啦!啦!...."我做梦都盼着得奖呢,终于盼到了.这次比赛能得到奖,多亏了吴老师,比赛前叫我不要紧张,给了我信心.我对妈妈说:"哼!你不是说我颜色配的不好吗你看我现在得到奖了!"妈妈说:"不要骄傲,还要努力画,盐城少年宫的老师说还要去北京参加全国比赛."我说:"我没有骄傲,我会努力的,我以后还要好好的学习画画,要学更多更好的画,我下次一定要做到更好,加倍努力,加倍做到最好,以后要得更大的奖!"我很有决心的说.

  Today I do Chinese homework at home, suddenly came a phone call, I thought is who, turned out to be a mother, my mother said I won second prize at yancheng try out for painting contest. I'm so glad, so excited, I took the microphone might have in hand dance sing to his mother: "won second prize!!!... I, I got the second prize,!!!..." I dream of looking forward to the prize, finally look forward to. The game can get prize, thanks to Mr Wu, call me don't be nervous before the match, gave me confidence. I said to mother: "hum! Didn't you say me color match is not good you see now I get the prize!" Mother said: "don't be proud, try to draw it, yancheng children's palace said the teacher to go to Beijing to participate in the national game." I said: "I am not proud, I'll try, I will thoroughly study drawing, later want to learn more and better picture, I must do better next time, redouble efforts to do your best, double after get a bigger prize!" I am very determined said.





