Dear x,
What would life be without technology? In this world that we live in it isimpossible to be fully efficient in a business society without having graspknowledge of information and communications technology. Information technologyever changing in our business society and I desire to be a part of this changingprocess. Through out years of studying Information Technology I have grown tolike the subject. Although, part of the course is somewhat demanding, thefurther involvement in the course is what has drawn me most to the course. Myutmost belief is that a combination of both courses would enlighten and engageme through out my degree course. In my years of studying information andcommunication technology I have used softwares like Macromedia Flash andMacromedia Dreamweaver to create websites and also the use of Microsoft Accessto arrange data bases for businesses as my coursework. Both Business andInformation and Communications Technology are subjects I am totally in love withand testimony to this fact is the AS Award for Information and CommunicationsTechnology I received in the recent past. I have also excelled greatly inBusiness Studies both in GCSE level and AS level and hope to excel further inyears to come at your university. The world has had a rapid grown in globalmarkets through automation and e-commerce and this can be linked withInformation Technology and the web with the ultimate goal of being moreefficient in the rapidly growing global market. All these have provided me withinspiration to be involved in a world where new technology is beingdeveloped.
学习啦在线学习网On a lighter note, I work in my school as a lunch time supervisor everylunch time for the past two years. This job has taught me what commitment, hardwork and time management is all about as I have managed to blend both myacademics and my job together and still be prompt in submitting in work andpreparing for exams and excelling in them. I thrive in situations where I haveto work under pressure as it makes me alert and spurs me in doing even greaterthings. My further sense of responsibility comes from my post as beenSanderson's events captain for my school. This has given me the opportunity tobe in control and create events for the house as well as feel as part of ateam.
Other aspects of life that interests me out of school are charitable works.I have seen first hand, the misfortune of people being born into the povertytrap and the human rights violations that ordinary people like us have to facebecause of the misfortune of being born into one of the poorest countries andcontinents on earth. This has made me more aware than other teenagers of theless privileged and handicapped in every society I live and always eager torender my help and support in any way I can. This has led me to volunteer at theLittle Monkey's Toddler group in Shaftesbury every week. In addition to thatevery Friday, I go to a neighbouring disabled children's primary school to helpthe teachers out with their sporting activities. Furthermore I am a member ofthe global student forum in which our aim is to see changes in our society byusing our initiative to make the world a better place.
学习啦在线学习网Sometimes I see my self at the top floor of a business institution lookingdown at the works of my hands and I feel a sense of achievement, fulfilment,accomplishment and triumph all at the same time. In faith, this dream would becompleted through hard work and commitment inside an Information technology andbusiness degree for the next four years. A wise man once told me that there arethree types of people in this life, those that make it happen, those that watchit happen and those that ask: what happened? My aim is to be in the group ofthose who make it happen. I hope to be an asset to your university bothacademically and socially.
学习啦在线学习网yours Sincerely
学习啦在线学习网Waterloo称之为 “Admission Information Form (AIF)”;Queen’s的最中规中矩叫做“Personal Statement of Experience (PSE)”;Western与Laurier更简单直接叫做“Experience Profile”;但个人最喜欢的还是Trent’s的“Equity Admissions Application Form”。
学习啦在线学习网其实申请文书是非常有用的筛选方式。招生委员会选定一些合适的问题,更-地了解未来的学生...其实有些真的非常天马行空也很有趣!最喜欢麦马的.要求“Use up to 1,500 characters for whatever you think is appropriate.”(话题自选,字数要求1,500)写一篇好的文书给出这5个建议,请叫我知识的搬运工!拿好不谢!
听起来好像很简单,但实际上很多同学的初稿都没有详细地回答问题。皇后大学的‘goals essay’,问的其实很简单“What are your goals at Queen’s and beyond”(对未来在皇后的学习生活有什么目标),有的同学既没有明确说出自己的goals是做什么或者goals跟在不在皇后无关,对‘beyond’也什么都没说。
学习啦在线学习网很多时候,同学们只顾着解释为什么自己适合所申请的专业,而没有直接回答essay question。作为读者,招生官肯定会刚开始充满期待、然后有点分神、心里不禁会想“什么时候才能回答问题啊!”。
学习啦在线学习网国内高中课程主要集中于书面考试这一块,好像提高学生的写作能力是相对欠缺的。专业老师表示十个人中只有一个人的文章是清晰、简洁、有说服力的,也就是3 C’s原则(clear, compelling, and concise)。
学习啦在线学习网“I think you’re better off going with something from the heart … you’re going to hear crickets!”,她也用这样的句式开头“I never thought my sister would find someone who cared about what other people thought as much as she did – until I met Craig.”
BAD: “She is a person I cannot cope with”
GOOD, 但是还不够有信服力: “She is a person with whom I cannot cope”
BEST: “It is behaviour I will not tolerate”
大家都想自己的essay真实可信,甚至有点口语化,但是千万不要太随意。“My goal is to earn a good job”这种就不应该是18岁的人说出来的话了...小孩子才这么说。尽量让你的句子看起来很高级,但还是表达了你自己,换成“I am determined to obtain a challenging and rewarding career”就好多了。
Sir Ken Robinson最著名的“学校谋杀了孩子们的创造性”这个理论被不少人接受。相同的的答案实在是太多太多了,一定要有不同,有自己的特点,但读起来是让人觉得有道理的能接受的。招生官想看的不是一个“统一的答案”,而是“你的答案”。
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