Dear _,
Having spent the last four years working in the social care field, I have come to realise that my passion lies in helping people who are less advantaged. I am currently taking an access to higher education course to further my ambition to become a social worker.
学习啦在线学习网Until recently I was working in a residential home with adults with learning disabilities ranging from mild to severe. I worked with individuals who also have bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and challenging behaviour. This gave me great insight into the role of a social worker as I was attending multi-disciplinary care reviews helping service users to determine their present needs and wishes and identify future goals and desired outcomes, on an ongoing basis, whilst promoting empowerment, individuality, rights, responsibilities, identity and self esteem. I was putting care plans into action by helping individuals with life skills e.g. developing basic budgeting and money managing skills, providing information or helping service users to access information relevant to their needs and wishes, assisting them to develop a higher level of independence and improve their communication and social skills.
I was also providing continuous emotional support on a daily basis and during stressful life changes. I learnt how to communicate with clients about sensitive issues in an appropriate manner, understanding and being prepared for their reactions to the information. This job significantly improved my communication skills, my patience, and my initiative. As a result I became more aware of my own values and beliefs whilst showing respect for all persons and their values, beliefs, cultures, goals, needs and preferences.
I completed the NVQ3 in Health and Social care which enabled me to develop my practice. I learnt about the laws, legislations and different government policies involved in social care, about abuse and the different forms it can take and how to help individuals take control of their lives.
Although I have no experience working with children and families, I have raised my daughter single handed and feel that I can relate to families who are having troubles. I hope with my positive attitude and determination to improve my own quality of life I can reflect this into my practice when helping others.
At present I am studying Sociology, Psychology, Law and Politics on the access course. I am learning about the impacts of the industrial revolution and how society is seen from a Marxist and functionalist point of view, about different types of mental disorders, the structure of the government and how the criminal justice system works. I am finding it very interesting and am really enjoying being back in education.
学习啦在线学习网I also read the Community Care magazine each week to keep up to date with social issues. I find the topics on current social issues very interesting and enjoy reading about the experiences of qualified social workers I also find the articles on topics such as advocacy helpful. I hope that studying the degree in social work will give me a greater understanding of social problems, their causes, their solutions and the impacts these have while allowing me to obtain the skills I require to be successful in my chosen career path.
Yours sincerely,
推荐信就是要在第三方角度来评价学生的,如果学生参加过工作再去申请的话是非常比较容易的。推荐信中是不要提到和学生没有关联的内容的,要把真诚的东西给展现出来。推荐信 对于学校的招生老师来说,他们比较看重的是你在学术上面的内容,你的学术能力还有你身上的优点,你要围绕这些吧自己身上的特质给展现畜类,还是说明你的哪些经历是可以证明的。许多学生的推荐信是完全只把学生本身的优势都罗列出来,并没有对这些进行解释说明,让招生的老师很难新去信服你的推荐信。推荐信一定要注意要使用细节去描述,招生的老师是没有办法从一段话当中就能看到学生的优点的,描述学生的每一个优点的时候就要有对应的具体例子来讨论。