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学习啦在线学习网   The success of a person, often is the symbol of victory; successful, allowing a person to fail when light up the hope of a lamp; success, is a way to encourage; in real life, success means one thing for a happy ending!

学习啦在线学习网   In each case the results, both success and failure. To tell the truth, in my mind, success is for me a lamp life in the future. From small to large, my life, light up many successful lamp. Especially at that time, the light bright lights lighting will be my life!

  In June 24, 2008, I and my mother and sister to go to the public square for a walk, when walking. From our place to play go out, see some people dancing in a side, do not know what to look for in. My heart 's doubts, staring at. My mother seemed to see my thoughts, he said to me:" go, Phoebe. We went to have a look to see what they are reading." I heard the word, immediately ran up, a look, oh, turns out to be some people in the skating; but there are still some children. Look oh, here is in a group called children skating. Soon, mom and sister also came to see. Mother looked at for a while, ask where Aunt some publicity, so help me there were reported, as here let me learn to skate.

学习啦在线学习网   First, I'm wearing skates, as said the coach yourself to look feel. So, I took the side of the rope, one step at a time, with great care to go forward. Then. Wang came, took me, without ropes help, slide alone. Coach Wang step, I with a step, like that, it was really like a small baby toddler. Later, Wang let me alone to practice, I have a man around the rope, a circle. Every time I did not walk a few steps, he almost fell, each fell particularly painful. I was discouraged when, I suddenly remembered a classic song" no experience of wind and rain, how can see the rainbow". I immediately become strong, continued to slide, slide, slide, I finally would be a little. I am happy really want to jump three feet, alas, skates is too heavy, I wouldn 't jump ... ...

  Since then, I have to go back to practice skating. Finally, nothing is impossible to a willing heart, I was skating speed can be up to the coach, but ah, also some skating tricks!

学习啦在线学习网   Is ah! Do not experience wind and rain, how can see the rainbow? That is when I realized a truth, do you? It will light up my future life!



学习啦在线学习网   在每一件事的结果,都有成功和失败的结局。说实在的,在我心目中,成功是为我点亮生活未来的一盏灯。从小到大,我的生活中,点亮了不少成功的灯。特别是那一次,那盏亮闪闪的灯将照明我一生啊!


学习啦在线学习网   一开始,我穿着溜冰鞋,就照教练说得自己先去找一下感觉。于是,我拉着边上的绳子,一步一步地,小心翼翼的往前走。然后。王教练过来,领着我,不用绳子的帮助,独自滑。王教练走一步,我就跟一步,那样子,真像一个小婴儿初学走路时的情景。过后,王教练让我一个人独自练习,我只得一个人,围着绳子一圈圈的转。我每次没走几步,就几乎要摔一跤,每次摔得特别痛。正当我灰心的时候,我突然想起一句一句经典的歌词“不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹”。我马上又变得坚强起来,继续滑,滑啊滑啊,我终于会了一点儿了。我高兴的真想一蹦三尺,可惜啊,溜冰鞋太重了,我根本跳不起来……


学习啦在线学习网   是啊!不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?着是我成功时悟出的一个道理,你呢?这个道理将点亮我未来的生活!


学习啦在线学习网   I have gone through things like the stars in the sky, and some I sigh about, I have shame, I have great anger, I feel some of the majesty, I feel some fun, let me some experience The taste of success! On that occasion, I have a class students have bought a sachet, I put together into the nose to smell, thiophene wow, the aroma is pressing, I remained fresh in his memory. I would very much like to buy one, my mother will not let me buy it, had no choice but to own it.

  I take out a lot of overflowing delicate fragrance of the petals in a variety of colors. Home to some of the first jet is very strong aroma of perfume. So that each petal is a damp, and then dry on the balcony.

  In two days, the petals completely done, I order for another strong aroma, I have all the flower pot and pour it into the water, until completely soaked, I picked up and dried on the balcony.

学习啦在线学习网   Done, I have a lot of sprayed Perfume, a Huatai Xiang! Shannon was a sharp! Spent since resolved, it should address the package what the petals!

学习啦在线学习网   I would like to start using cloth bags to use later. After careful consideration, I decided to use plastic bags.

  I am in a plastic bag inside and outside sprayed with perfume, and some of the color-and infected with green, and then the petals into a plastic bag, tied with lines, but also with a number of needle holes, so that the aroma to overflow! I I'm told that thiophene wow! And buy it from top to bottom, regardless of the sachet! Seems to smell slightly better than to buy the sachet! Ha ha!

  I am in the moment of completion of the sachet, I think the days are so blue, clouds are so white, the grass is so green. Now I learn to produce sachet is the most proud of a bright star! I really wanted to announce to the world: I succeed you!!!


学习啦在线学习网   我经历的事情犹如天上的繁星,有的让我感叹不已,有的让我羞愧难当,有的让我愤怒无比,有的让我感到庄严神圣,有的让我感到妙趣横生,有的让我体验成功的滋味! 在那一次,我班有同学买了一个香包,我凑进鼻子去闻,哇噻,香气逼人,我至今记忆犹新。我便非常想去买一个,可妈妈不让我买,只好自己做了。


学习啦在线学习网   过两天,花瓣完全干了,我为了让香气再浓点,我把花瓣全都倒在一盆清水里,等到完全浸泡,我在捞起,又放在阳台晒干。

学习啦在线学习网   干了后,我有喷了很多香水,花太香了!香得刺鼻!既然花解决了,就应该解决用什么包花瓣了!


学习啦在线学习网   我在塑料袋内外喷上香水,加上一些颜色素,染上绿色,然后把花瓣倒进塑料袋,用线捆上,也用针刺了几个小洞,好让香气溢出来! 我一闻,哇噻!与买的香包不分上下呀!似乎闻起来比买的香包略胜一筹!哈哈!

学习啦在线学习网   在我的香包完成的一瞬间,我觉得天是那么蓝,云是那么白,草是那么绿。如今学会制作香包是我最骄傲的一颗闪亮的星!我真想向全世界宣布:我成功啦!!!


  You practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didn't succeed. Each time you ask yourself, what happened and why. What I might suggest is that did you have a wrong attitude?

学习啦在线学习网   Positive attitude helps us cope with the daily affairs of life more easily. It brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our life, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude we will see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

  So next time, you will practice just as much, still want it just as much, will study just as hard. What will be different is that you will also put on a smile. A positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to succeed!


学习啦在线学习网   你一遍又一遍地练习;你想要它比任何人;你学习最难的,但最终,你还是没有成功.每次你问自己,到底发生了什么和为什么.我的建议是,你有一种错误的态度?

学习啦在线学习网   积极的态度可以帮助我们应付日常生活的事务更容易.它带来了乐观的进入我们的生活,使你避免焦虑和负面思考.如果我们采用它作为一种生活方式,它将带来建设性的改变我们的生活,使我们更快乐,更明亮、更成功.以积极的态度,我们将看到生活中光明的一面,变成乐观和期待好的结果.这是一种好的精神状态,值得发展和加强.
