学习啦在线学习网 今天学习啦小编就带大家聊聊关于成功的定义,欢迎阅读。
学习啦在线学习网 Success is mostly defined by luxury items – a certain job title perhaps, or in general by society. No matter where you look, it is something that other people have decided you need to have in order to be considered successful.
学习啦在线学习网 成功主要是由奢侈品决定的——也许是某个职位,或者是社会大众定义的各类奢侈品。无论你从哪个角度看,都是别人认为你需要拥有某些东西才能被认为是成功的。
学习啦在线学习网 What would success be for each of us if nobody had ever given us a definition? What would our own definition of success be?
学习啦在线学习网 如果没有人给我们定义我们每个人的成功是什么?那我们自己对成功的定义是什么?
My point of view about success is different: I have no definition. Once you define something, any flexibility for something greater or new is excluded. People start to focus on whatever they have defined “their success” should look like – but does focusing here really lead to success? Or does it just put more pressure on your shoulders to finally reach something that others have defined as a “must have” in everyone’s live?
学习啦在线学习网 我对成功的看法是不同的:我没有定义。一旦定义了是什么,就排除了对更大或更新事物的任何灵活性。人们开始关注他们所定义的“他们的成功”应该是什么样的,但是在这点上集中精力真的会成功吗?或者它只会在你的肩膀上施加更多的压力来最终达到别人在生活中定义为“必须拥有”的东西?
What if success was not the amount of money you make, neither the number of likes or followers you have on social media, nor the Maserati in your driveway. What if success was everything that makes you happy, that makes you excited and that puts a big smile on your face? If every day you smile more than being angry or stressed or anxious-ridden, is that a successful day?
Could that ever be considered real success? Yes, if it contributes to your financial situation and leads to more money and wealth in your life.
学习啦在线学习网 这能被认为是真正的成功吗?是的,如果它有助于你的财务状况,并带来更多的财富和金钱在你的生活中。
学习啦在线学习网 You might ask, how could that ever be enough of a contribution to your business, to expand and generate enough income to pay all your bills, to go on vacation, and to create sustainable wealth and luxury?
学习啦在线学习网 Let me share some thoughts that might help you to if you’re open to removing the limitations of defining “success”:
学习啦在线学习网 1) Increase your smiles
Start with one additional smile a day. Don’t do an artificial “I am happy now all the time” smile – add something to your life that makes you truly happy. One little thing a day – no matter what, no matter when. And please do not be logical – it has to be something that’s fun for you, not something that will make you money! The true fun part is important here.
学习啦在线学习网 从每天多微笑一次开始。不要做一个人造的“我现在一直很快乐”的微笑——给你的生活增添一些让你真正快乐的东西。一天一小事,无论何时何地。请不要合乎逻辑——它必须是对你来说很有趣的东西,而不是让你赚钱的东西!真正有趣的部分在这里很重要。
The interesting part about this is, that once you smile more, more people will be drawn to you. More people will want to do business with you. Being happy and enjoying what you do is a very rare product! It creates a space of trust and confidence – someone who is not worried or concerned has a higher ability to resolve problems, has more competence in negotiating and definitely a higher level of creativity.
学习啦在线学习网 有趣的是,一旦你微笑更多,就会吸引更多的人。更多的人会想和你做生意。快乐和享受你所做的是一个非常罕见的产品!它创造了一个信任和自信的空间——一个不担心或不焦虑的人有更高的解决问题的能力,有更强的谈判能力和绝对较高的创造力水平。
And we all know how prices are determined: the less a “product” is available, the higher its price. This does not only apply to oil and gas – it applies to everything; including happy people! So, turn yourself into the most valuable product – by enjoying what you do, and my making changes to your life, job and business that allows you to enjoy what you do.
学习啦在线学习网 我们都知道价格是如何确定的:“产品”越少,价格就越高。这不仅适用于石油和天然气,也适用于一切,包括快乐的人!因此,把自己变成最有价值的产品——通过享受你所做的事情,以及改变你的生活、工作和事业,让你享受你所做的一切。
学习啦在线学习网 2) Be willing to be different and be aware of yourself:
Acknowledge the changes that occur around you when you start changing to more happiness!
Be aware of how people react when you start to have more joy.
Do take one step at a time. Rome was not built in one day. Play with this tool as if it was a game and do it only when it’s really fun for you. Do not exaggerate and be patient. Joy is a state of being – not a state of “doing something.”
学习啦在线学习网 当你开始改变更多的快乐时,承认你周围发生的变化!
学习啦在线学习网 一步一步地做。罗马不是一天建成的。玩这个工具就像它是一个游戏,只有当它对你真的很有趣的时候才这样做。不要夸大其词,要有耐心。快乐是一种存在状态,而不是“做某事”的状态。
3) Look at the big picture, not at numbers only
People often tend to analyze their current financial situation or “level of success” by the cash they have in their account or the size of their house they just bought. Money is a very strong indication for success, but not the only one. When analyzing your business or level of success include everything that you truly enjoy doing; include what it creates in this world, what footprint it may leave for future generations and see how it contributes to other businesses and people.
学习啦在线学习网 Running a successful business or having success in your job means waking up every morning so excited that you just can’t wait to start your day, enjoying the people you work with, and knowing that whatever shows up, you will handle it.
How would your world look if every great moment was considered a success? If that just put a little smile on your face, then I just had a successful day! Enjoy and keep going!
学习啦在线学习网 如果每一个伟大的时刻都被认为是成功的话,你的世界会怎样?如果只是在你脸上挂上一点微笑,那么我就有了一个成功的一天!享受并继续前进!