人生在勤,不索何获。(life in attendance, no cable any gains。)以下是学习啦小编为大家整理的关于成功的语录,欢迎阅读!
1.Laziness and poor forever is shameful, so everyone will try their best to conceal from others property, to conceal their lazy.
学习啦在线学习网 2.No double diligence, neither can, no genius.
学习啦在线学习网 没有加倍的勤奋,就既没有才能,也没有天才。
学习啦在线学习网 3.For me, it has not yet been realized what the rest of one’s life, is my greatest encouragement.
学习啦在线学习网 对我来说,一件尚未实现的事,就是我有生之年的最大鞭策。
学习啦在线学习网 4.It is not enough to be industrious, the ants are very industrious. You are what? There are two basic mistakes, other errors are all born: impatience and laziness
学习啦在线学习网 .光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也非常勤劳。你在勤劳些什么呢?有两种过错是基本的,其他一切过错都由此而生:急躁和懒惰。
5.Is a good training, a hard one to.
学习啦在线学习网 勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才。
学习啦在线学习网 6.If you have great talents, industry will improve it.; if you can be flat, industry will supply their deficiency.
学习啦在线学习网 7.The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.
学习啦在线学习网 社会主义制度的建立给我们开辟了一条到达理想境界的道路,而理想境界的实现还要靠我们的辛勤劳动。
学习啦在线学习网 8.Lazy hands to be poor; diligent, get rich
学习啦在线学习网 9.Genius is hard work, someone once said. If this is not entirely correct, at least it is to a great extent right.
10.A diligent person, although because of his hard work and damage to his spiritual insight or fresh and creative, but he still will be praised.
学习啦在线学习网 1. The fairest rose is at last withered· 好花终须凋谢。
2. Every dog has his day· 狗也有走的一天;凡人皆有得意日。
3. First thrive and then wive· 先立业再成家。
学习啦在线学习网 4. Example is better than precept· 实例胜过口训;身教重於言教。
学习啦在线学习网 5. The early bird catches the worm· 早起的鸟儿有虫吃;捷足先登。
6. He laughs best who laughs last· 最后笑的人的最高兴;别高兴太早。
7. Sweet are uses of adversity· 塞翁失马,焉知非福;祸中有福。
学习啦在线学习网 8. The best often the enemy of good· 完美是现况之敌。
学习啦在线学习网 9. Catch not at shadow and lose the substance· 勿抓影子而失去实质;不要舍本逐末。
10. Experience is the mother of wisdom· 经验为智慧之母。
学习啦在线学习网 11. Birds in their litte nests agree· 同舟共济;家和万事兴。
12. Better bend than break· 宁屈不断;大丈夫能屈能伸。
学习啦在线学习网 13. Evrything comes to him who waits· 等待的人终必得到。
14. Every little helps· 点滴都有用;积少成多。
15. A good name is sooner lost than won· 好名声得之难,失之易。
学习啦在线学习网 16. Easier said than done· 说时容易做时难;知易行难。
17. Enough is as good as a feast· 饱餐如同盛宴;凡事适可而止。
学习啦在线学习网 18. Bread is staff of life· 粮食是生活的支柱;民以食为天。
19. After a storm comes a calm· 否极泰来;雨过天晴。
学习啦在线学习网 20. The best of friends must part· 天下无不散的筵席。
21. Don‘t put the cart before the horse· 不要把马车放在马前;勿本末倒置。
22. Hoist your sail when the wind is fair· 顺风时扬帆;见机行事。
23. A contented is a perpetual feast· 知足常乐。
学习啦在线学习网 24. Better be sure than sorry· 宁安勿躁;安全总比后悔好。
学习啦在线学习网 25. All roads lead to Rome· 条条道路通罗马;殊途同归·
学习啦在线学习网 26. Blood is thicker than water· 血浓於水;疏不间亲。
学习啦在线学习网 27. Brevity is the soul of wit· 言以简洁为贵。
学习啦在线学习网 28. Between two stools you fall to the groun· 脚踏双凳必坠地;脚踏两头必落空。
29. Custom reconciles us to everything· 习惯成自然。
30. Discontent is the first step in progress· 不满是进步的开始。