学习啦 > 励志 > 成功学 > 成功故事 > 诚信致成功的英语事例


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  Outside the father's study, Sima Guang and her sister's band. An autumn afternoon, Sima Guang picked up a lot of walnut peel let sister to help him. Walnut thick and very hard, so my sister with a nail row, fingers are of no avail. If the stone is easy even a piece of walnut smashed. Sister can not eat, they ran away angrily. The little Sima Guang left alone.

学习啦在线学习网   Just a servant came over and saw Sima Guang in a daze, feeling a little strange, came over to ask. After listening to the reasons, she put Sima Guang into the house, put the walnut into the boiling water in a hot iron, and then with a knife scrape. In this way, the walnut shell fell off, she gave a complete walnut kernel to Sima Guang. Sima Guang took the walnut, go to the previous walnut heap before enjoying the surprise, just be came to see my sister. She was surprised and asked Sima Guang: "how do you peel the walnut shell?" Sima Guang shook his head and said proudly: "my own hand off."

  Brother sister know intelligent man, shortly before he smashed the tank, rescued drowning children. He said: "praise for gospel truth, good brother, you are very clever, but what you get out, teach me." Sima Guang is a circle, not changed.

学习啦在线学习网   Sitting in the library reading father will happen outside look crystal clear. He put down his book and went out of the house. He looked at Sima Guang's eyes and asked, "did you peel the walnut?" asked his father, and Sima Guang's face turned red. The father asked Sima Guang to tell the truth about how the walnut was peeled off. Sima Guang had to be honest about how the servants helped.

  Happy father saw Sima Guang, told him not to lie, said: "a man of wisdom is a good thing, but if you rely on clever lie to people, it is not a good boy. I hope my son is not only smart but also an honest man forever."

学习啦在线学习网   Father's education to benefit Sima Guang lifetime. He grew up to become a great historian and politician, even the emperor bigwigs do not say that he is honest, is in favor of favor, against the opposition. He made many sharp comments on the prime minister Wang Anshi, but Wang Anshi has praised Sima Guang is an honest person.

学习啦在线学习网   父亲的书房外,是司马光和姐姐的乐团。一个秋天的下午,司马光捡来很多核桃让姐姐帮他把皮剥掉。核桃皮厚且非常坚硬,所以姐姐用指甲划、手指掰都无济于事。如果用石头砸就容易连核桃仁一块砸碎了。姐姐吃不上,就生气地跑掉了。剩下小司马光独自在为难。

学习啦在线学习网   恰好一个仆人走过来,看到发呆的司马光,感到有些奇怪,就过来询问。听完原因后,她把司马光带进屋子里,把核桃放进开水里烫一烫,然后用小刀一刮。这样,核桃壳一下就掉了,她把一个完整的核桃仁交给司马光。司马光拿着核桃仁,走到先前的核桃堆前,惊奇地欣赏着,正巧被走过来的姐姐看到。她奇怪地问司马光:“你是怎么剥掉核桃壳的?”司马光晃了晃脑袋,得意地说:“是我自己用手弄掉的。”

学习啦在线学习网   姐姐知道弟弟聪颖过人,前不久他还砸破水缸,救出落水的小朋友呢。于是就信以为真,连连称赞说:“好弟弟,你真聪明,但你究竟是怎样弄掉的,教教我吧。”司马光只是兜圈子,不愿改口。

学习啦在线学习网   坐在书房读书的父亲将屋外发生的事情看得一清二楚。他放下书本,走到屋外,看着司马光的眼睛问:“这核桃仁是你剥的吗?”父亲一问,司马光脸就红了,低下头去。父亲要求司马光把核桃仁是怎样剥出来的真实情况讲给姐姐听。司马光不得不老老实实地讲了仆人是怎样帮忙的。


学习啦在线学习网   父亲的教育让司马光受益终生。他后来成长为一位伟大的史学家和政治家,即使对皇帝权贵也不说自己违心的话,赞成就是赞成,反对就是反对。他对当朝宰相王安石提了很多尖锐的意见,但王安石也一直赞许司马光是一位诚实无欺的人。



学习啦在线学习网   2、小信诚则大信立——韩非子



学习啦在线学习网   5、一言之美,贵于千金——葛洪

学习啦在线学习网   6、经常用诚信的尺子丈量自己,坚持以诚信的言行对待别人。

学习啦在线学习网   7、民无信不立——孔子






学习啦在线学习网   13、知识是财富,诚信也是一种财富,拥有知识能使你变得充实,拥有诚信能使世界变得更美好!

