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  萨德是末段高空区域防御系统(英语:Terminal High Altitude Area Defense,缩写:THAAD,汉语音译为萨德)是美国导弹防御局和美国陆军隶下的陆基战区反导系统,一般简称为萨德反导系统。以下是学习啦小编分享给大家的关于萨德系统用英文怎么说以及萨德部署用英文该怎么说,一起来看看吧!


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  South Korea and U.S. Agree to Deploy Missile Defense System


学习啦在线学习网   SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea and the United States announced on Friday that they have decided to deploy an advanced American missile defense system in the South, despite strong protests from China, which sees it as a threat to its own security.


  The two allies agreed to the deployment of the so-called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system, or Thaad, to better protect South Korea and the United States military in the region from North Korea’s growing nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, a senior Defense Ministry official, Ryu Jae-seung, said at a news conference.

  韩国国防部高级官员柳济昇(Ryu Jae-seung)在新闻发布会上表示,两个盟国达成协议,准备部署末段高空区域防御系统(Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense,简称“萨德”),从而更好地保护两国在该地区的军事力量免受朝鲜不断增强的核能力和弹道导弹水平的威胁。

  Seoul and Washington have been in talks for months about implementing the new system. Mr. Ryu said that officials from both nations were in the final stage of recommending a site for a Thaad missile base to their defense chiefs.


  China’s Foreign Ministry promptly denounced the plan, saying the system would harm China’s security and would not contribute to peace on the Korean Peninsula, Reuters reported.

学习啦在线学习网   根据路透社(Reuters)的报道,中国外交部立即对这一计划进行了谴责,声称该系统会损害中国的安全,不利于朝鲜半岛的和平。

  Besides the objections from China, the new system was likely to face resistance from residents in whatever part of South Korea is selected for the base. Villagers and politicians from towns that have been mentioned as possible sites have said they will oppose it, fearing that strong electronic signals from the radar might be harmful to residents’ health, and that their towns would become an early target for North Korean missiles should war break out on the peninsula.

学习啦在线学习网   除了来自中国的抗议,美韩两国不论把这个新系统的部署地点选在韩国的什么地方,都有可能遭到当地居民的抵制。已被提及的部署备选地的民众和政客们说,他们会提出反对意见,因为担心来自雷达的高强度电子信号会损害居民的健康。他们还担心,如果朝鲜半岛爆发战争,这会让自己所在的城镇最先成为朝鲜导弹的目标。

  “This is an important R.O.K-U.S. decision,” Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, the top commander of the American military in South Korea, said in a statement, using the acronym for the South’s formal name, the Republic of Korea. “North Korea’s continued development of ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction require the alliance to take this prudent, protective measure to bolster our layered and effective missile defense.”

  “这是大韩民国和美国的重要决定,”驻韩美军最高指挥官文森特·K·布鲁克斯(Vincent K. Brooks)在一份声明中表示。大韩民国是韩国的正式称谓。“朝鲜一直在发展弹道导弹和大规模杀伤性武器,美韩联盟有必要采取这一谨慎的防护措施学习啦在线学习网,增强我们的多层次高效导弹防御体系。”

  The United States military emphasized that Thaad would “be focused solely on North Korea” and would contribute to a layered system enhancing the alliance’s existing missile defense capabilities against North Korean missile threats.

学习啦在线学习网   美国军方强调,“萨德”将“只针对朝鲜”,并成为一个多层次体系的一部分,让美韩联盟现有的应对朝鲜导弹威胁的防御能力得到增强。

学习啦在线学习网   South Korea agreed to consider the Thaad deployment after the North’s launching of a long-range rocket on Feb. 7, an event widely seen as a cover for developing a long-range ballistic nuclear missile. In March, Washington and Seoul established a joint task force to discuss details of possible deployment.


  South Korea’s military has said that Thaad will bolster its defense against North Korean missiles, but its political leaders have been reluctant to commit to it because of China’s strong objections.


  They have expressed fear that the deployment might prompt China to move closer to North Korea as a buffer against the United States and South Korea, and that China might retaliate economically.


学习啦在线学习网   China is South Korea’s No. 1 trade partner and sends more tourists here than any other foreign country.


  China is particularly concerned about Thaad in South Korea because its powerful radar could give the United States military the ability to quickly detect and track missiles launched in China, analysts said. Beijing has feared that could strengthen American missile defense systems and weaken its own nuclear deterrent, though defense officials here said it would not make much difference to the American military.

学习啦在线学习网   分析人士称,中国之所以对“萨德”入韩尤为担心,是因为其强大的雷达将让美军有能力迅速检测和追踪中国境内发射的导弹。北京方面一直担心这会增强美国的导弹防御系统,消弱其自身的核威慑力。但韩国国防部官员称,这不会让美国的军事力量有太大改变。

学习啦在线学习网   The United States military already has a Thaad battery deployed on Guam and operates powerful radar in the region, as well as military satellites over China.


  While United States policy makers have increasingly worried about North Korea’s attempts to develop a capability to deliver a nuclear warhead on an intercontinental ballistic missile, South Koreans have tended to be less concerned. For decades, they have lived under the shadow of North Korea’s ability to deliver catastrophic destruction: Seoul, the capital, lies within the range of thousands of North Korean rockets and artillery pieces along the inter-Korean border.




