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学习啦在线学习网   什么是好的译文很难定,但良好的中英互译得好受到很多因素影响。下面就是学习啦小编给大家整理的中英互译文章,希望大家喜欢。


  The Rosy Moon


学习啦在线学习网   Li Xiulu


  When he won a prize in the Province's calligraphy contest, Mr. Luo feltelated as if a gold ingothad fallen on him from the sky. The world instantlybecame ecstatically rosy in the eyes of the23-year-old winner. At the moment,he was smoking a cigarette while judging Miss B'sphotograph in a glassframe with a calligrapher's eye. He found that she was by no means prettyand she was the one who almost became his wife! Look at her lips, he thought. How thick theyare! Ugly beyond words! People would ask, then, how come a young calligrapher should chooseto marry a cold drink peddler? It isn't a good match! Well, fortunately, the prue camein time, orit would be too late if we had gotten married.

学习啦在线学习网   把她扔掉!不过肯定会有人指责这件事儿,有人就爱管闲事儿!罗君可不怕这个:虽然自己曾和她信誓旦旦,但此一时彼一时也,现在我已是书法家了,搞艺术的,一个卖冷饮的懂什么艺术?再说……比如有一个粗瓷盘子,本来一直和许多普通盘子混在一起当餐具,可有一天考古学家发它竟是一件珍贵文物,那么以后呢,当梦就跟那些珍贵文物摆到一起去啦。那些普通盘子呢,只有仰望的份!当然,羡慕和嫉妒是少不了的,人之常情嘛。想到这里罗君正气凛然地扳倒镜框,取出B姑娘的照片扔到一边,把A姑娘的彩色剧照装进去。瞧,只有千娇百媚的A,才能配得上我!(原先,罗君觉得A就是女神,自己只有望望的份儿,而现在呢?他感到自己已成了艺术的王子,王子和女神……那还用说?!)

  I must shake her off me! But some other people would certainly gossip about it, those who liketo poke their noses into everything! I won't be scared. Times have changed. To hell with allthose solemn vows I've made to her! I am now a calligrapher engaged in art. What does acold drink peddler know about art? After all, I am like a coarse china plate that used to be puttogether with those commonplates for daily use until one day an archeologist discovered that itwas anantique. Well, then, when it's placed with other precious antiques in the museum, all thecommon plates will have to bow low to it. Jealousy, naturally, will come with admiration. Forthat's the way things are. Thus Mr. Luo took the picture of Miss B from the frame and threw itaway, feeling well justified. In its place he put in a color stage photo of Miss A, and went ondreaming. See? With her charm and grace this woman must be the one that makes a matchfor me now. To Mr. Luo, the woman used to be a fairy queen whom he could only look up toand admire at a distance. But now that he felt himself to be the prince of art....A fairy queenand a prince, what a perfectmatch!


  He took up a writing brush and began to write.


  "I am now a calligrapher...." It was a letter of fire to pretty Miss A.

学习啦在线学习网   第二封信写给厚嘴唇的B:“我现在是一位书法家了……”

  The second letter was to Miss B the thick-lipped: "I am now a calligrapher...." It was a letter ofice.


  He then dropped both the fire and the ice into the mailbox.

学习啦在线学习网   河边凉棚下,B姑娘哭了一场,把信揉成一团,扔进了河里,转身继续工作。

学习啦在线学习网   In a shed by the river, Miss B wept bitterly. She crumpled the letter, threw it into the river, andthen went on with her work.

学习啦在线学习网   河边小楼上,A姑娘笑了一场,把信揉成一团,扔进了河里,转身继续研究剧本。

  In a small house on the river bank, Miss A let out a contemptuous laughafter reading theletter, crumpled it and threw it into the river. She thentumed to her study. of a script.


  The two crumpled letters floated slowly down the river and disappeared.


学习啦在线学习网   When evenulg came, Mr. Luo sat by the river smoking a cigarette, and gaz-ing at the water withthe eyes of an artist. There reflected a rosy moon in thewater. In the moon there was a goldenpalace, and out of the palace flew thecharming and elegant Chang Er, the moon goddess....


  A Night at Mallard-Nest Village


  Shen Congwen


  Towards dusk it started snowing, but soon the snow stopped. It was bitterly cold. In thatglacial atmosphere everything seemed turned to ice, the air itself as if on the point of freezing.The small boat I had hired moored after the first flurries of snow fell. This was the fifth night ofmy trip upstream from Taoyuan. Because it looked as if we were in for a blizzard, the boatmenhad searched for a good anchorage. But apart from a suitable beach, the bank was a mass ofblack boulders the size of houses. Since they were so big and our boat was so small, we wantedto find some shelter from the wind in a place where we could easily go ashore. However, all thebest moorings wore occupicd by local fishing-boats. The crew punted our little craft up anddown, the steel tips of the punting-poles clinking melodiously on the rocks; but in the end wehad to draw alongside the other vessels large and small in the regular anchorage, dropping therock which served us as an anchor on to the sand and leaving our little craft exposed to thecoming blizzard.


  This place, at a bend in a long lake, was flanked by high cliffs on the peaks of which grew smallbamboos, an enchanting emerald the whole year round. Now that darkness was falling, onlytheir silhouettes were outlined against the faintly glimmering sky. What we could make out inthe dusk, though, was amazing—about three hundred feet up the cliff, high above the water,was a cluster of houses on stilts. There they hung majestically in mid air, and in the fading lightwe could still see the outline of these extraordinary buildings. In common with all the housesalong the river, their construction was characterized by a wasteful use of timber. Why was somuch timber needed for houses halfway up a hill? Yet they were built on stilts, quiteneedlessly. Well, timber was the main product shipped out from this river, costing less thanstone; and so, though there was no danger at all of flooding, it was really not astonishing thatthese houses were still built on stilts. And because they were there, the boatmen who grappledyear in year out with the current, their passengers nearly bored to death, and other travellerstoo had somewhere to rest. They could shake off their weariness and loneliness in thesehouses. So the place, besides being attractive, provided distractions.


  After the boats large and small had moored, all lit tiny oil lamps and fixed up mat canopies. Ricewas boiled in iron cauldrons over fires in the stem, and once this was cooked the vegetableswere fried in another pan of sizzling oil. When the meal was ready, everyone aboard could wolfdown three or five bowls. By then it was dark. When the bowls had been cleared away, theboatmen who felt cold or tired out spread their bedding on the deck and burrowed into theirstiff, clammy quilts which they had laid out like tubing. Those who wanted to drank or smokedby the lamp, and when the fire on the boat had burned to ashes or there was nothing to do, iflonely or eager for a bit of fun they would go ashore to sit by a fire and chat, taking the lanternfrom the mast or lighting a strip of old hawser with which they jumped unsteadily ashore totake the path through rocks to the stilt-houses halfway up the cliff, in search of an old friendor familiar house. Strangers naturally travelled along the river too, but once inside these stilt-houses, sitting on low stools by the fire, in no time they would feel not strangers but friends.


  A Bouquet of Flowers for You


  Feng Jicai

学习啦在线学习网   鲜花,理应呈送给凯旋归来的英雄。难道献给这黯淡无关的失败者?

学习啦在线学习网   Flowers should be presented to winners who have returned home with flying colors aftercompetitions. Why should they be given to this disgraced loser?


  Since she fell on the mattress from the horizontal bar four days before while doing asomersault, she had kept her beautiful and once proud head bent. Now she was back at theCapital Airport from abroad. Upon entering the lobby, she wished she could hide her head underher collar. She was ashamed to face the people who had come to welcome her right at theairport, to be interviewed by the reporters, or to meet her sister and brother-in-law. She waseven afraid to see the warm-hearted stewardess—one of her admirers. Each time she wentabroad from the airport, this stewardess would rush up to help her with her luggage. What ashame that she had absolutely failed!


  Before she set off for the International Gymnastics Championships, she was fully confident ofwinning the World Titles for horizontal bar and uneven bars, and gym experts both at homeand abroad had so expected. But her poor performance had shamefully shattered all of theirexpectations.

学习啦在线学习网   两年前,她第一次出国参加比赛,夹在许多名扬海外的姑娘们中间,不受人注意,心里反而没负担,出人意料拿了两项冠军。回国时,就在这机场大厅里,她受到空前热烈的迎接。许多只手朝她伸来,许多摄影机镜头对准她,一个戴眼镜的记者死死纠缠着问:“你最喜欢什么?”她不知如何作答,抬眼看见一束花,便说:“花!”于是就有几十束花朝她塞来,多得抱不住。两年来多次出国比赛,她胸前挂着一个又一个亮晃晃的奖牌回来,迎接她的是笑脸、花和摄影机雪亮的闪光。是不是这就加重她的思想负担?愈赢就愈怕输,成绩的包袱比失败的包袱更重。精神可以克服肉体的痛苦,肉体无法摆脱开精神的压力。这次她在平衡木上稍稍感觉自己有些不稳,内心立刻变得慌乱而不能自制。她失败了,并且跟着在下面其他项目的比赛中一塌糊涂地垮下来……

学习啦在线学习网   Two years before, she had gone abroad to take part in an international competition for thefirst time. Among so many girls who had already won fame abroad, she attracted little attention.Yet because her mind was kept free of her anxiety about failure, she unexpectedly won twoWorld Titles. When she returned home that year, she was given an enthusiastic welcome in thesame lobby. Many hands stretched out to her, many camera lenses focused on her. A reporterin glasses kept pestering her with the question: “What do you like best?” She was wonderinghow to respond when she caught sight of a bouquet of flowers. Then she said, “Flowers!”Following her remarks, bunches of flowers were at once presented out to her, too many for herto hold. During the past two years, she had participated in many international competitions andbrought back one shining medal after another. What she got in return was all smiles, flowersand camera flashes. Was it because of this that she became preoccupied with winning? Themore she won, the more obsessed she was with the fear of losing. So her mind was in factmore burdened with success than with failure. The mind could control physical pains but couldnot free itself from mental strain easily. This time when she was a little off balance on thehorizontal bar, she became so worried that she lost self-control and fell off. This failure wasfollowed by several more in other events.


学习啦在线学习网   Afterwards in order to avoid people at the airport, she trailed along behind the team. When shefound that very few people greeted her and reporters seemed to shun her, she felt hurt anddeserted and became more humiliated and shamed of herself. However hard she tried, shecouldn’t turn the tide; she was a complete failure. Indeed, who would side with a failure?

学习啦在线学习网   忽然她发现一双脚停在她眼前。谁?她一点点向上看,深蓝色的服装,长长的腿,铜衣扣,无檐帽下一张洁白娴静的脸儿。原来是机场那女服务员,正背着双手,含笑对她说:“我在电视里看见了你们比赛,知道你今天回来,特意来迎接你。”

学习啦在线学习网   All of a sudden, she saw a pair of shoes in front of her. Who could it be? She raised her benthead slowly and saw a navy blue suit, long legs, brass buttons and then a clear fair face under abrimless cap. Before her stood the stewardess with her hands behind her back, speaking with asmile, “I watched your performance on the television. I knew you would come home today. SoI am here especially to welcome you.”


学习啦在线学习网   “I did very poorly.” She lowered her head again.

学习啦在线学习网   “不,你同样用尽汗水和力量。”

学习啦在线学习网   “No. You did your best.”

学习啦在线学习网   “我是失败者。”

  “But I failed.”


学习啦在线学习网   “Nobody can avoid failure. I believe failure is as important to you as success. Failure belongs tothe past, and victory is the future.” The stewardess’s voice came gentle but firm.

学习啦在线学习网   她听了这话,重新抬起头来。只见女服务员把背在身后的手向前一伸,一大束五彩缤纷的花捧到她的面前。浓郁的香气竟化作一股奇异的力量注入她的身体。她顿时热泪满面。

  Hearing these words, the girl raised her head. The stewardess held out her hands from behindher back with a big bouquet of colorful flowers, and presented it to the girl. The strongfragrance seemed to turn into a magic, powerful current that went through her body. Shewas moved to tears.


  Flowers are usually given to victorious heroes. Why to this disgraced loser?





