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学习啦在线学习网   在中英翻译方面 ,等效翻译理论虽然有其一定的局限性 ,但等效翻译理论的两个原则———顺乎自然的对等和最切近的对等,用最贴切的意思还原文章。下面就是学习啦小编给大家整理的中英翻译文章阅读,希望大家喜欢。


学习啦在线学习网   Fond Memories of Autumn


  Shi Tiesheng


  When my legs were first paralyzed, my temper became terrible. Looking at the lines of wildgeese flying back north, I would suddenly smash the window pane in front of me. Listening tothe sweet songs sung by the famous singer Li Guyi, I would throw whatever happened to be onhand at the wall. On these occasions Mother would steal out quietly, watching me from a placewhere I could not see her. When I calmed down, she would come back softly and gaze at mewith sad eyes.

学习啦在线学习网   “听说北海的花儿都开了,我推着你去走走。”她总是这么说。母亲喜欢花,可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花都死了。

  “They say that the flowers in Beihai Park are in bloom now. Let me wheel you there,” she usedto say. Mother loved flowers dearly, but ever since my legs became paralyzed, all her flowershad died.

学习啦在线学习网   “不,我不去!”我狠命地捶打这两条可恨的腿,喊着,“我活着有什么劲!”母亲扑过来抓住我的手,忍住哭声说:“咱娘儿俩在一块儿,好好儿活,好好儿活……”

学习啦在线学习网   “No, I won’t go!” I shouted, while beating my cursed legs as hard as I could. “What am I stillliving for?” Mother would then rush up to me, holding my hands in hers and saying betweensubdued sobs, “The two of us should live together happily, happily…”


  Although I did not know it, she had been seriously ill herself all the time. It was my youngersister who told me later that mother had often been kept awake the whole night with pains inthe liver.


  One day I was alone in the room, watching the rustling fall of autumn leaves through thewindow when Mother came in. She stood between me and the window and said, “Thechrysanthemums in Beihai are blossoming. Do let me take you there for a visit.” Her sad eyes inher haggard face silently implored me. “When?” I asked.“Tomorrow, if it suits you,” she replied,pleasantly surprised at my interest.“Okay, tomorrow then,” I agreed. She was so delighted thatshe did not know whether to sit or to stand.“Let’s get ready right now,” she suggested. “Oh,what a bore! Do we need to get ready for a park just a few steps away?”I said. She burst outlaughing herself, sat down beside me and murmured, “After we’ve seen the chrysanthemums,we’ll dine at Fang Shan Restaurant. You used to love their puree of peas best when you were alittle boy. Still remember our last tour to Beihai? You insisted that the poplar flowers be wormsand ran to stamp on them one by one…” Here she broke off abruptly, more sensitive towords like “run” than I ever was. She went out again gently.


学习啦在线学习网   Yes, she went out, never to come back.


学习啦在线学习网   When the neighbors carried her onto the tricycle flatcart, she was still vomiting mouthfuls ofblood. I had never thought she could have been so seriously ill. Watching the three-wheeler go,I had not expected it would be her departure to eternity.


学习啦在线学习网   The young man next door carried me on his back to the hospital to see her. She was gaspingher last, in just the same way as she had lived her entire hard life. I was told later that her lastwords before passing away were: “I have an invalid son and an unmarried daughter…”


  It was another autumn when my sister wheeled me to Beihai park to see the chrysanthemums.The yellow ones were simple and elegant; the white ones, pure and noble; and the purple ones,warm and deep; all were in full bloom, dancing in the autumn breeze. I came to know whatmother hadn’t had time to finish, and so did my sister. We should live together happily…


学习啦在线学习网   The Miao Dragon-Boat Festival


  The Dragon-Boat Festival is the most important celebration of the Miao people, who live alongthe Qingshui Rwerin southeastem Guizhou Province. Every year between 30,000 and 40,000Miaos participate in the festivities.

学习啦在线学习网   龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征。苗家姑娘最爱将龙的变形图案打制成银饰装点在头上,或刺绣在衣裙中,编织于围腰上。

  In the eyes of the Miaos, the dragon is a symbol of good luck. Girls like to adorn their hair withsilver omaments shaped like dragons and wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragonpatterns.


  The Miaos build exquisite"dragon boats," which are in reality a body formed from three canoes-one large and two small-that are strung together. A carved head, painted red, blue, or yellow, ismade from the trunk of a weeping willow tree. It is 2 meters long and sports a pair of horns. Aspecial shelter in seven parts, extending 28 meters, to house dragon boatshas been built inevery Miao village along the Qingshui River from Pingzhao in Shibing county to Liuhe in Taijiangcounty.


  The Miao Dragon-Boat Festivalis celebrated from the 24th to the 27th ofthe fifth lunar month.But according to local custom, people are allowed to send their dragon boats down the riverafter the 16th, provided that they have finished weeding their fields. The earlier appearance ofthe boats onthe river tesifies to the villagers' efficiency, and conscientious peasants con-siderit a shame not to finish weeding before the festivities begin.


  During the festival, each family makes r:ice wine and zongba (a kind of dump-ling made ofglutinous rice) and calls on friends and relatives. Married womenvisit their parents' homesbearing gifts-zongba, geese, and ducks.


学习啦在线学习网   In each boat, an old man rides straddling the dragon's neck. He is the mostrespected man inthe village, chosen by the villagers to be the coxswain. Wearing a gown and a mandarinjacket,the old man beats a drum to set the pace for the oarsmen, and severalboys about 10 years ofage, wearmg dresses,beat drums and gongs. The oarsmen, 40 in all, wield 5-foot-longwooden oars. These powerful-looking men wear horsetail-shaped hats, blue jacketsandtrousers, and embroidered waistbands pinned with silver ornaments. The hats, traditionallydowry gifts for girls from the upper reaches of theQingshui River, have become an essentialfeature of the costumes worn bythe dragon-boat oarsmen.


学习啦在线学习网   The Miao Dragon-Boat Festival differs from the Han celebration. They are not celebrated on thesame date (the Hans' takes place on the fifth day of thefifth lunar month), and they followdifferent traditions. While the Hans only hold dragon-boat races during the festival, theMiaostake the opportunity to visit friends and relatives. Before a dragon-boat setsout,somebody sings an auspicious song to the boatmen, wishing them agood voyage. Young menset out in boats early in the morning. When they approach a village, they fire guns toannounce their arrival. The villagers setoff firecrackers in response and then go to meet them.The hosts present twocups of rice wine to each oarsman and then tie gifts for their relatives-ducks, geese, and colored silks-onto the heads of the dragons. The tradi-tional gifts for sons-in.law, uncles, and nephews are pigs or sheep.


学习啦在线学习网   At 4 p.m. the boats stop alongside the riverbank. The drummers and oars~men on the boatseat glutinous rice balls and meat with their fingers. Womenand children on the shore ask theboatmen to share their food. It is said thateating food from a dragon-boat protects one fromdisaster and gives goodluck.

学习啦在线学习网   岸上,还有苗家传统的赛马、斗牛、踩鼓等活动。姑娘们身着节日盛装,应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞。飞歌往来,昼夜不绝,青年男女通过对歌,互相了解,建立感情,增进团结和友谊,以致结成幸福家庭。

学习啦在线学习网   Horse races and bullfights are held during the festival. Girls in holiday dress dance to theaccompaniment of drums. It is not unusual for young people to meet their future spouses atthe songfests held on festival nights.


学习啦在线学习网   A Few Memories of Mr. Lu Xun


  Xiao Hong

学习啦在线学习网   鲁迅先生家里的花瓶,好像画上所见的西洋女子用以取水的瓶子,灰蓝色,有点从瓷釉而自然堆起的纹痕,瓶口的两边,还有两个瓶耳,瓶里种的是几棵万年青。

学习啦在线学习网   Mr. Lu Xun had a plant pot in his sitting-room. It looked like the jar European women fetchedwater with, as shown in paintings. It was of a bluish-gray, with a few ripples naturally embossedwith its own glaze and, on either side of it, there was a handle close to the top. Planted in itwas some evergreen.

学习啦在线学习网   我第一次看到这花的时候,我就问过:

学习啦在线学习网   The first time I visited Mr. Lu Xun I asked:

学习啦在线学习网   “这叫什么名字?屋中既不生火炉,也不冻死?”

  “What is the name of this plant? There is no fire in the room, but it is not frozen.”


  It was toward evening one winter day. The sitting-room downstairs was dim. Mr. Lu Xun wassmoking a cigarette. When he took it away from his lips, holding it between his fingers at thecorner of his desk, small puffs rose as high as the top of his grayish hair and, further up, theywere no longer visible.


学习啦在线学习网   “This plant is called evergreen. It’s always like that.” He flicked the cigarette ash to the ashtraynext to the pot and the cigarette grew redder still like a small flower glimmering two or threeinches from the cuff of his sleeve.

学习啦在线学习网   “这花不怕冻?”以后,我又问过,记不得是在什么时候了。

学习啦在线学习网   “It is not affected by the cold, is it?” I asked another time, not remembering exactly when.

学习啦在线学习网   许先生说:“不怕的,最耐久!”而且她还拿着瓶口给我摇着。

  “No, it is not.” said Mrs. Lu. “It’s a very tough plant.” She held the pot by the top, shaking it forme to see.


学习啦在线学习网   I noticed there were some pebbles around the bottom. Later, as I got to know them better,went up to the black table once or twice for a closer look at the plant. As I came from the coldnorth I always wondered why this plant did not wither even in winter.


学习啦在线学习网   The plant was now still alive. Sometimes it was placed on the black table, other times in front ofMr. Lu Xun’s photograph. But it had been transplanted into a glass pot through which theiryellowish roots could be seen at the bottom.

学习啦在线学习网   有时候许先生一面和我们谈论着,一面检查房中所有的花草。看一看叶子是不是黄了?该剪掉的剪掉,该洒水的洒水,因为不停地动作是她的习惯。有时候就检查着这“万年青”,有时候就谈着鲁迅先生,就在他的照像前面谈着,但那感觉,却像谈着古人那么悠远了。

  Mrs. Lu would chat with us while moving from one plant to another, checking if any of them hadturned yellow or needed clipping or watering. She would keep herself busy in her room.Sometimes she examined the evergreen, sometimes she talked of Mr. Lu Xun, in front of hisphotograph, as if of someone of remote past.

学习啦在线学习网   至于那花瓶呢?站在墓地的青草上面去了,而且瓶底已经丢失,虽然丢失了也就让它空空地站在墓边。我所看到的是从春天一直站到秋天;它一直站到邻旁墓头的石榴树开了花而后结成了石榴。

学习啦在线学习网   But where was the pot now? It was standing in the graveyard, in the grass, its bottom missing.The bottomless, empty pot had been there spring through autumn until the pomegranate atthe head of the neighboring tomb had blossomed and borne fruit.


  Since the Japanese bombardment of Shanghai only Mrs. Lu has made a detour to visit thetomb, but no others have ever been there. The tomb must have been overgrown with wildgrass and the porcelain bust of Mr. Lu Xun buried up to the chest, not to mention what wouldhave happened to the pot.


  As for us over here, there is not much we can do but write some memorial articles. But whowill go and trim the grass on his tomb? We are getting further and further away from him, butno matter how far away we are, we must remember the grass on his tomb.





