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学习啦在线学习网   约翰·D·洛克菲勒(John Davison Rockefeller ,1839年7月8日1937年5月23日)美国实业家超级资本家,1870年创立标准石油(美孚石油公司)洛克菲勒是地球上的第一个亿万富翁,也是美国历史上除君主外最富有的人,是世界公认的石油大王在巅峰时期,他曾垄断了全美80%的炼油工业和90%的油管生意。


学习啦在线学习网   下面学习啦小编为您带来了英语洛克菲勒给儿子的信,希望您能喜欢!


  ­ This is a letter to his son wroten by american petrolum gaint “Rockefeller”,each words and setences as well as pargraph of it was full of the dearest love kinds of great father to a son,what he wrotten in this letter to his son are quite worth our consideration as well.

  亲爱的约翰: ­

学习啦在线学习网   Dear John;


  ­you hope that i can start the sailor with you together forever, which was seems to quite nice, but i was not your capitor permently, God creatived pairs of feet for us,it means that she let us walk with it myself.perhaps; you are still not ready for your journey alongly yet,but you must be understand that where we are lived world are the place with full of challenges as well as mystery commercial world, and then which place was where our new life departure place .you will begin topaticipated in the banqued that you have never enjoyed as well as had closely related to your future life. Of how to using the fork which was in front of your life and how tasting each beautiful vegetable that granted to you by life God was depend to yourself completely.


  Of course,we expected that you have becomed excellenter as well as supressed me in the near future. Then i will decided to let you to stay together with me,of what i arrangement here was just lead you to the highest vertex of your career,to let you enjoying the fastest speeded to have aopporunity of creating your life wealth without ordeal trek.which was absoluty nothing to felt fortuntly and show off for you as well as your gratitude.the faith of great american of the unite states was everyboy creative equal,but which was only in the aspact of the right and legal sense,and nothing to do with economic as well as culture superiority

  在多数情况下,父母的位置决定了孩子的人生起点。但这并不意味着,每个人的起点不同,其人生结果也不同。我们的命运由我们的行动决定,而绝非完全由我们的出身决定。 ­

  In the most cases, the starting life status of children was decided by parients social status. But it is not sense that everybody’s life starting point was different,then their life outcome was different.our fate was decided by our action, however is not barely completely decided by our family born background.


  Family glorly and our sucessful history can not gurantee theirs decedents good futures. I admited that primily superiority is very helpful for us,but it cannot promised the lastest victory.once i have thought the question with a remindful sense about the monopoly for many times.


  It seems to let me feel that monopoly is begin to get the advantage of their supiority,but scarcely have opporunity of learning and development what they own needed skills.but the people who are born with poor family background in order to get rid himself out of urgently situation,then they will activtely to get the advantage of their creatites and ability as well as avail every treasure opporunities.


  We are undertood upto to now also.monopoly who are inadequate of poor and rich experience of this kinds and also want to ensaveing their own ambitious are merely pray fromgod to grant them with power to help them to make their achivement.So,when you and your sister are younter;i was intend to cancealed your father rich properity background from yours;what i can only convery to you is like ; ‘how to be thrift, and personal struggle life vaules etc.because i knew that most fastest shortcut to brings people hurt was give them money; it can make people become corrupted,trespassed,as well as less-being a people,lost the most beautiful happness.


  I can’t buried my dearest child with my wealth, stupied to let you becomed a improgress(non-entrpresing)people, and the peole who only to know to share your partients fruits as well as becomed inability man.


学习啦在线学习网   A person who are really happy is a person who can enjoying their own creatives. These who are like sponge such as solely absorb but no release is loss happyness. I don’t believe that they are someone who are not interested in higher standard of living as well as elite social background;but rarely people who are understand where is the rich life come from. From my standpoints higher standard of living life is come from our high-brown—self-esteem spirit.lets look at the ancient people who had gained respect from the world; and then we will understand how value of self-esteem it is .


  John ,each of your behavior will be mine missing. But compare to this miss,i was much more confidence about you,trust your excellent quality-----is a quality can supressed any values items of this world even including the money,which will help you to get your own sucussful as well as enrich life. But you needed to stronger this faith; begin can affect ending possible.but it can’t decided tothe outcome.

学习啦在线学习网   能力,性格,经验和运气之类的因素,在人生和商业世界里扮演着极为重要的角色。你的人生刚刚开始,但一场人生之战就在你的面前,我能深切地感受到你想成为这场战争的胜者,但你要知道,每个人都有追求胜利的意志,只有决心做好准备的人才会赢得胜利。

  Facts like ; ‘Ability, peronality, experience, fortune are play very imporant roles in the commercial world as well as our life. Your life is just started, but here is a life battle laied in front of you, i can deep felt that you want to become conquor of this war,but you have to know that everybody should have their own will to pursuit their victory. Only the people who are determined and ready can won the battles.

  我的儿子,享有特权而无力量的人是废物,受过教育而无影响的人是一堆一文不值的垃圾。找到自己的路,上帝就会帮你! ­

学习啦在线学习网   My son: “ the people who enjoying high privilege but without power is rubbish, people who educated but no influence is a piles of garbage without any values. Find your own way,so the God will help you.

学习啦在线学习网   爱你的父亲­

学习啦在线学习网   Yours lover father. peter did. hope to learning with each other.