学习啦在线学习网 传说每到12月24日晚上,有个神秘人会乘驾由9只驯鹿拉的雪橇在天上飞翔,挨家挨户地从烟囱进入屋里,然后偷偷把礼物放在好孩子床头的袜子里,或者堆在壁炉旁的圣诞树下。他在一年中的其他时间里,都是忙于制作礼物和监督孩子们的行为。下面学习啦小编整理了写给圣诞老人的信英文版范文,看看孩子们都想要些什么样的礼物吧。
Dear Santa:
学习啦在线学习网 I've been a very good boy this year. I study hard and am nice to my friends. I helped Mom and Dad decorate the Xmas tree. And I didn't fight with my baby sis. So please put me on your list.
I want to have a mountain bicycle as my Xmas gift and a lot of love for my dear Mommy and Daddy. This Xmas will sure be a special one. Mommy plans to cook a Xmas feast and invite some friends over on Xmas Eve.
I want to wish all my family and friends merry Xmas!
Sincerely yours, Jonh
Dear Santa claus:
学习啦在线学习网 My name is Yifan, Christmas is coming, I wish you a merry christmas! I would like to get a gift like the "viaduct" this year! My mom and dad told me that you would meet my requirements, right? I promise: I will take good care of you gave me the gift, and after the play, I will own the good to clean up their own toys, no need to help me. So, you will continue to give me a gift next year, right?
学习啦在线学习网 OK, just write it, I'm looking forward to the coming of Christmas. I wish you a happy day!
学习啦在线学习网 Love you all
学习啦在线学习网 亲爱的圣诞老人:
Dear Santa Claus:
Howdy!Arrive the Christmas festival soon again,did you want to" go to work" again?Would you still ride the floret deer trailer to come this time?
Can you arrive at my bed front?Do you put previous lists to line up the dry skates in the socks,like?I liked it too,putting on it many cool!
Can you arrive at the kid sister younger sister's bed front?Sing a lullaby for her at the time of she cry,coax her to enter the beautiful dream country quickly and quickly.
学习啦在线学习网 You can stop in the sky,to a peaceful seed?The people of now needed it too,for the sake of these the innocent peoples,letting them feel the sweet.
Santa Claus,you which the gift that come?You are how can anyone know the children demand what?
Wish you:
Happy every day!Healthy longevity!