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时间: 玉珏814 分享




学习啦在线学习网   To whom it may concern,

  It is my privilege to recommend one of my best students, Ms ××, to your university as an undergraduate.

  Ms Wang has a very distinctive and impressive personality. She is a kind of girl who will make you feel refreshed after a day’s hard work, just like the breeze of spring, and she never fails to smile to everybody even in times of difficulty. She is equally active in and out class. She is always confident enough to speak out her own ideas and brave enough to challenge authorities, but at the same time, she’s not stubborn in that she can readily accept new ideas. There were some cases in my class where she challenged me with her own understanding, but after certain amount of discussion, she always smiled to me to show her satisfaction about my answer. More often than not, her suggestions are constructive and therefore can help her classmates better understand what we are learning. In terms of after class activities, she was occupied with many tasks---working for a school newspaper and English Carnival. She is such an energetic girl that she never complains my “already-heavy” homework and can always cope with the extra-curriculum activities.

学习啦在线学习网   She is a girl full of purpose. She can ask for more papers in advance, if she’s got to leave for Physics contest. She will attend different tests to justify her ability, where she shows great interest in different subjects, especially in English and Physics. Sometimes, she may turn to teachers for advice and help, for example, how to distribute time among subjects, or if it is suitable for her to do more tests. But on the whole, she is an independent girl.

  She is very intelligent, I assume, since she has successfully handled different aspects of life and study. Right after she returned from Physics contest, which meant her absence from class for two months, she can still achieve high marks in exams.

  Given all that I have known of her, I sincerely consider Ms ×× a fully qualified candidate to pursue her undergraduate degree in your distinguished program. Hereby I would like to reiterate my recommendation to you with great enthusiasm. And I shall greatly appreciate if you could favorably consider her application for admission. Please feel free to contact me if you need to discuss more about Ms××.


  Personal Statement

学习啦在线学习网   I am XXX, from XXX). I believe in such truth-- success never ends. Success is not only the discontinuous moment, but also the self-transcendence and restraint at any time.

  I have certain good qualities to success. The First one is optimism, which I benefit from my mother. Thanks to my mother's influence, I was able to face the failure of the exam that was for arts special students, which I prepared for three years. Optimistic attitudes and frustration that I overcame train me the strong fighting spirits against difficulties. I believe I will face all the challenges and possible failures with a smile.

  Besides optimism, another spirit is drilling exploration. For example, I spent two self-study class time figuring out a physical problem (such as the nature of circular motion), let problems go unless I resolve them completely; on the way from classroom to cafeteria, I can keep arguing with friends on topics such as "actions and good thoughts ? which one is real charity" and so on. In my opinion, with such drilling spirits, I will sweep away all the obstacles in my future study.

  The last one but not the least one, I am a caring person. During my spare time, I go to Nursing House to chat with old people there to make them feel warm and happy. And I always go to special schools to teach those mentally-disabled children to sing and dance. So I like to read books written by Romain Rolland and Mandela.

学习啦在线学习网   Except these characters, I am versatile. Through years of study, I have a high musical quality, but also develop a gritty, upbeat personality. As I have a comprehensive talent in art, I often served as host of activities at school, which gave an excellent way to exercise my organization and management skills.

学习啦在线学习网   In senior high school, I took active part in all kinds of activities. As a host, I hosted many activities, including the school’s sports meeting, awards ceremony and so on. In the speech competition of science festival I use proper expressions to encourage the competitors in different conditions, handling the competition successfully..

  As the vice monitor and literature and art committeeman, I not only took charge of the class daily routine, but also planned and organized different class activities, such as class meetings, class chorus and created the class song. Since I am good at singing, I joined the school choir and took part in choir contests.

  However all these activities did not have negative influence on my subjects learning. I always kept among the top of the science students of the grade. With the good results in study, I received different prizes. During the summer vacation of grade 2, I got IELTS X.

学习啦在线学习网   It is worth mentioning that I was honored to be selected as a student delegate to participate in the activity to visit Japan in March, 2012. During the visit, I communicated with local people from all walks of life and visited local kindergartens, middle schools and universities. I showed the elegant demeanor of Chinese students and broaden my horizon at the same time. After witnessing the advantages of Japanese society, I set objectives in my mind.

学习啦在线学习网   I believe I will adapt to the new environment and graduate with excellent grades. I am sure I can stand out from other talents in the University of Hong Kong.



  香港的多元化、国际化、秩序井然的社会深深吸引我。我幼小的心灵就强烈地渴望认识香港,认识中国,认识世界。我暗下决心一定要考到香港大学,这所公认亚洲最好的大学。香港大学拥有先进的教学理念,例如全人教育,这正和我兴趣广泛的个人性格相适应,除此之外它还能够提供一个全英语的教学环境。 我是一个热爱旅游的人,在英国游学的旅途中我徒步走完了每一个学院,我惊讶地发现历史悠久的牛津直到今天依然讲古建筑保存的完好无损,相比之下,拥有五千年历史的中国的建筑文物在日新月异的发展中却遭到了破坏。因此,我深切意识到文物保护的重要性并热衷于进入HKU学习建筑文物保护专业,将来可以致力于建筑文物和城市文物的保护发展。

学习啦在线学习网   我从小就有着很强的社会责任感。我认为生命的价值在于为社会创造价值。我曾经养老病院与老人们亲切沟通。在交谈中,我发现了这些社会的弱势群体需要得到社会的关心与帮助。这是需要耐力和勇气的工作,这与我执着认真的性格十分契合,我愿意进入HKU学习社会工作学,将来做一名热情,乐于助人的社会工作者。

学习啦在线学习网   香港大学是一个充满机遇与挑战的地方。相信我可以在这个自由的环境下实现自己的人生理想。





