我爱班级活动 I Love Class Activity
学习啦在线学习网 I am in middle school now, this is my second year, I have to learn so many subjects from Monday to Friday. When comes to the class activity, I will be very excited and take part in the activity. Class activity can take me away from the heavy study, I can take in the fresh air. What’s more, it is also provides a good chance for students to communicate. They will get further understanding of each other and build the deep relationship, what a happy atmosphere. This is why I like class activity so much, I wish we could have more chances to hold the activity, we not only pay attention to the study.
隐形的翅膀 The Invisible Wings
学习啦在线学习网 A lot of people complain about their situation, they think life sucks and there is nothing for them can do. But when we see the disabled who live happily and make great achievement, there is nothing for us to complain about. A disabled man who has no feet seems so miserable, but he learns the basic skills and lives as the ordinary people. His story inspires so many people, when they see him, they think what they face is nothing serious. The disabled have the strong will and invisible wings, which make them successful. So we should not complain, finding all kinds of excuses, just fight for our dreams.
电子书的好处 The Advantages of E-books
学习啦在线学习网 With the development of technology, today, our life is facilitated with all kinds information sources. We can read books on the Internet, which is much convenient than buying the books in the stores. I like to read E-books, because there are many advantages. First, I can save a lot of money. Downloading the E-books is for free, I can find all kinds of free sources. It is good for students because they can save the money. Second, I can save a lot of time. Some books are not easy to be found in the bookstore, sometimes I need to go to several shops. But if I search the Internet, then the information is in front of me. How fast it is.
学习啦在线学习网 随着科学技术的发展,今天,我们的生活因为各种信息来源而变得便利。我们可以在网上看书,这比在商店购买的书方便得多。我喜欢阅读电子书,因为有很多优势。首先,我可以省下一大笔钱。下载电子书是免费的,我可以找到各种各样的免费资源。这对学生有好处,因为他们可以节省钱。第二,我可以节省很多时间。一些书在书店不容易被发现,有时候我需要去几家店铺。但是如果我搜索互联网,信息在我的前面。这是多么快啊。
文学小说 The Literary Novel
My parents are teachers, so they want me to read more books. When I started to learn reading, they bought me a lot of novel books, such as Harry Potter, Alice In the Wonderland and so on. I saw the movie first, and then I would have the interest to read the novels. I found that the novel were with much more details and I was absorbed in it. The literary books not only described an attractive world, but the more important thing was that it enlightened me to be a better girl. what I learned from these novels helps me to be independent and I have my own thinking.
学习啦在线学习网 我的父母是老师,所以他们想让我读更多的书。当我开始学习阅读的时候,他们给我买很多小说书,比如《哈利波特》,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》等等。我一般先看电影,然后我就会有兴趣读小说。我发现小说有更多的细节,我完全沉浸其中。文学书籍不仅描述了一个有吸引力的世界,但更重要的是,它启发我成为一个更好的女孩。我从这些小说学到的将帮助我独立,拥有我自己的思考。