
英文小说连载《朗读者The Reader》8&9

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学习啦在线学习网   导读:教书育人楷模,更好地指导自己的学习,让自己不断成长。让我们一起到学习啦一起学习吧!下面学习啦网的小编给你们带来了《英文小说连载《朗读者The Reader》8&9》供考生们参考。

  英文小说连载《朗读者The Reader》Part 2 Chapter 8

学习啦在线学习网   THE GERMAN version of the book that the daughter had written about her time in the camps did not appear until after the trial. During the trial the manuscript was available, but to those directly involved. I had to read the book in English, an unfamiliar and laborious exercise at the time. And as always, the alien language, unmastered and struggled over, created a strange concatenation of distance and immediacy. I worked through the book with particular thoroughness and yet did not make it my own. It remained as alien as the language itself.

学习啦在线学习网   Years later I reread it and discovered that it is the book that creates distance. It does not invite one to identify with it and makes no one sympathetic, neither the mother nor the daughter, nor those who shared their fate in various camps and finally in Auschwitz and the satellite camp near Cracow. It never gives the barracks leaders, the female guards, or the uniformed security force clear enough faces or shapes for the reader to be able to relate to them, to judge their acts for better or worse. It exudes the very numbness I have tried to describe before. But even in her numbness the daughter did not lose the ability to observe and analyze. And she had not allowed herself to be corrupted either by self-pity or by the self-confidence she had obviously drawn from the fact that she had survived and not only come through the years in the camps but given literary form to them. She writes about herself and her pubescent, precocious, and, when necessary, cunning behavior with the same sobriety she uses to describe everything else.

学习啦在线学习网   Hanna is neither named in the book, nor is she recognizable or identifiable in any way. Sometimes I thought I recognized her in one of the guards, who was described as young, pretty, and conscientiously unscrupulous in the fulfillment of her duties, but I wasnt sure. When I considered the other defendants, only Hanna could be the guard described. But there had been other guards. In one camp the daughter had known a guard who was called Mare, also young, beautiful, and diligent, but cruel and uncontrolled. The guard in the camp reminded her of that one. Had others drawn the same comparison? Did Hanna know about it? Did she remember it? Was that why she was upset when I compared her to a horse?

学习啦在线学习网   The camp near Cracow was the last stop for mother and daughter after Auschwitz. It was a step forward; the work was hard, but easier, the food was better, and it was better to sleep six women to a room than a hundred to a barracks. And it was warmer; the women could forage for wood on the way from the factory to the camp, and bring it back with them. There was the fear of selections, but it wasnt as bad as at Auschwitz. Sixty women were sent back each month, sixty out of around twelve hundred; that meant each prisoner had a life expectancy of twenty months, even if she only possessed average strength, and there was always the hope of being stronger than the average. Moreover, there was also the hope that the war would be over in less than twenty months.

学习啦在线学习网   The misery began when the camp was closed and the prisoners set off towards the west. It was winter, it was snowing, and the clothing in which the women had frozen in the factory and just managed to hold out in the camp was completely inadequate, but not as inadequate as what was on their feet, often rags and sheets of newspaper tied so as to stay on when they stood or walked around, but impossible to make withstand long marches in snow and ice. And the women did not just march; they were driven, and forced to run. Death march? asks the daughter in the book, and answers, No, death trot, death gallop. Many collapsed along the way; others never got to their feet again after nights spent in barns or leaning against a wall. After a week, almost half the women were dead.

学习啦在线学习网   The church made a better shelter than the barns and walls the women had had before. When they had passed abandoned farms and stayed overnight, the uniformed security force and the female guards had taken the living quarters for themselves. Here, in the almost deserted village, they could commandeer the priests house and still leave the prisoners something more than a barn or a wall. That they did it, and that the prisoners even got something warm to eat in the village seemed to promise an end to the misery. The women went to sleep. Shortly afterwards the bombs fell. As long as the steeple was the only thing burning, the fire could be heard in the church, but not seen. When the tip of the steeple collapsed and crashed down onto the rafters, it took several minutes for the glow of the fire to become visible. By then the flames were already licking downwards and setting clothes alight, collapsing burning beams set fire to the pews and pulpit, and soon the whole roof crashed into the nave and started a general conflagration.

学习啦在线学习网   The daughter thinks the women could have saved themselves if they had immediately gotten together to break down one of the doors. But by the time they realized what had happened and was going to happen, and that no one was coming to open the doors, it was too late. It was completely dark when the sound of the falling bombs woke them. For a while they heard nothing but an eerie, frightening noise in the steeple, and kept absolutely quiet, so as to hear the noise better and figure out what it was. That it was the crackling and snapping of a fire, that it was the glow of flames that flared up now and again behind the windows, that the crash above their heads signaled the spreading of the fire from the steeple to the roofall this the women realized only once the rafters began to burn. They realized, they screamed in horror, screamed for help, threw themselves at the doors, shook them, beat at them, screamed.

学习啦在线学习网   When the burning roof crashed into the nave, the shell of the walls acted like a chimney. Most of the women did not suffocate, but burned to death in the brilliant roar of the flames. In the end, the fire even burned its glowing way through the ironclad church doors. But that was hours later.

学习啦在线学习网   Mother and daughter survived because the mother did the right thing for the wrong reasons. When the women began to panic, she couldnt bear to be among them anymore. She fled to the gallery. She didnt care that she was closer to the flames, she just wanted to be alone, away from the screaming, thrashing, burning women. The gallery was narrow, so narrow that it was barely touched by the burning beams. Mother and daughter stood pressed against the wall and saw and heard the raging of the fire. Next day they didnt dare come down and out of the church. In the darkness of the following night, they were afraid of not finding the stairs and the way out. When they left the church in the dawn of the day after that, they met some of the villagers, who gaped at them in silent astonishment, but gave them clothing and food and let them walk on.


学习啦在线学习网   多年以后,我又重读了那本书,并且发现,这种距离感是书本身造成的。它没能让你从中辨认出任何人,也不使任何人让你同情,包括那母女俩以及和她们一起在不同的集中营里呆过,最后在奥斯威辛和克拉科夫遭受了共同命运的那些人。无论是集中营元老、女看守,还是警卫,他们的形象都不鲜明,以致人们无法褒贬他们的行为。书中充斥着我在前面已经描述过的那种麻木不仁。然而,在这种麻木不仁中,那位女儿并没有失去记录和分析事实的能力。她没有垮下来,她的自怜和由此产生的自觉意识没有使她垮下来。她活下来了,集中营里的那几年,她不但熬过来了,而且还用文学形式又把它再现了出来。她冷静客观地描述一切,描写她自己v她的青春期和她的早熟,如果必要的话还有她的机智。



学习啦在线学习网   随着集中营的被解散和囚犯的西迁,悲惨再次降临。当时正值隆冬时节,冰天雪地。女囚们身上穿的衣服在工厂里已是薄不可耐,在集中营里尚能让人承受,但是在冰天雪地里就不足以抵寒了。她们的鞋子就更惨了,它们通常是用破布或报纸做的,这样的鞋在站立和慢走时还能不散架子,但是在冰天雪地里进行长途跋涉就不可能不散架子了。那些女人不仅仅要长途跋涉,她们常被驱赶着小跑。向死亡进军?那位女儿在书中这样问道并回答道,不,是赶死,是向死亡飞奔!许多人在路上就垮掉了,又有许多人在粮仓里,或者在一面墙下过夜后就再也爬不起来了。一个星期之后,这些妇女中几乎一半都死掉了。



学习啦在线学习网   当燃烧的房顶轰轰隆隆地塌到教堂里面时,教堂里面的墙皮脱落下来使火势更旺,就像一座壁炉一样。大多数女人并不是窒息而死,而是被熊熊燃烧的大火给活活烧死的。最后,大火甚至烧透、烧红了教堂的铁皮大门,不过那是几个小时之后的事情了。那母女俩能活下来,完全是侥幸。当那些女人陷入惊慌失措时,她们也在其中。由于实在无法忍受,她们逃到了教堂的廊台上。尽管她们在那儿离火焰更近,但是这无所谓,她们只想单独呆着,远离那些吱哇乱叫的、挤来又挤去的、浑身上下着火的女人。廊台上很狭窄,狭窄到燃烧着的房顶都没有触及到它。母女俩紧紧地挨在一起,站在墙边,看着。听着那大火的肆意燃烧。就是第二天她们都不敢走下台阶来,不敢走出去。夜幕降临后,在黑暗中又担心害怕摸不到台阶,找不到路。在第三天的黎明时分,当她们从教堂里走出来时,遇到了几位村民。村民们不知所措,目瞪口呆地凝视着她们而说不出话来。他们给了她们衣物和食物,然后让她们逃走了。

  英文小说连载《朗读者The Reader》Part 2 Chapter 9

  W HY DID you not unlock the doors? The presiding judge put the question to one defendant after another. One after the other, they gave the same answer. They couldnt unlock the doors. Why? They had been wounded when the bombs hit the priests house. Or they had been in shock as a result of the bombardment. Or they had been busy after the bombs hit, with the wounded guard contingent, pulling them out of the rubble, bandaging them, taking care of them. They had not thought about the church, had not seen the fire in the church, had not heard the screams from the church.

  The judge made the same statement to one defendant after another. The record indicated otherwise. This was deliberately phrased with caution. To say that the record found in the SS archives said otherwise would be wrong. But it was true that it suggested something different. It listed the names of those who had been killed in the priests house and those who had been wounded, those who had brought the wounded to a field hospital in a truck, and those who had accompanied the truck in a jeep. It indicated that the women guards had stayed behind to wait out the end of the fires, to prevent any of them from spreading and to prevent any attempts to escape under the cover of the flames. It referred to the death of the prisoners.

  The fact that the names of the defendants appeared nowhere in the report suggested that the defendants were among the female guards who had remained behind. That these guards had remained behind to prevent attempts at escape indicated that the affair didnt end with the rescue of the wounded from the priests house and the departure of the transport to the field hospital. The guards who remained behind, the report indicated, had allowed the fire to rage in the church and had kept the church doors locked. Among the guards who remained behind, the report indicated, were the defendants.

  No, said one defendant after the other, that is not the way it was. The report was wrong. That much was evident from the fact that it mentioned the obligation of the guards to prevent the fires from spreading. How could they have carried out that responsibility? It was ridiculous, as was the other responsibility of preventing attempted escapes under the cover of the fires. Attempted escapes? By the time they no longer had to worry about their own people and could worry about the others, the prisoners, there was no one left to escape. No, the report completely ignored what they had done and achieved and suffered that night. How could such a false report have been filed? They didnt know.

  Until it was the turn of the plump and vicious defendant. She knew. Ask that one there! She pointed at Hanna. She wrote the report. Shes the guilty one, she did it all, and she wanted to use the report to cover it up and drag us into it.

学习啦在线学习网   The judge asked Hanna. But it was his last question. His first was Why did you not unlock the doors?

  We were . . . we had . . . Hanna was groping for the answer. We didnt have any alternative.

学习啦在线学习网   You had no alternative?

  Some of us were dead, and the others had left. They said they were taking the wounded to the field hospital and would come back, but they knew they werent coming back, and so did we. Perhaps they didnt even go to the hospital, the wounded were not that badly hurt. We would have gone with them, but they said they needed the room for the wounded, and anyway they didnt . . . they werent keen to have so many women along. I dont know where they went.

  What did you do?

  We didnt know what to do. It all happened so fast, with the priests house burning and the church spire, and the men and the cart were there one minute and gone the next, and suddenly we were alone with the women in the church. They left behind some weapons, but we didnt know how to use them, and even if we had, what good would it have done, since we were only a handful of women? How could we have guarded all those women? A line like that is very long, even if you keep it as tight together as possible, and to guard such a long column, you need far more people than we had. Hanna paused. Then the screaming began and got worse and worse. If we had opened the doors and they had all come rushing out . . .

  The judge waited a moment. Were you afraid? Were you afraid the prisoners would overpower you?

学习啦在线学习网   That they would . . . no, but how could we have restored order? There would have been chaos, and we had no way to handle that. And if theyd tried to escape . . .

学习啦在线学习网   Once again the judge waited, but Hanna didnt finish the sentence. Were you afraid that if they escaped, you would be arrested, convicted, shot?

  We couldnt just let them escape! We were responsible for them . . . I mean, we had guarded them the whole time, in the camp and on the march, that was the point, that we had to guard them and not let them escape. Thats why we didnt know what to do. We also had no idea how many of the women would survive the next few days. So many had died already, and the ones who were still alive were so weak . . .

  Hanna realized that what she was saying wasnt doing her case any good. But she couldnt say anything else. She could only try to say what she was saying better, to describe it better and explain it. But the more she said, the worse it looked for her. Because she was at her wits end, she turned to the judge again.

学习啦在线学习网   What would you have done?

  But this time she knew she would get no answer. She wasnt expecting one. Nobody was. The judge shook his head silently.

学习啦在线学习网   Not that it was impossible to imagine the confusion and helplessness Hanna described. The night, the cold, the snow, the fire, the screaming of the women in the church, the sudden departure of the people who had commanded and escorted the female guardshow could the situation have been easy? But could an acknowledgment that the situation had been hard be any mitigation for what the defendants had done or not done? As if it had been a car accident on a lonely road on a cold winter night, with injuries and totaled vehicles, and no one knowing what to do? Or as if it had been a conflict between two equally compelling duties that required action? That is how one could imagine what Hanna was describing, but nobody was willing to look at it in such terms.

  Did you write the report?

  We all discussed what we should write. We didnt want to hang any of the blame on the ones who had left. But we didnt want to attract charges that we had done anything wrong either.

学习啦在线学习网   So youre saying you talked it through together. Who wrote it?

学习啦在线学习网   You! The other defendant pointed at Hanna.

  No, I didnt write it. Does it matter who did?

  A prosecutor suggested that an expert be called to compare the handwriting in the report and the handwriting of the defendant Schmitz.

学习啦在线学习网   My handwriting? You want my handwriting? . . .

  The judge, the prosecutor, and Hannas lawyer discussed whether a persons handwriting retains its character over more than fifteen years and can be identified. Hanna listened and tried several times to say or ask something, and was becoming increasingly alarmed. Then she said, You dont have to call an expert. I admit I wrote the report.

学习啦在线学习网   您为什么不把门打开?


学习啦在线学习网   审判长一个接一个地警告她们:报告读上去可全不是这么回事。这是经过深思熟虑后的一种谨慎表达方式。如果说从纳粹党卫队的档案里发现的报告所记载的是另外一回事;那就错了。但报告读上去的确是另一番情形。报告里指名道姓地提到谁在教土住宅里被炸死了,谁受了伤,谁把伤员用货车送到了一家野战医院,还有谁乘坐军用吉普车陪送。报告提到,女看守们被留了下来,目的是让她们等候大火烧尽,防止火势蔓延和阻止囚犯们趁火逃跑。报告中也提到了囚犯们的死亡。


学习啦在线学习网   不,根本不是这么回事。被告们一个接着一个地这样说。他们说那篇报告是错的。报告里讲,被留下的女看守的任务是阻止火势的蔓延,只凭这一点就可以看到那篇报告的荒谬。她们怎么能来完成这项任务。这是胡说八道,而且另外的一项任务,即阻止囚犯趁火逃跑,同样也是胡说八道。阻止逃跑?好像她们不必要照料自己人了似的,也好像不能去照料囚犯了似的,好像没有任何人可以跑掉似的。不!那篇报告把她们那天晚上的所作所为,她们的功绩和所遭受的痛苦,完全颠倒了。怎么会有这样一篇如此错误的报告?她们也都自称不知道。


学习啦在线学习网   审判长就此问了汉娜,不过,那是他的最后的问题。他的第一个问题是:您为什么没有把门打开?


学习啦在线学习网   你们不知道该怎样帮助他们才是?

学习啦在线学习网   我们当中的一些人死掉了,一些人开小差了。他们说,他们要把伤员送往野战医院,然后再返回来。但是他们心里明白他们不会再回来了,我们对此也十分清楚。也许他们根本就没去野战医院,伤员们的伤势并非十分严重。他们还说,伤员需要地方,他们正好没有什么东西正好不愿带着这么多的女人一起走,否则我们也一起走了。我不知道他们去了哪儿。




学习啦在线学习网   囚犯会把我们不,不会。但是,我们怎样才能使她们重新就范呢?那一定会乱作一团的,我们一定对付不了这种局面,而且一旦她们企图逃跑的话



学习啦在线学习网   汉娜注意到,她所说的事情无助于事,但是她又没别的可说。她只能尽力而为他说好她所要说的事情,更好地去描述,去解释。但是她说得越多,事情对她就越糟糕。由于她感到进退维谷,就又转向了审判长问道:


学习啦在线学习网   但是,这一次她自己也知道她不会得到回答。她不期待回答,没有人期望得到一个回答。审判长默不作声地摇着头。


学习啦在线学习网   报告是您写的吗?



学习啦在线学习网   称!另外的那位被告又用手指着汉娜。

学习啦在线学习网   不,我没有写。谁写的,这重要吗?


