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  I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I’m going visit my friends by car. Because I haven’t seen them for a long time. Then, I’m going to the bookstore on foot. I’m going to read lots of books there. On Sunday morning, I’m going to go for a walk. Then, in the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. Then, in the evening, we are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?



学习啦在线学习网   I love my hometown, love the hometown of mountain and water. The faint mountain, QingLinLin water, always lingering in my mind, in the depths of my memory.

  Mountain located in the hometown of the figure to the said. As long as you ascend the stairs, they will see the thousands and thousands of stone. They sometimes depend on each other, like in a whisper, that look like a shy girl, his head back to visitors; Others stand high, rise up, seems to be the day, this is to express the heart of passion; And the rocks here and a pile of a pile of urchin to is in game... How interesting.

  But I just love the slopes of trees and flowers. The spring flowers in boom and cup yan; Jiamu green summer, the ground of the tree, the cool breeze... What a charming scenery. I often went up into the mountain, in the summer vacation so Yu Guo trees, there shows how a beautiful picture! Banana tree bursts with broad leaves, bathed in sunshine, is green and luxuriant. And punch in a bunch of bananas, is the most tantalizing to hide and seek with person, half block half mask, his body is stuck on the trunk. In pipa woods and don't have a kind of atmosphere, towering towering trees cover around the sorching summer, the occasional one day fall on the ground, the forest is so cool, pipa qing qing, call you scratching in dim light where it is.

学习啦在线学习网   Reiki comes from the water of the mountain, had a canal in the mountainside flat flowing clear water all day long, occasionally see fish in the canal, if they are empty swim no country.

  Is the water of life, make the lingshan, moist fertile flowers and trees, also moistens up the hearts.

  I stood at the top of the mountain, overlooking the distant: all fields, and vitality of a heart can not help but praise: "ah, how spectacular jiangshan so much jiao, made countless heroes bow in homage." I sincerely praise the hometown of mountain and water, I sing the hometown of mountain and water.

学习啦在线学习网   我爱我的家乡,更爱家乡的山和水。那清幽幽的山,清粼粼的水,无时无刻不萦绕在我的心头,留在我的记忆深处。




学习啦在线学习网   是这生命的水,造就了灵山,滋润了沃土花木,也滋润着家乡人的心田。



  In my mind, there are many people who is worth I admire, but there is a person of character, and make my lifelong benefit - cleaner.

  Remember in the cold morning, on my way to school, vaguely see a person, the man with a broom in sweeping the floor. Walk into a look, turned out to be cleaner. Just then, I thought: such a cold day, the cleaner in sweeping the floor, isn't it cold? Saw her wearing a uniform, with masks, left hand holding a broom, her right hand to the dustpan, thorn face brings her ears are red.

  Her left hand holding a dustpan, right hand holding a broom, and patience and carefully. She sweep up the stolen goods, and sweep up the piece of stolen goods, such action also don't know how to repeat again. Look, her hands how tacit understanding! If dustpan full, carefully pour into the truck, afraid to drive just sweep clean and dirty. Pour out, and then began to sweep. I see from her eyes, she is how I hope you will no longer throw stolen goods, keep the road clean. At this time, the wind is blowing, blow the roads and dirty. The cleaners helplessly say: "alas, true can't, I need to scan again." And then, call forth spirit said: "it doesn't matter, I will be able to finish cleaning!" Then Saul again, and this time, she first sweep rubbish, and dustpan sweep the garbage into the dustpan. Full use broom mouth, don't let the junk, and into the truck. I think: it can save more time, sweep the garbage out. Thinking about thinking, cleaner to sweep out the rubbish. I don't went into his YouZi ceasing, laughingly said: "that's very kind of you! I want to learn from you that silently dedication spirit!" Cleaners listened, smiling eyes.

  This is the person I admire most. One day, a person in silently every day. Is the person's character is not worth me to learn?


学习啦在线学习网   记得在寒冷的早晨,在上学的路上,隐隐约约看到一个人,那个人拿着扫帚在扫地。走进一看,原来是清洁工。就在这时候,我想:这么冷的天,清洁工在扫地,难道不冷吗?只见她穿着制服,带着口罩,左手拿着扫帚,右手拿着簸箕,刺脸的风把她的耳朵都吹红了。

学习啦在线学习网   她左手拿着簸箕,右手拿着扫帚,认真而又耐心的扫着。只见她把这片赃物扫起来,又把那片赃物扫起来,这样的动作也不知道要重复多少遍。再瞧,她的双手配合的多么默契呀!要是簸箕满了,就小心翼翼地倒进垃圾车里,生怕把刚刚扫赶净的地又弄脏了。倒完了,就又开始扫了。我从她的眼睛里看到,她是多么希望大家不再乱扔赃物,保持道路昔日的干净。这时,大风吹来,把道路又吹脏了。这位清洁工无奈的说:“唉,真没办法,我又要重新扫了。”接着,又振起精神说:“没关系,我一定能扫完的!”说完又开始扫了,这回,她先把垃圾扫在了一起,又拿簸箕把垃圾扫进簸箕里。满了就用扫帚挡住口,不让垃圾掉下来,再到进垃圾车里。我想:这样能够节约多点时间,把垃圾扫完。想着想着,清洁工就把这些垃圾扫完了。我不犹自住地走进他,笑盈盈地说:“您真好!我要向您学习那种默默奉献的精神!”清洁工听了,眼睛笑眯眯的。







