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学习啦在线学习网   要扩大词汇量,促进阅读

学习啦在线学习网   词汇是语言的三大要素之一,更是阅读理解的基石。我们在阅读理解时所遇到的首要问题是词语障碍,没有一定的词汇量作基础,就谈不上理解能力的提高。有语言学家通过调查发现,外语学习者如拥有5000词汇量,阅读正确率可达56%,词汇量达到6400,阅读正确率可达63%。因此,熟练掌握课本单词,适量扩充课外词汇是提高阅读能力的基础。

学习啦在线学习网   有积极阅读的概念



学习啦在线学习网   寻找主题句,理解重点把握全文

学习啦在线学习网   大多数阅读材料均有主题句,用以说明文章的主旨,其他文字一般是围绕主题句展开说明的。有的主题句在文章的开头,有的在文章的结尾,还有的主题句在文章的中间出现。阅读时若能把握住这些句子,无疑会大大提高阅读速度和理解效果。一般地说,运用演绎法的文章,主题句往往在文章的开头;采用归纳法的文章,主题句一般在结尾。

学习啦在线学习网   培养积极阅读的兴趣,激发学习动机。

学习啦在线学习网   “进化论之父”查尔斯·达尔文认为:“除了傻瓜,人与人之间的差异在于热情和努力,而不是智力。”可见,英语学习兴趣在高中生积极阅读方面是很重要的。在具体的高中英语教学中,教师要做到上课有激情,广泛采用多种教学手段,精心设计教学内容,创设认知冲突型教学情境,激发学生的认知兴趣和求知欲,从而使学生主动进行积极阅读、扩大知识面。

学习啦在线学习网   培养良好的阅读习惯

学习啦在线学习网   目前,不少学生阅读能力不高,因为提高阅读能力必须要持之以恒,相当多的学生却把过多的精力放在过细的语法试题上。不是说语法不重要,但学习语法只能是一种手段,目的还要落实到运用语言上来。正如课标指出:“此次英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力培养的倾向..”积极阅读能力要想得到提高,教师必须鼓励学生养成记读书笔记的习惯,定期对他们的阅读成果进行客观科学的评价,让学生养成持之以恒的习惯。




学习啦在线学习网   在脑海中或者纸上画出文章的导图。如果你的想象力很丰富,或者你是个视觉学习者,擅长通过图片学习的话,这是种很有效的方法。喜欢绘画的学生可以阅读完把观点画出来。如果你不喜欢绘画,尝试在脑海里描述一个故事,通过简单的问题来获取正确信息。比如:我可以用什么图像?如何使用它们帮助自己和他人理解这篇文章?


学习啦在线学习网   Motivation(动机) to satisfy one‘s needs is brought about by ―drives‖, These ―drives‖ do not determine man‘s behaviour, but rather direct man‘s energy towards certain aims. For example, man‘s body requires food, which is a biological need, when this need comes up, man feels uncomfortable and his thoughts turn to getting food or satisfying that need. If he is very hungry, it will difficult for him to pay enough attention to anything except his need for food.

  While all men feel hungry, there is more than one method for helping free people of this uncomfortable feeling. How needs are satisfying depends on what we have been taught or what we have learned from our experiences. As we grow, we learn shat foods our society considers acceptable, and how they should be prepared and eaten. In some societies, for example, pork is considered a special food while in other societies it is strictly forbidden. In some societies fish is always cooked, but in other societies raw (生的) fish is preferred. The way in which we satisfy a drive is a learned response. Nature has not built a food – getting response into man. He cannot just eat whatever he wants of whenever there is food, his satisfaction of the hunger drive, for example, is limited by the rules of a society. Although we are hunger, according to the rules of society, we should not steal food, even if it belongs someone weaker than we are.

  1.According to the passage, ―drives‖ _____.

  A.can be brought about by motivation B..can always decide man‘s action

  C.direct man‘s energy toward certain goals D.follow man‘s motivations

  2. ____ is a biological need.

  A.Motivation B. Drive C. Hunger D. Experience

  3. The writer hopes to tell us that ____.

  A. man should satisfy his biological needs whenever necessary

  B.man‘s needs should always be satisfied without any condition

  C.what man should do if he feels hungry

学习啦在线学习网   D.man‘s satisfaction of needs is limited by the rules of a certain society



  Washingtom,April4-The United States has more than 90millon families for the first time ,but each contains fewer people on average than ever ,the Census Bureau(统计局) reported today.

学习啦在线学习网   The 90,031,000 families in the United States averaged 2.64 members each as of last July 1. ―The reason is, in effect, changes in the age structure,‖ explained Campbell Gibson, a population researcher for the bureau. Most Americans born in the great explosion of births after World War II are mow in their 20‘s and 20‘s when they are most likely to set up families, he said.

  The fact that many are doing so increased the number of families from 80.4million in 1980 to 88.8 million in 1986 and past the 90 million mark last summer . At the same time, the average number of people per family dropped from 2.75 in 1935 to 2.65 in 1986 and then to 2.64,Mr Gibson said.

学习啦在线学习网   By comparison, the 1970 Census found the average family contained 3.15 people Families averaged more than four people in 1939 and more than five in 1880. The growing number of ever- smaller families is still going on, but Mr Gibson pointed out that family growth was mot the same as population increase in the 1970‘s. The same age factors (因素) that are increasing the number of families also happened then, but in the 1970‘s the proportion(比例) of families in each age group was also growing .

学习啦在线学习网   That has not continued in the 1980‘s for a number of possible reasons, Mr Gibson said.

  For example, in the 1880‘s more young people have chosen to remain home with their parents instead of setting up housekeeping on their own ,as many did in the 1970‘s. This could be caused by the increasing cost of housing, he said. Delays in marriage while was not the only factor for the family changes.

学习啦在线学习网   1.The smaller figure of families reported here is ______.

学习啦在线学习网   A.1980 B. 80,400,000 C. 2.64 D. 90 milion

  2.How did Mr Gibsin explain the reason of the increase in families? ______

学习啦在线学习网   A.About 9.96million new families have been set up since 1980.

学习啦在线学习网   B.All the big families were split into smaller ones.

  C.There is a great number of young people who are newly married.

学习啦在线学习网   D.There was a great explosion of births during the present Second World War.

  3.What is the reporter‘s attitude (态度) toward the present situation?______

学习啦在线学习网   A.peopAle should get married at a later age .

  B. The average number of family numbers should be 2.64.

  C.It‘s not clear in the report.

  A. A. D.Young people should set up housekeeping on their own ,as many did in the


  4. From the last paragraph we may infer that _____.

  A.delay in marriage will not help the number of families

学习啦在线学习网   B.Delay in marriage is the major factor of the family changes

学习啦在线学习网   C.The writer felt sorry that many young people now delay their marriages

  D. There must be some other factors which have led to the slower family growth in the 1980‘s.






