学习啦在线学习网 孩子在小学阶段到底能学会多少单词呢?我们计算一下:每天学会一个,每年至少能掌握250个,那么六年下来,就能学会1500个单词,小学毕业时,词汇量已经达到了初中水平,孩子的听.说.读写能力相应也会达到较高水平。
学习啦在线学习网 2.学会音标,为背单词扫清障碍。要想高效背诵单词,学会音标很重要,会音标对背单词的好处:
学习啦在线学习网 (1)自己会拼读单词发音,通过以音领意,帮助孩子背单词;
学习啦在线学习网 (3)用眼、口、耳、脑进行综合记忆;
学习啦在线学习网 (4)进行单词测试,检验学习成果,把不会的筛选出来,并进一步记忆;
学习啦在线学习网 4、通过大量读、背英语文章帮助孩子巩固已经学会的单词。大量读、背英语文章,可巩固已经记住的单词,同时也能掌握相应的语法,提升英语的听力,可以说是英语学习的法宝。
学习啦在线学习网 5、运用现代化工具,帮助孩子背单词。英语学习环境很重要,我国学生学习英语,缺少语言环境,这是事实,然而可用其它手段进行补充,充分利用计算机多媒体技术,可极大丰富孩子的学习内容,提高学习兴趣。
Parisian Banana (animal)
By : Peter Wang
学习啦在线学习网 Did you know what a Parisian Banana is? A Parisian Banana is a talented animal that knows how to communicate with humans by speaking French. You might be wondering how they can speak French, well their ears are very sensitive so that they can hear and copy the language thoroughly. Luckily, they know how to survive safely sothey can live up to a hundred years. They are known as the rarest land mammalson Earth.
学习啦在线学习网 Although the Parisian Banana’s name is funny, it still matches with what their body looks like. They can change their color on their warm fur body which is shaped like a banana. Usually, when they are happy their color becomes yellow but when they are angry, they turn into red. Quickly, they move around by flying but they don’t have wings. They support themselves with their long tail. From a distance, they can either look like a banana or a pepper which depends on their feelings and skin color.
The Parisian Banana has a male and a female species. How do you recognize the difference between the two? As you may know that the male has a deeper and lower pitch voice. Where as the female has a higher and lighter pitch voice. While the male is often catching food for his family and looking out for predators, the female prefers to visit the shops so that she can buy baguettes, using French and practice speaking.
During the summer, they tend to survive on eating slimy snails. Fortunately, the male is able to dig confidently underground in order to find snails. On the other hand,in winter they stay on top of the Eiffel Tower where it is near to the sun sothey stay warm. Now it is the female’s job to ask for baguettes to eat.
学习啦在线学习网 The habitat of the Parisian Banana is in Paris, France. During the day, they stay up in the fluffy, white clouds so they can relax peacefully while they admire the view of the crowded city. They like quietness since their ears are very sensitive. As soon as it turns dark, they fly down cautiously to their comfiest near the baguette shop.
学习啦在线学习网 They have to be careful that they aren’t mistaken for food like pepper, when they are red or bananas when they are yellow. Often chefs confuse them with food and this is a dangerous threat to the species.