学习啦在线学习网 总论点:公元108年前,罗马第九军队的总部都在英国。但在公元108年前,就再也没有过第九军队的记录。阅读中提出了三个第九军队到底发生了什么的猜测。
学习啦在线学习网 猜测一:第九军队在苏格兰被打败。大约在罗马军团从历史中消失的时候,苏格兰发生了一场反对罗马统治的叛乱。罗马的国王派第九军团去对抗叛乱。因此,第九军队很有可能在战争全军覆没了。
学习啦在线学习网 解释一:第九军队并没有留下任何的武器装备的考古证据。第九军队作为最大的军队之一,如果想将它彻底消灭,是需要一场巨大的战役的。在苏格兰叛军和其他罗马军队打仗之后,他们都留下了破损的武器的残骸。但是在苏格兰叛军和第九军队打仗之后,并没有留下这些证据。
Task 3
学习啦在线学习网 Reading: Discontinue the campus Jazz Choir
1.Students’ interest about the Choir is low.
2.There’s an alternative choir for other students to go.
Listening: The girl in the conversation thinks that they should not do this.
First of all, she is in the choir, and the reason is really the rehearsal schedule. Right now, they rehearse three times a week and that is too much of a time commitment. If the university can reduce the rehearsal to once a week, it will help a lot. Second, she said it is a different when it comes to the alternative choir. Since that choir plays classical music, and a lot of student do not like listening to classical music, including her.
Task 4
学习啦在线学习网 植物驯化(plant domestication)
学习啦在线学习网 一种植物,这种植物一开始发苦(bitter)而且有毒,人们不吃;后来发现它没有某种化学物质后就变甜了,人们开始种。
Task 5
学习啦在线学习网 【问题】Sarah broke her foot in a basketball match and now she has trouble walking up and down stairs of the dormitory building and there’s no elevator in the building, which makes her feel inconvenient.
【解决方案1】She can move back to her parents’ home. It is about 40 minutes drive.
学习啦在线学习网 【方案1优点】She will have an room of herself and she can do her laundry conveniently. She can eat home-cooked meals, which can be a huge advantage.
【方案1缺点】it is far from the campus, so she has to get up early. She has to take buses to campus, which means she has to get on the bus and find a seat and get off it. These are inconveniences.
【解决方案2】Her friend Judy offered her a place.
【方案2优点】it is convenient.
【方案2缺点】It is a single room, a little bit crowded. She might get in her friend’s way and bring inconvenience to her.
Task 6