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学习啦在线学习网   Pain demands to be felt——The Fault in Our Stars

  The Fault in Our Stars


  Author: John Green(1977-, American writer. He won the Pulitzer Prize for American Library Association.)

  Plot summary

学习啦在线学习网   This is a love story,Hazel is a girl who has thyroid cancer and the cancer metastasizes to the lungs, she has to carry an oxygen tank with her to help breathe, she met Gus in an organization, Gus is a boy with bone cancer and one of his leg was amputated. They fall in love and go on a trip of love to the Netherlands, Hazel opens a new chapter of her life gradually. But when they are on the trip,Gus tells Hazel that his cancer has metastasized and he may face death . But Hazel never abandon him until Gus died because of canner. The ending didn't suppress pain, but warm. (英文恐有误,欢迎指正。)

学习啦在线学习网   重病中的女孩海蓁,爱上了同病相怜的男孩奥古斯塔斯,死神的身影伴随着青春的曼妙,两个年轻人在让人羞赧的生理折磨和情感考验中互相依偎。海蓁想在生命的最后时刻,完成荷兰之旅,男孩忍着病痛,帮她完成了心愿,就告别了这个世界,在有限的日子里给了女孩永远的爱。女孩读着男孩留下的信,凄然泪下……苦难中两颗纯洁心灵的抚慰,残酷中青春之花的绽放,作品将爱情与死亡写得如此平实而奇异,催人泪下,在洗涤人类情感的同时,让人体味生命和爱情的美妙与痛苦。(来源网络)


  1. I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep: Slowly, and then all at once.

学习啦在线学习网   2. Pain demands to be felt.

  3. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.

  4. I hope you realize that you trying to keep your distance from me in no way lessens my affection for you. All your efforts to keep me from you are gonna fail.


学习啦在线学习网   In the face of disease, life is so fragile and helpless., but in the face of love, life is full of hope. The most important thing of life is not the length but the love you have. I am in love with you! Though we are doomed to die, we come from dust, we return to dust, I know disease and death. But it doesn't matter, I am in love with you! What can you expect from life? Cherish what you have especially the love you have and be hopeful about the future!



  本文作者: LIU Y. W.

  公众号: 一起阅读