How often you should wash your bed sheets, according to a microbiologist -- and what happens when you don't
学习啦在线学习网 We spend more than a third of our lives in bed - but that place can quickly blossom into a "botanical park" of bacteria and fungus , according to New York University microbiologist Philip Tierno.
If left for too long, the microscopic life within the wrinkles and folds of our bed sheets can even make us sick, Tierno said.
To stem the invisible tide, he said sheets should be washed once a week.
学习啦在线学习网 他表示,为了阻止这种暗藏的趋势,我们应该一周洗一次床单。
学习啦在线学习网 Humans produce roughly 26 gallons of sweat in bed every year. When it's hot and humid outside, thismoisture becomes what scientists call an "ideal fungal culture medium."
学习啦在线学习网 人类每年在床上会流下大约26加仑的汗水。当外面又热又潮的时候,这些水分会变成科学家口中“理想的真菌培养基”。
学习啦在线学习网 In a recent study that assessed the level of fungal contamination in bedding, researchers found that pillows between 1.5 and 20 years old can contain between four and 17 different species of fungus.
And it's not just your own microbial life you're sleeping with. In addition to the fungi and bacteria that come from your sweat and skin cells, you also share your bed with foreign microbes.
学习啦在线学习网 你睡觉时藏在你周围的微生物不仅仅来自你自身。除了你的汗液和皮肤细胞带来的真菌和细菌,你的床上还有外来的微生物。
学习啦在线学习网 These include animal dander, pollen, soil, lint and dust mite, to name a few.
学习啦在线学习网 举几个例子来说,这包括动物毛屑、花粉、土壤、纤维屑以及尘螨带来的微生物。
Tierno says all that gunk becomes "significant" in as little as a week. And unclean bedding still exposes you to materials that can trigger the sniffing and sneezing, since the microbes are so close to your mouth and nose that you're almost forced to breathe them in.
学习啦在线学习网 提艾诺表示,所有的这些讨厌的微生物在一周的时间里就会变得“不可忽略”。因为这些微生物离你的鼻子和嘴那么近,而不洁净的床上用品使你接触到那些会让你抽鼻子和打喷嚏的物质,你几乎是被迫把那些微生物吸入了体内。
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