编者按:mā má mǎ mà.....ma?在汉语四声教学是典型的案例,运用ma这个音标来学习中国的音标,英语又是如何解释这个现象的呢?一起来看一看。
Tones are the foundation of being able to speak and understand spoken Chinese. Without them not only are you lost listening to conversations but also no one is able to understand you. Here are the tips that getting tones right. It is not that difficult if you practice and use a good approach.
There are four tones as everyone knows, they are:
First tone(1 shēng): a flat high pitch tone, e,g. mā (妈/mum). Like a singer practicing ‘Fa....’.
Second tone(2 shēng): a rising tone, start from a low to a high pitch, e.g. má (麻/ linen;numb). As if you are asking a question.
Third tone(3 shēng): fall and rise, start at a neutral tone then dip lower and end in a high pitch, e.g. mǎ (马/horse). Imagine you are surprised.
Fourth tone(4 shēng): falling tone, start at a high pitch and strongly drop the pitch down, e.g. mà (骂/abuse). My favorite tone, you just sound angry!
And also, There is a neutral tone (qīngshēng): e.g. ma (吗/a particle in "ma" question)
Just try it !
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