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时间: 晓琼996 分享


  高考成绩出来了, 学生反复要求我们出席他们集体谢师宴.多次拒绝后, 我又觉得不近人情.我惴惴又纠结:去还是不去?

学习啦在线学习网   谢师宴,也叫升学宴,尊师重道是中国几千年来的传统美德,孩子升学了,家长总要感谢一下老师,“谢师宴”也就应运而生。现在社会普遍流行起“谢师宴”,有时参入了其它成分.谢师作为一种传统美德,不必非要选择宴请的方式。平时学生对老师尊敬、爱戴就可以表达对老师的感谢,也可以选择送自己动手做的贺卡等。谢师宴会给师生情笼罩上物质化和庸俗化的阴影,不应提倡。

学习啦在线学习网   吃饭在中国不是一个很简单的事,而是人与人之间联系、交往的纽带之一,是中国文化的内容之一。就如外国人喜欢用开派对、旅游的形式交流一样。谢师宴有人情基础,虽然没必要推崇倡导,也没必要大加鞭挞,适可而止就行。

  It has developed into a tradition that graduates hold a banquet to express their thanks for their teachers afeter their results come out. The banquet, in the name ofgraduation dinner, serves the purpose of appreciating the devotion of their teachers. Accordingly, it is also translated as teacher appreciation banquet, where they toast their teachers.

学习啦在线学习网   I am a teacher by profession. Having accomplished the mission of improving the academic work, I feel relieved and proud. Sharing a feast with my students is commonly believed to be reasonable. Meanwhile, fianancial problem is likely to happen to some, which prevents me from making an easy decision.


