学习啦在线学习网 编者按:《你要去哪里啊》是一个带翻译的英语小故事,想要练习英语读写能力的可以多看看在英语小故事,一起来看一看英语小故事带翻译吧。
一个姑娘上了高铁,见自己的座位上坐着一男士。她核对自己的票,客气地说:“先生,您坐错位置了吧?” 男士拿出票,大声嚷嚷:“看清楚点,这是我的座位,你瞎了眼吗?!” 女孩仔细看了他的票,不再做声,默默地站在他的身旁。一会儿火车开动了,女孩低头轻轻地对男士说:“先生,您没坐错位,但您坐错了车!这是开往上海的,你的车票是去哈尔滨的。”
Lady J made her to her seat as soon as she boarded the train. Seeing her seat was occupied by as a stout man, she figured that there was a mistake between her and the occupier.
Having checked her ticket, Lady J politely reminded: “Sir, I’m afraid you have a wrong seat.” The man shouted: “Are you blind? This is my seat! ” with his ticket exposed to her. The lady was choked by the bitter response. She had the least attempt to make further effort. Silence accompanied her as she stayed still by the seat.
学习啦在线学习网 She didn’t say anything until the train started. She bent over the occupier, and whispered: “your seat number is right, but you are on a wrong train” added she, “your train is destined for Harbin, this one for Shanghai.”