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学习啦在线学习网   路上,行人寥寥无几。他们脸上的表情被大大的口罩一分为二,眼神充满着焦虑,步履匆匆,整个世界好像只剩口罩下沉闷的呼吸声。疫情数据在不断刷新:温州市新型冠状病毒感染人数58例,114例,172例……

  On the road, there were few pedestrians. The expression on their face was divided into two parts by the big mask. Their eyes were full of anxiety and they walked in a hurry. The whole world seemed to have only the dull breath under the mask. The novel coronavirus infection in Wenzhou has been reported in 58 cases, 114 cases and 172 cases.


学习啦在线学习网   I suddenly remembered the video that my mother had shown me: the sweaty doctors were taking care of the patients in heavy protective clothing, masks and goggles, and they could not recognize each other because they were "fully armed". So they wrote their names on the back of the clothes. When they change their protective clothing, if they are a little careless, they will be infected. These angels in white are always brave to stand in the front line of the epidemic, to block the terrible virus and build a protective wall for us. We are eating Chinese New Year's Eve dinner and watching the Spring Festival party, but they are saving lives that have been damaged by pneumonia virus.

学习啦在线学习网   新年的红包不知何时变成了一包口罩。对于病毒的恐惧将我们牢牢地关在家中。想起那一位位不求回报,不怕危险的白衣天使们,我真替他们担心。许多位医生被感染,仍然有无数位医生前赴后继赶赴疫情一线。八十多岁的钟南山爷爷带领着他的团队正在夜以继日地研究病毒,希望尽快研制出特效药。这位可敬的老者,虽然已是耄耋之年,但是他依然与其他人一起为疫情的控制做出了的贡献。我佩服他们的勇敢和坚持。在这新的一年里,他们给我们正确面对疫情的勇气和方法。是那些白衣天使们给了人们恢复健康的希望。从年底到新年至今,他们始终坚持不懈,尽自己的努力来抗击病毒。

  I don't know when the new year's red envelope turned into a pack of masks. The fear of the virus keeps us at home. I think of the angel in white who doesn't ask for return and is not afraid of danger. I'm really worried for them. Many doctors have been infected, and there are still many doctors rushing to the front line of the epidemic. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, in his 80s, led his team to study the virus day and night, hoping to develop a specific medicine as soon as possible. Although the venerable old man is an octogenarian, he still contributes to the control of the epidemic together with others. I admire their bravery and persistence. In this new year, they give us the courage and the method to face the epidemic correctly. It's the angels in white who give people hope to recover. From the end of the year to the new year, they have been unremitting in their efforts to fight against the virus.

学习啦在线学习网   一个个白色的身影,一个个汗流浃背的身影,一个个尽职尽责的身影。医生们的防护服下,背负着多少重任,但仍含笑面对。

  One white figure, one sweaty figure, one dutiful figure. Under the protective clothing of the doctors, how many heavy tasks are they shouldering, but they still face it with a smile.


学习啦在线学习网   Thank you, angels in white for your efforts; thank you, medical researchers for their hard work. Thank you to people from all walks of life for fighting the epidemic. It is their efforts that have helped us build a safe protective wall. It is their hard work that has helped us usher in happiness and well-being. Although the virus is powerful and terrible, with their help, we will eventually overcome all difficulties.



  Recently, the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan has affected my heart and worried me. In the face of the strong infectivity of the virus, I am awed by the spirit of protecting life of the medical staff who fight in the front line regardless of pay, life or death. The whole nation will act together to win the war without gunpowder.


  "Not going out is to contribute to our country." Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a young pioneer, and I propose the following suggestions to the students:

学习啦在线学习网   一、养成良好的卫生习惯。出门戴口罩,家中勤洗手,室内常通风。不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾。

  1、 Develop good hygiene habits. Wear masks when going out, wash hands frequently at home, and keep the room ventilated. No spitting, no littering.


  2、 Develop good exercise habits. Regular exercise at home, through certain forms of exercise to enhance their own resistance, immunity.

学习啦在线学习网   三、养成良好的饮食习惯。多喝水,一天不少于1500毫升,均衡饮食,多吃蔬菜和水果,多补充维生素C,不食用野生动物。

  3、 Develop good eating habits. Drink more water, no less than 1500 ml a day, eat a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, supplement more vitamin C, do not eat wild animals.


  4、 Don't go out in the near future, avoid gathering activities, don't go to places with many people, don't visit relatives and friends, and have communication through social software such as phone, wechat, QQ, etc.

学习啦在线学习网   五、主动配合排查,关注疫情信息。家中有亲朋好友是从湖北武汉等地区回来的,主动劝诫他们进行居家观察,配合有关部门排查。正规了解疫情情况,不信谣、不传谣、不造谣,保持良好心态,不恐慌、不紧张。

  5、 Actively cooperate with the investigation and pay attention to the epidemic information. Family members and friends come back from Wuhan, Hubei Province and other areas. They are encouraged to make home observation and cooperate with relevant departments for investigation. Understand the epidemic situation formally, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, do not spread rumors, keep a good attitude, do not panic, do not tense.


  6、 Handle "disposable masks" correctly. The used masks are cut and sealed, and then thrown into the garbage can.

学习啦在线学习网   同学们,让我们手牵手,肩并肩,为抗战病毒出一份力量吧!

  Students, let us hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, for the Anti Japanese War virus out of a force!


学习啦在线学习网   Proponent: English composition



学习啦在线学习网   Novel coronavirus infection is a very unusual year in the Spring Festival. But a new outbreak of pneumonia in a new coronavirus infection has swept the whole country in 2020, and it has touched the hearts of millions of people.


学习啦在线学习网   The war on "epidemic" is a big test. In this resistance war without smoke of gunpowder, whether it is the "soldiers" in the front line or the masses of self-control, the whole country, the whole people's Anti Japanese War, overcome the difficulties.

学习啦在线学习网   人心齐,泰山移。打赢疫情防控阻击战的强大力量,首先来自党中央坚强领导下亿万人民同心协力。习近平总书记对抓好新冠疫情防控工作作出一系列重要指示,为我们打赢疫情防控阻击战提供了根本遵循和行动指南。

  People's hearts move together. First of all, the strong power to win the prevention and control of the epidemic comes from the concerted efforts of hundreds of millions of people under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee. General secretary Xi Jinping novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control work to make a series of important instructions, for our win the prevention and control of the war of resistance against disease provides a fundamental guide to follow and action.

学习啦在线学习网   当前,防控疫情要做到同心同向,关键是把广大干部群众的思想统一到习近平同志重要讲话、重要指示精神和党中央决策部署上来。组织强则战必胜,为打赢疫情防控阻击战,上到党中央,下至各级党组织成立了党政主要负责同志挂帅的应对新型冠状病毒感染疫情工作领导小组,统一领导,统一指挥,分类指导做好疫情防控工作。

  At present, the key to preventing and controlling epidemic situation is to achieve the same goal and the same direction. The key is to integrate the broad masses of cadres and masses' thoughts into Comrade Xi Jinping's important speech, the spirit of important instructions and the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee. Novel coronavirus is responsible for the prevention and control of the disease. In order to win the epidemic prevention and control, the leading group of the party and government responsible for the new coronavirus infection is set up by the Party Central Committee and the party organizations at all levels. The leading group of the new type of coronavirus infection pneumonia is unified leadership, unified command, and classified guidance to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control.


  "The vicissitudes of the sea show the nature of heroism.". The more urgent and critical the situation is, the more severe the challenges and special circumstances are, the more we need to give full play to our organizational advantages and the more important the role of Party organizations and Party members. We must conscientiously study and implement the requirements put forward by Comrade Xi Jinping and the relevant documents issued by the CPC Central Committee to the party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres at all levels. We must rely more firmly on the strength and strength of organizations to mobilize Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres to actively participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, and transform the party's political advantages, organizational advantages and close ties with the advantages of the masses. Strong political advantages of epidemic prevention and control.

学习啦在线学习网   打赢疫情防控阻击战,必须弘扬伟大的民族精神,调动广大人民群众中蕴藏的一切积极因素,形成防控疫情、歼灭病毒的“全民战士”。中国人民在长期奋斗中培育、继承、发展起来的伟大民族精神,为应对这次重大挑战提供了强大精神动力。在打赢疫情防控阻击战的进程中,全国人民勇毅笃行、冲锋在前,筑就抗击疫情的钢铁长城;切实做到心怀大爱、守望相助,形成各方力量联防联控、各种资源紧急驰援的全国一盘棋局面。

  In order to win the battle of prevention and control of epidemic, we must carry forward the great national spirit, mobilize all the positive factors contained in the masses of the people, and form a "national soldier" for prevention and control of epidemic and elimination of virus. The great national spirit nurtured, inherited and developed by the Chinese people in their long-term struggle has provided a strong spiritual impetus for coping with this major challenge. In the process of winning the Resistance War of epidemic prevention and control, the people of the whole country have been brave and determined to build a steel great wall to fight against the epidemic; they have made great efforts to love each other and help each other, forming a national chess game of joint prevention and control of all forces and emergency rescue of various resources.

学习啦在线学习网   医疗战线用很短的时间就甄别出病原体,正努力加强有效药品和疫苗研发,各地医护人员义无反顾奔赴武汉;军队迅速启动联防联控工作机制,紧急抽组精兵强将驰援湖北,为祖国和人民再立新功;工人们昼夜奋战,火神山医院和雷神山医院建设再次让人们惊叹中国速度;省、市、区县、街镇、城乡社区等建立健全防护网络,基层社区实行网格化管理、地毯式排查,将防控措施落实到户、到人;互联网企业和有关单位、部门充分运用大数据、云计算等信息技术,对疫情传播规律及影响因素进行研判,为推出防控举措提供参考和评价……

  In the medical front, pathogens were identified in a very short time, and efforts were being made to strengthen the research and development of effective drugs and vaccines. Medical staff from all over the country rushed to Wuhan without hesitation. The military quickly launched the joint defense and control mechanism, and urgently selected elite troops to help Hubei Province and make new contributions to the motherland and the people; Workers fought day and night, and the construction of huoshenshan hospital and leishenshan hospital once again made people marvel at China's speed; provinces, cities, counties, streets, towns, urban and rural communities established and improved protection networks, grass-roots communities implemented grid management, carpet type screening, and implemented prevention and control measures to households and people; Internet enterprises and relevant units and departments make full use of big data, cloud computing and other information technologies to study and judge the epidemic transmission law and influencing factors, so as to provide reference and evaluation for the launch of prevention and control measures

学习啦在线学习网   14亿中华儿女再一次诠释了一方有难、八方支援的民族情怀,演绎了越是艰险越向前的民族品格。这种伟大民族精神的弘扬,又是与弘扬科学精神紧密结合在一起的。在这次疫情防控阻击战中,我们坚持科学态度,运用科学方法,在严峻复杂的形势面前善于进行理性思考,坚持依法科学有序防控。只要我们紧紧依靠人民群众,打响疫情防控的人民战争,打响疫情防控的总体战,充分调动人民群众的主观能动性,勠力同心、群策群力,就一定能打赢疫情防控阻击战。

  Once again, the 1.4 billion Chinese people have interpreted the national feelings of difficulty and support from all sides, and have demonstrated the national character of being more difficult and forward. The promotion of this great national spirit is closely combined with the promotion of scientific spirit. In this interdiction war of epidemic prevention and control, we adhere to a scientific attitude, use scientific methods, be good at rational thinking in the face of severe and complex situations, and adhere to scientific and orderly prevention and control according to law. As long as we rely closely on the people, launch the people's war of epidemic prevention and control, launch the overall war of epidemic prevention and control, fully mobilize the subjective initiative of the people, and work with one heart and one team, we will surely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

学习啦在线学习网   使命在心,责任在肩。丹东市交通运输全体人员坚决贯彻习近平总书记对疫情防控做出的系列重要指示批示精神,按照党中央、国务院决策部署和省市周密安排,迅速展开轰轰烈烈的疫情防控阻击战,干部群众众志成城,充分发扬交通人“不怕苦,不畏难”的优良品质,构筑起牢不可破的钢铁长城,携手并肩勇度疫情难关,和全国人民共同努力,必将赢得此次疫情阻击战的最后胜利。武汉加油,中国必胜!

学习啦在线学习网   Mission in the heart, responsibility in the shoulder. With vigour and vitality too strong to break our wills unite like a fortress. The Dandong transportation and transportation personnel resolutely carry out the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on epidemic prevention and control. According to the decision making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the careful arrangements of provinces and cities, the vigorous epidemic prevention and control campaign has been launched rapidly, and the cadres and masses have joined hands and become a city. The great wall of iron and steel, together with the people of the whole country, will surely win the final victory of this anti epidemic war. Come on, Wuhan, China will win!