学习啦在线学习网 班主任交代说要带卡纸回校,因为母亲节。
学习啦在线学习网 是的,是我的生日让我记住了母亲节即将来临。记得去年的生日就在母亲节。这个生日过了,母亲节也是来了的。
学习啦在线学习网 是否我们做的多了,就没有了意义,是否当别人要求我们做时,一切都失去了一片心。
学习啦在线学习网 当时自己有点失望吧,只是感慨,是不是一件事情做多了,就没有意义了?
学习啦在线学习网 The head teacher told me to bring the paper back to school because of mother's day.
Yes, it was my birthday that reminded me of the coming of mother's day. Remember last year's birthday on mother's day. Mother's day is coming, too.
If we do more than we do, it makes no sense to us if we are asked to do it.
My mother has received my card, which is a lot! CARDS are sent every year from kindergarten through third grade. This form seems to have been fixed. Mother's day, in fact, to my mother and I seem to have lost its meaning, as usual, I said I love you, has lost its original excited, remember the third grade mother greeting CARDS, with my only inside pocket money - . It's four five dollars. We were playing in bed. Also clearly remember that day, I'm just sick to go to a doctor, is a private clinic, and the son told his father that day is mother's day, his father said, that have to tell his mother say something.
On the way home, mama said, her blessing? Fortunately, I was prepared, otherwise my mother and I would be embarrassed.
Mother's day last year, was also sent mother greeting card, tell her I love her, remember oneself is said: "I know you love me, I love you just love me a few minutes I will love you with you a few minutes." It was just that the whole thing was so boring that it didn't mean a lot of years, so that's it. Mother seriously read me, but later, I found that she didn't give away the CARDS, including the Thanksgiving Day later, paperboard, such as the international working women's day, mom is no longer collection.
学习啦在线学习网 At that time, I was a little disappointed, just to say, is there a thing to do that makes no sense?
学习啦在线学习网 我被问得一愣。说了一句:额!
学习啦在线学习网 然后就不知道究竟该怎么回答了。好吧,我真的没有准备什么,于是被这么一句话给说蒙了。然后就开了一句玩笑话:“就是这件衣服咯!”
学习啦在线学习网 那衣服,是上个星期妈妈自己选的一衣服。弟弟笑了笑,没有说什么。问弟弟又准备了什么礼物呢!他拿了一贺卡出来。嘿!符合他现在的年龄,很童真的一副画还有装饰。都是自己做的。我看了,没有说什么。
学习啦在线学习网 坐校车的时候,一朋友说,他们班全班同学都说必须每个人都制作母亲节卡片,否则不准回家。只可惜,我们班没有这个硬性规定,于是乎,自己带了卡纸也没有做,因为没有了美术课,被周一放假冲掉了!
学习啦在线学习网 好吧,只是要母亲好好爱自己!
When I got home, my brother asked me what I would give for mother's day.
I was stunned. Say a word: forehead!
学习啦在线学习网 Then I don't know what to answer. Well, I wasn't really prepared for it, so I was given a sentence like that. Then he opened a joke: "that's it!"
学习啦在线学习网 The dress was the one she chose last week. The younger brother smiled and said nothing. Ask his brother what gift he has prepared for you! He took a card out. Hey! It was in his present age, and there was a picture of the liuxue86.com boy that was still decorated. They do it all by themselves. I didn't say anything.
Open taobao at once. For nearly an hour. The two targets are locked, one eye presses and a spine presses.
The eye was selected for the kneading machine. Look at the price. Oh, my god. Let me pick it. Thousands of, single-digit, hundreds. And then we've chosen more than two hundred.
Let the seller leave the note. It's no more than mother's day to send here. That day, do not need cake, do not need what, be so, common ground pass!
On the school bus, a friend said, the whole class of their class said that everyone must make mother's day CARDS, or they wouldn't be allowed to go home. Unfortunately, our class didn't have this hard rule, so we took the paper and didn't do it, because there was no art class, it was washed off on Monday!
All right, just want mom to love herself!
学习啦在线学习网 我是善言辞的孩子,是不是就可以免了!
学习啦在线学习网 突然想起外婆的母亲节,在我的印象中,外婆的母亲节,都有过的。每到这一天,妈妈还有舅舅们都会到外婆那里去,送送这个送送那个。外婆,又想你了!母亲节,我怕妈妈会想你!
Music's teacher said, "we're going to remind our classmates tomorrow is mother's day. Let's all prepare something for us, especially those who are not good at words!"
I am the child of good words, be able to avoid!
All of a sudden, if you want to have something to do tomorrow, she will be lost! Today I wrote an article about my mother, although it was not published in the library. One day, I will read it to her.
学习啦在线学习网 Help with the food.
Everyone who enters the post will not forget that tomorrow is mother's day! Without a teacher, everyone will remember that tomorrow is a mother's day?
学习啦在线学习网 Actually, I really want to remind dad that tomorrow is mother's day! I don't know if my father will send a greeting to grandma tomorrow. Maybe my father will surprise grandma.
学习啦在线学习网 Suddenly thinking of grandma's mother's day, in my impression, grandmother's mother's day, all have. Every day, my mother and my uncle would go to grandma's and send this to her. Grandma, miss you again! Mother's day, I'm afraid my mother will miss you!
Maybe I shouldn't stop anything, I miss being a person's freedom!
学习啦在线学习网 一大早我就起来给妈妈准备了早餐,虽然并不是特别丰盛,但是我非常的用心。我首先煎了一个蛋,烤了两片面包,将鸡蛋和起司夹在面包中,挤上番茄酱,又加了两片生菜,这个三明治就完成了,给妈妈热了一碗热牛奶。当妈妈看到我为她做的早餐的时候觉得非常惊讶。也许她还并不知道今天是母亲节吧。
学习啦在线学习网 吃完早餐我就出门去了,我找了一家比较大的花店去定了一束花,我精心选了10朵康乃馨让店主帮我扎了一个特别漂亮的花束。又特地去文具店买了一个奶白色的贺卡,回到家我很神秘的躲在了自己的房间,在贺卡上写了祝福妈妈的话并且画了许多可爱的小花等装饰。
学习啦在线学习网 Yesterday was mother's day, it was Sunday, and I was going to give my mother a little surprise.
学习啦在线学习网 I got up early in the morning and prepared breakfast for my mom, though it wasn't particularly rich, but I was very careful. My first Fried an egg, roast the two slices of bread, eggs and cheese in the bread, crowded ketchup, added two pieces of lettuce, the sandwich was finished, a bowl of hot milk for my mother. My mother was very surprised when she saw me making breakfast for her. Maybe she didn't know it was mother's day.
After breakfast I went out, I found liuxue86.com a big flower to a bouquet of flowers, I carefully chose 10 flower carnation asked the shopkeeper to help I got a special beautiful bouquet of flowers. And specially went to the stationery shop to buy a milk white card, back home I very mysterious hide in his room, in the blessed mother was written on the card and painted many lovely flower decoration, etc.
学习啦在线学习网 At noon, I looked at the time, and while my mother was cooking, I put flowers and CARDS on the table. Waiting for mom to make a meal, she found the bouquet of flowers on the table and the card's surprise. I said a happy mother's day to my mother. My mother hugged me and said thank you to my child.
学习啦在线学习网 I love my mother, and I believe my mother loves me too. This is a happy mother's day.
There are many festivals around us, and today marks the day of mother's day, May 8.
学习啦在线学习网 When my sister was struggling to buy a present for my mother, I suddenly thought of my mother. The sister smiled and said, "that's a good idea."
My sister and I went to a boutique, where there was a lot of good looking stuff, and of course there was perfume. My sister and I have a taste for a perfume that is pink and strawberry, and it has a nice pink diamond on it, which gives you a warm feeling. So the two of us bought it for money.
When we got home, our mother came back from work, and we gave the perfume to our mother, who smiled and told us that we were sensible.