
You can play basketball well英语教案及教学反思

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  怎么才能做出一个好的小学英语教案呢?下面学习啦小编为大家带来小学英语You can play basketball well英语教案及教学反思,供教师参考。

  You can play basketball well英语教案:


  1、知识目标:通过学习,能够牢固掌握fantastic,goalkeeper,fan,catch the ball, jump high, control the ball, run fast等与运动有关的单词和短语

学习啦在线学习网   2、能力目标:学会使用恰当的句型来评价他人,如:You can jump really high. You can catch the ball well 等。在小组合作学习中,使学生具备正确评价自己和评价他人的能力。



学习啦在线学习网   1、掌握本课和football有关的动词短语。

学习啦在线学习网   2、能熟练运用“Can you ... well”,“I can ... well”,“You can ... well”等句型询问、评价自己和他人的能力。


  能熟练运用“Can you ... well”,“I can ... well”,“You can ... well”等句型询问、评价自己和他人的能力。




学习啦在线学习网   Step1、I say you do, I do you say.

  Today is a little cold, at the first, let’s do some actions.the first time, I say you do. ...

  Well done, this time, I do the actions and you say the sports. ...

  Step2、Know some sports personalities.

学习啦在线学习网   1、Look at this man, who is this? Yes, he is Liu Xiang. He can (run fast.together,(He can run fast)。Then ask the children:

  Can you run fast? ...

  2、Look at this one, he is Yao Ming. He can play (basketball),I can play basketball too, but he can play basketball well,and I play it not very well. Follow me, He can play basketball well. ...

  3、And just look at this, this is Beckham, He is from (England),he can (play football) very (well)。

  He can pass the ball well. OK, look at me,pass the ball(action),pass the ball.He can play football well, it meas he is good at football.(repeat)

学习啦在线学习网   4、This man, maybe you don’t know him,but he is a very fantastic goalkeeper.(point to the picture)goalkeeper(ss follow),He is a goalkeeper. He can catch the ball well. Look, he can catch the ball with his hands or feet.(read:catch the ball)。

  He is a fantastic goalkeeper.fantastic(ss follow)fantastic means very very good.

  5、And this is Chinese football team. They play football not very well.(next page) “not very well”(follow)。

  They play football not very well now.(repeat)。But I’m their fan.(next page)look,these are the fans of Chinese football team.(follow)

学习啦在线学习网   Step3、Learn the text.

  1、Lingling wants to be in the football team, what can she do well? Can she be in the football team?Let’s listen to the text and answer these questions.

学习啦在线学习网   2、listen and repeat.

学习啦在线学习网   Step4: Practice.

  1、Read in roles.

学习啦在线学习网   2、Rebuild Quanxing football team.

学习啦在线学习网   Step5: Something in football ground.

  Let’s watch the vedio.

  You can play basketball well教学反思:

  本次我的课题是《You can play football well》,英语课程的学习,是学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合运用语言的能力。在本课的设计中,我将单词教学放在一定的情景中进行,做到”词不离句”;而且教学衔接比较自然,一步步的引入,一步步的学习、巩固。虽然,游戏和活动较多,但在游戏和活动时,不忘记语言的输入与输出,避免了将英语课上成游戏课或活动课。

  1. 在教学中,首先采用了歌曲导入,先让孩子们唱了一首歌walking”。这首歌曲中包含了许多的动作词组,孩子们边唱边做出动作,为接下来的教学做了铺垫;接着通过学生“听问题回答并做动作”等活动复习了有关的动作词组;(用can you .......?句型)由 “play football” 引入到本节课的教学,通过划分足球队,篮球队将有关的语言知识渗透在各个教学活动中。 (活动过程中我先唱一遍,其目的是让孩子们看到一个活跃的老师,然后再与孩子们一起来边唱边做动作完成歌曲,让孩子们感受到情切感,从而拉近与孩子们的情感交流。得到了我预想的效果,孩子们很热情。同时孩子们在唱的过程中也复习了动作单词walk 、run、 jump 我也很顺利的引入Can you …。.?句型)

  2. 在新课教学中由football、I can paly football.贝克汉姆引出You can play football well.引出课题与单词 “well, badly”;由分The boy's team and The girl's team 引入单词“team”和词组“football team”的教学;由football、I can paly football.用足球明星贝克汉姆引You can play football well.引出课题与单词 “well, badly”及词组的教学。

  3. 由玩足球是所需动作引出单词catch、control新单词,再由单词造句Can you catch the ball?回答Yes,I can. No,I can't.重点句型及相关词组、句型的教学。(在这两个部分中学习新的单词,因为是以足球导入的而踢、接、控都与动作有关,孩子们在学习过程中表现自然且热情,但也是因为他们的自然让我忽视了单词的练习,导致在后面学习课文时出现了困难让孩子们有些吃力。)在分散突破了单词、词组及相关句型的教学之后,回到课文的学习,同学们就能较好地理解课文内容,掌握课文知识了。并在课文学习中运用男女队竞赛方式激发学生的积极性。在听的过程中按照课文顺序先找can't在找can 最后总结学习啦在线学习网Lingling是能够加入足球队其原因就是每个人都有自己的闪过点。

  4. 课文结束后又做了单词与句型的滚固练习加强重点句型“Can you ......?运用与回答。(活动中由于过分强调教学的连贯性和整体性,而忽略了个别学生单词的发音,和单词fantastic 也没有讲解发音部分,在小组比赛过程中没能掌握两组平衡导致最后男生失去竞赛与表现信心;再有,在听录音找句子学习啦在线学习网的过程中不应在翻译句子上停留过的时间导致影响学生的听音反映的能力;另外,还应该给其他学生多创设一些“说”的机会。 如:多给没有大胆举手的同学试着发言的机会。)

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You can play basketball well英语教案及教学反思

怎么才能做出一个好的小学英语教案呢?下面学习啦小编为大家带来小学英语You can play basketball well英语教案及教学反思,供教师参考。 You can play basketball well英语教案: 教学目标: 1、知识目标:通过学习,能够牢固掌握fantas