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What happened to you英语教案及教学反思

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What happened to you英语教案及教学反思

  做好英语教案,是小学英教师正常开展教学活动的重要保障,下面学习啦小编为大家带来小学英语What happened to you英语教案及教学反思,希望对你有所帮助。

  What happened to you英语教案:


  1、语言知识目标:在口语操练中复习和巩固已学的词汇和句型;掌握新单词thirsty,put,watermelon以及短语a bike ride.同时要求掌握句型What happened to you?以及了解fell off, fell on, fell over的区别。




  1、能听懂会说 what happened to you?听懂会说happen, put, ride, thirsty, watermelon。对句型What happened to you?的掌握以及在生活场景中的运用。

学习啦在线学习网   2、教学难点是区分单词:fall over和fall off, fall on.




  Step 1 热身复习

  1. Greetings.

  2. Sing a song.《we walked and walked》

学习啦在线学习网   Step 2 新知导入

  1. New words

学习啦在线学习网   T: You did a good job. Today we are going to have four groups. I will give a nice name.(依次出示 apple, orange, banana, watermelon的图片, 同时教授新单词watermelon)

  Play a game.: listen and do T: Now let’s play a game. Stand up, please.(教师依次发出指令并做动作) Show me your book. Put it on your hand Now put it on your head. Put it on your arm.

  T: Oh, the book fell off my arm.(出示单词卡片教学新单词put, fall off,fell off)

学习啦在线学习网   展示中国滑冰运动员张丹在冬奥会摔倒的图片: T: What happened to her? Ss: She fell over. (出示单词卡教授 happen, happened)

  出示图片T: Look at this picture, Daming and Sam went for a bike ride yesterday. Then they were hungry and thirsty. (结合场景教授单词 bike ride, went for a bike ride, thirsty)

学习啦在线学习网   Play a game.(火眼金睛)

  T: Look at the screen, I’ll show some words, you should see it quickly, and then read it.

  2. Text T: Daming and Sam went for a bike ride yesterday, but they had an accident. Now let’s look, what happened to them.

学习啦在线学习网   播放第一次录音回答下列问题:What did they buy? What happened to Daming? 第二次播放录音,让学生跟读并模仿录音内容,跟读两遍。

  学生自由读文本并圈出单词were, went, happened, put, fell, bought 学生小组内分角色表演,然后班内展示。

  Step3 专项训练

  T: Now boys and girls, close your books. And try to complete the story.

  Yesterday Sam and Daming ______ for a bike ride. They _____ hungry and thirsty. So they______ a watermelon. Sam ______ the watermelon on his bike. Then Sam _______ ________ his bike. And Daming ________ his head.

学习啦在线学习网   (学生独立完成后,集体订正答案,用齐读的方式复述故事以巩固文本内容。)

学习啦在线学习网   Step 4 内化巩固

  T: We know the story about Sam and Daming. Look at these pictures, what happened to them?


学习啦在线学习网   图片1: The girl ran to the bus. Then she fell over.

  图片2: The boy played football on the playground. Then he fell on the football.

学习啦在线学习网   图片3: The boy jumped on the bed. Then he fell off the bed.

学习啦在线学习网   图片4:The boy went for a bike ride. Then he fell off his bike.


  Step 5 学以致用

  T: 同学们,在我们的日常生活中,经常会遇到一些小意外。请回忆一下你的经历中都发生了哪些小意外,小组内进行交流。

学习啦在线学习网   Step 6 Home work:

  1. Listen and retell the story.

  2. Try to tell an accident about yourself for your classmates.

  What happened to you教学反思:

学习啦在线学习网   根据《英语课程目标》提出基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力,结合这一目标要求,以及本课的特点,我以“任务型”教学和情境教学为纲领,结合“TPR”教学法,通过听,说,读,写,演,等一系列教学活动,培养学生的学习兴趣,鼓励同学们大胆运用英语参与实践并及时予以表扬和鼓励使他们获得学习英语的成就感和喜悦感。


学习啦在线学习网   1.整堂课的重点突出,活动不多,但每个活动都比较有实效,且每个活动有梯度,难度逐层递进,让学生步步提高能力,且本节课给学生创造了很多自由发挥的机会,学生很踊跃,参与面广,最后一个活动能结合实际,设计一个动态的任务,学生积极参与,教学效果较好。


  3.英语教学要注重真实信息交际。就是说,英语教学中应贯彻交际性原则,要求我们尽可能把所学语言用之于真实,或最大程度接近于真实,以真实交际为目的而开展教学活动。因此,我设计了看图编故事的活动What happened to? 让学生小组合作运用所学的知识讲述过去发生的事情,所展示的活动图片都是平时学生常发生的事情。



学习啦在线学习网   本节课的学习效果基本达到预期目的,但我认为自己在每一项活动前的指令语言还不够清楚简练,课前准备不够充分;其次,时间分配不够合理,前面的活动用时太多课文部分和最后的任务完成时间较不足。在评价方面也存在不足,表现在评价方式过于简单没有激发起学生的竞争意识,导致课堂上有几个学生偶尔注意力不够集中;评价内容太单一,没有全方位的对学生进行有效的评价。在小组评价出现极大地差别时,没能做到及时调控,在一定程度上打击了学生学习的积极性。

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