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学习啦在线学习网   每个人的童年回忆里都少不了童话。许多童话不仅仅是为孩子们而写,也能够让成人读得津津有味,手不释卷。下面几部老少皆宜的英国童话,是不是唤起了大家美好的童年记忆呢?如果小时候没读过也不要紧,现在补起来也不迟~~

  A 1964 children's book by British author Roald Dahl. The story features the adventures of young Charlie Bucket inside the chocolate factory of the eccentric chocolatier, Willy Wonka. The book was adapted into two major motion pictures: Willy Wonka &the Chocolate Factory in 1971, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in 2005. The 2005 version casts Johny Depp as Willy Wonka。

  英国作家Roald Dahl创作于1964年的一部童书,讲述了小男孩查理·毕奇在古怪的巧克力制造商威利·旺卡的工厂里的冒险旅程。这本书曾两次被改编为电影:1971年的《欢乐糖果屋》,以及2005年的《查理和巧克力工厂》。在2005年的版本中由著名影星约翰尼·德普扮演威利·旺卡。

  A series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent

  wizard Harry Potter, a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quest to overcome the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort. The book series has sold more than 400 million copies and has been translated into 67 languages. All the seven books have been made into films. The series finale is currently scheduled for release on 15 July 2011.

学习啦在线学习网   英国作家JK罗琳创作的系列奇幻小说,讲述了霍格沃茨魔法学校的学生,年轻巫师哈利·波特的冒险和成长历程,以及他打败邪恶的黑魔王伏地魔的故事。该系列所有版本的总销售量超过4亿本,已经被翻译成67种语言。该系列七部小说都已经被改编成电影,最后一部将于今年7月15日上映。

  A fairy tale by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. Peter Pan, who can fly and never grows up, spends his never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang the Lost Boys, interacting with mermaids, Indians, fairies, pirates, and (from time to time) meeting ordinary children from the world outside. The story of Peter Pan has been adapted and expanded many times. The most famous adaptations include a Disney animated film in 1953.

  苏格兰作家J. M。巴利创作的童话。永不长大的彼得·潘住在名为“乌有乡”的小岛上,统帅着一群走失的男孩,和美人鱼、印第安人、精灵以及海盗生活在一起,时不时还去拜访一下外面世界里普通的孩子们。彼得·潘的故事曾多次被改编及续写,最著名的改编版本当属迪斯尼于1953年出品的动画电影《彼得·潘》。

学习啦在线学习网   A fantasy novel for children by C. S. Lewis, the first-published book of The Chronicles of Narnia, and the best known book of the series. The story happens in 1940 during World War II, featuring the adventures of four children, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie, who enter the magic world of Nania through a wardrobe, and fight against the White Witch to save Nania. The book was included in TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005.

学习啦在线学习网   英国作家C.S。刘易斯创作的奇幻故事,《纳尼亚传奇》系列的第一部,也是最著名的一部小说。故事发生在二战时期的英国,讲述了四兄妹彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露西通过魔衣橱进入奇幻世界纳尼亚之后的冒险故事,以及他们如何打败白女巫,拯救了纳尼亚。该书曾被《时代周刊》评选为1923到2005一百部最佳英文小说之一。

学习啦在线学习网   The first novel in English novelist Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. The fantasy novel is set in a universe parallel

学习啦在线学习网   to our own and tells of Lyra Belacqua's journey north in search of her missing friend and her imprisoned uncle. Actually "The Golden Compass" is the North American version of its title, but it's somehow more well-known than the original British title Northern Lights。

学习啦在线学习网   英国小说家菲力普·普曼的《暗物质三部曲》的第一部。故事发生在与我们的宇宙平行的另一个世界中,讲述了莱拉·贝拉克一路向北,寻找她失踪的朋友和被囚禁的叔叔的故事。“黄金罗盘”其实是该书北美版的标题,却不知为何比英国版标题《北方之光》更为人熟知。

学习啦在线学习网   A series of children's stories by Beatrix Potter. The rabbits in Potter's stories are anthropomorphic; Peter wears a jacket and shoes. Peter and his family live in a rabbit hole that has a human kitchen, human furniture. Peter Rabbit was named after a pet rabbit Beatrix Potter had as a child. The Peter Rabbit series has sold more than 151 million copies in 35 languages。
